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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Percy Jackson and the Olympians I'm not sure how to do spoiler tags, but wouldn't it be easier to just buy mortal weapons with 'not vs gods/monsters'?
  2. Re: Looking for: Heroic Power Mimic Thanks, everybody ... looks like my PC is out of luck. She has a variable power set (rather Ben 10 is, by design, including getting the wrong powers) which makes it hard for her to get training in them. I was thinking a power mimic would be a perfect workout partner.
  3. Re: So, all the super-prisons broke ... Yeah, but where do you keep them?
  4. I've been egged into reviving an old Champs team, and I'm debating running Reality Storm as an adventure. Since Destroyer and Kreuzritter (sp?) can control the reality storm and want to cause as much damage as possible, I was considering having them crack open Stronghold and any other worldwide prisons expressly used for containment of superhumans. I can't recall Destroyer's relationship with Menton in 5e, I'll have to check that ... he might be trying to kill him or free him, depending on just how that falls. Anyway, Stronghold and its ilk are destroyed. After the Storm passes, obviously the governments and agencies of the world will start rebuilding them, but until then ... what do they do with super-prisoners in the meantime?
  5. Re: Changing the roll low to hit and skill check to a roll high to hit and skill chec It's not that complex ... all task resolution is low.
  6. Re: Invisible to Mental It wouldn't block Telepathy. It would prevent Mind Scan, and Detects in the Mental Sense Group.
  7. Re: Compeling Complications Similar conversation already going: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/86385-Could-FATE-Aspects-Work-In-HERO
  8. Re: Looking for: Heroic Power Mimic Yeah ... I was mostly checking 'cause I needed an NPC with that power set for something and wanted to poach official materials if any existed.
  9. Re: Would you buy... 1. No; I have the 5e FH Grimoires, and have no interest in either 'magical girls' or Krim. 2. In a heartbeat. 3. Not really. 4. No. 5. Wouldn't even keep it if it were a gift.
  10. Re: Do you use Dr Destroyer in your campaign and if so, which version & how? The fact that he's hard to fight directly is kind of the point. He's not a villain you beat, he's a villain whose plans you thwart.
  11. Are there any confirmed good-guy (or at least neutral-guy) supers in the Champs Universe (regardless of edition) who have the ability to mimic other people's powers? My initial searches have come up blank.
  12. Re: What If? Fertility Control Yes, and it's nauseating, so that doesn't happen in my game worlds.
  13. Re: What If? Fertility Control Yeah ... I forget some people run worlds where people can be bought and sold.
  14. Re: Do you use Dr Destroyer in your campaign and if so, which version & how? I've never used him directly, but I have had situations where PCs have run into plots instigated by him, encountered underlings, agents, robots and flunkies. That sort of thing. I did run the 4e 'Island of Dr. Destroyer' adventure once before, but that doesn't really count because the Destroyer in there isn't Zerstoiten.
  15. Re: What If? Fertility Control Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the game world. There may not even be any gods or goddesses, much less one of something like fertility. And I really don't see how you draw the connection between this system and Brave New World. How would planning to have children make them unloved and wards of the state? It's nonsensical.
  16. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  17. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Which is everybody in my games.
  18. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  19. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings
  20. Re: Multiform Question I would go with 'no', simply because it's no limitation. You can't use the other powers in the Multiform after you change because they don't exist anymore because you changed character sheets.
  21. Re: The cranky thread It's 5:15am. I haven't slept a wink. I have to be at dialysis by 7am. It's gonna be a long day.
  22. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings I think of it more along the lines of 'We've confirmed the sexual orientation of these particular characters. Everybody else? Whatever you want to do'.
  23. Re: What does routine skill check, easy skill check & difficult skill check mean to y Tarzan had Clinging, only to trees. But, yeah, if you're performing a routine task under no stress with a skill, you shouldn't have to roll (maybe if you just have familiarity ...). Dude fixing your car doesn't have to roll Mechanics. Dude trying to rebuild your engine block in one day? Roll Mechanics and pray.
  24. Re: Personality Change Hmm. Another idle thought ... giving the main CPU Mind Control to machines with the Set Effect: "You are a (farmer/princess/viking/alien/etc), act appropriately", then give the robots a small VPP for skills that have to match that role as well. Give them low EGOs and maybe a vulnerability to Cyber-Mind Control, then whatever else you can do to lower their potential breakout roll ('computer error').
  25. Re: Viking saga - the saga of Biorn You can't fool him ... he wasn't Biorn yesterday.
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