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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Property-Destructo Lass Give her a Brick Tricks Multipower, with the Side Effects (-0) of 'causes lots of damage to the surroundings'. Several of the Strength and Toughness powers in the 5e USPD (Shockwave, Crack the Whip, etc) make use of that.
  2. Re: 5e Vehicle Design Problems Phys Lim: Light For Its Size (takes Knockback as if it was (whatever size is about 67 ktons)).
  3. Re: Counterpunch Punch/Counterpunch ...
  4. Re: Counterpunch Something like ... +Xd6 HA, Constant, Damage Shield, requires an attack roll, restrainable Perhaps?
  5. Re: Detect Evil in your superhero game... Kind of jumping to the end of the thread ... but I'd veto the power, were I you. It looks like, no matter how it's built, it's going to be a colossal pain in the butt and open up issues that are just going to bog the game down.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Remind me never to try to mow the lawn when the heat index is 106.
  7. Re: Psychokinetic Controls Same here. I was thinking of it like some sci-fi flying saucers, where the alien race controls the ship 'with their minds' .. and then the captive human gets free, tries to fly the thing, and he's all 'where are the controls?!'
  8. Re: The cranky thread It ... doesn't look closed to me?
  9. Re: What does routine skill check, easy skill check & difficult skill check mean to y There's really no hard and fast rule for it. You just kind of eyeball it ... 'this makes it a little harder', 'this makes it a LOT harder', 'this makes it a little easier' and so forth.
  10. Re: Weather Prediction SS: Meteorology?
  11. Re: The cranky thread A week or so ago, I went into a store to buy a new Pokemon game. Because the games are popular, and fairly easily stolen in small boxes, they keep all the copies behind the counter except for a 'display box'. Both of the clerks behind the counter were African-American. Is there something wrong with me that I felt very, very uneasy saying 'Could I please get a copy of Pokemon Black' under those circumstances, and just took the display box up to the counter?
  12. Re: Personality Change Another option might be Mental Transform initiated by the computer with appropriate limitations on the targets, then.
  13. Re: Personality Change I don't think Shapeshift really works for that, since Shapeshift is purely cosmetic. It might let you fool Mind Scan or some kinds of Mental Group detects, but I don't think Shapeshift to Mental can change your Psych Lims, just like Shapeshifting to anything else can't change your Phys Lims. I'll have to let someone familiar with 6e verify this, but I thought I read something on the boards about some kind of 'Variable Complication' ability in one of the Advanced Player's Guides. Sounds right up the alley.
  14. Re: Psychokinetic Controls Because then anybody can still use the vehicle, the specific character will just use it better. The idea is that the vehicle can only be operated via PK.
  15. Re: Evil Fey That's one of those campaign-dependent things, which is why you can't really just ask 'what's a fey' in HERO. You need to figure out what fey are, how they work, and what they do in your game, and build it from there. I've never really used fey (I don't find those mythos that interesting), but I generally go more 'aloof and indifferent' than 'capricious and amoral'. In other words, your PC complains about the issues of having a Secret ID and the fae responds 'And I'm supposed to care ... why?'. Or alternately, 'Were you talking to me? You should stop doing that.'
  16. Re: He Who Fights Then Runs Away... This kind of gets into the priority issue. Some villains are more dangerous than others; I'd certainly be more likely to bust my afterburner running down The Monster over, say, Foxbat. There's also the matter of whether or not the villain can be caught. If Vector decides to make a break for it, just wave bye-bye 'cause you ain't catching him.
  17. Re: He Who Fights Then Runs Away... Considering there are a nearly infinite number of circumstances surrounding superfights, it's almost impossible to come up with an answer that doesn't resemble an essay. The short version: Does something have greater priority than catching the villain (endangered innocents topping the list)? If yes, then do that; if not, then give chase.
  18. Re: Evil Fey The main rulebook. It's just like making any character. Decide what you want it to do and start crunching numbers.
  19. Re: How To Build: Gibbon Just take the chimp and lower its stats until it feels appropriately gibbonesque.
  20. Re: Could FATE Aspects Work In HERO? The negative aspects seem like Complications, wouldn't the positive Aspects just be ... buying stuff?
  21. Re: Basic/Expert Spellcasting Actually, they probably would be ... they likely wouldn't have the time to spare to learn anything else due to the dedication involved, and I'm intending for multiple-arcana casters to be quite rare (represented mechanically by requiring a separate Power skill for each school).
  22. Re: What If? Fertility Control I suppose a lot of this depends on what you want to happen. Realism isn't necessarily a positive; if you want this effect to be mostly positive, well, that's just how things fell in the game world.
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