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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Starting points No, I don't believe that was ever an assumption of 5e. I have never seen it stated that you could take more than the campaign-dictated maximum of Disads (though you could take less with a corresponding loss of points to spend).
  2. Re: Plucking out the eye that offends thee... Permanent/long-lasting blinding or impairment would definitely be a Transformation attack.
  3. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack?
  4. Re: Would you allow a player to run this character in your game: Psylock That would probably be another reason I'd disqualify him as a PC in my games, but that's not a rules/balance issue ...
  5. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? Well, assuming 60 AP Caps, after applying Usable As Attack and Ranged, you have 12" of Teleport. If I'm remembering the falling rules right, that means 10d6 damage from the fall (fall 5", then hit during the fall 10" segment), though there's a high probability of being rendered knocked down by the fall, and melee-only targets will have to hold their action until they land to try to do anything.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Teen Champions ... "Should we tell Rowan about this?" "Why? Every time we do, she uses words like 'unauthorized' or 'no'." "And then you go ahead and do it anyway." "Exactly! It's just more efficient this way." "Just to mention ... every time Vixen says she has an idea, we flee." "You're all still alive, aren't you?" "Yes ... because we flee." Background: Dynamo, who hates having superpowers, hangs out regularly with a girl who has a power suppression field. "I like her because she turns me off."
  7. Re: Would you allow a player to run this character in your game: Psylock I'd go with 'no', personally. It's just a variant of the 'mentalist sniper' thing, plus having four characters operating at once (mentalist, AI, followers) would make his turns an absolute time-hogging nightmare.
  8. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? What was wrong with the third option, 'no'?
  9. Re: Voice-Deactivation Well, the whole point of power advantages and limitations is to change how the rules work. Limited Power is just kind of a catch-all that helps sculpt a power into what you're after.
  10. Re: 5th Edition: TK Trick And Teamwork Hmm. There is a way to make Telekinesis affect energy, typically by taking the limitation 'only vs (energy type)'. He could have a specific slot for Electrokinesis(?), ready an action for when the bolt is fired, then 'grab' and redirect it, perhaps?
  11. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? I've never observed a problem with it. I certainly would not recommend allowing noncombat multiples or Megascale on it; OAF using opponents are typically screwed in any event, as someone will target their foci for destruction or disarming early on. I also rule that possessing whatever 'reasonably common' defense stops the teleporting from working protects their foci, as a side note.
  12. Re: Voice-Deactivation In 5e's Gadgets and Gear, the Web-Projector gadget has a slot called 'Web Gag'. The relevant part of the power is: Darkness to Hearing Group, 1" Radius, Usable As Attack, Ranged, Only affects one person (-1/2), Only prevents speech, not hearing (-1) Applying other modifiers like gestures/incantations for the spell, and such, should get you what you're after.
  13. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) Go figure. A friend of mine once told me of a girl who played a speedster named 'Quickie' ...
  14. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play To be fair, most everything in the Silver Age was done in a ridiculous manner.
  15. Re: 5th Ed. Question: Desolidification(is affected by magic) vs Magical being? You have two separate powers here, Desolidification and Mind Control. If magical beings are remotely common, you should get a limitation on your Mind Control.
  16. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play I was about to say, why does everybody forget Aquaman has superspeed, superstrength, and invulnerability? Oh, and he can telepathically stun humans, too. (Answer: 1. Because he hangs out with people who are faster, stronger, tougher, and better telepaths and 2. Because Superfriends.)
  17. Re: Exploding Fists of Fury I'd just call it 'Full Power Only', at a -0 or perhaps -1/4 depending on how soft targets tended to be in the game and how big a problem said splattering will be for the PC, and whether or not the PC has other offensive options. In most cases, 'Full Power Only' isn't much of a limitation because you almost always hit something as hard as you can. If the PC also has Normal attacks or NNDs and such (especially if he can pull them), having to use the HKA at full power isn't much of a drawback because he can always just choose not to use it or only use it on objects. If the HKA is his only real attack option, it could be worth a -1/4 assuming he has reason not to want to kill his foes (Code vs Killing, member of an organization that frowns on such, legal issues, so forth).
  18. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play Sorry to break it to you, but the use of armor as avoidance is official, both as Combat Luck and other builds as of 5e Champions. Heck, the 5e Champions genre book expressly advises against relying solely on DCV.
  19. Re: Evil Fey Not aware of writeups for them, but if you want them in your game, by all means.
  20. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play Batman has, in fact, beaten Darkseid in unarmed, hand to hand combat.
  21. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play You can represent dodging/rolling with it/etc. with regular defenses, not just DCV. No reason you can't have 20PD/ED Armor defined as 'I'm good at avoiding the brunt of attacks'.
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