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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation? This may well be one of those cases where instead of 'it happens this often, therefore it's this limitation' should be reversed. Set the limitation value to whatever you want; that's how often it will get in your way.
  2. Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation? My first question would be why does it only affect the British? That seems really ... weird, and since I don't want to have to figure out whether or not everybody in the entire game world is British, I'd probably just say 'No, that's too big a pain in the butt, veto'.
  3. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? No reason it would. Invisibility to Touch only means that the person you're touching, or that's touching you, doesn't feel it. It has no effect on damage taken or dealt.
  4. Re: How do you introduce players to champions? I'd recommend 1. Keep the characters as simple as possible. No complicated builds, no extensive Multipowers. Worry about task resolution (what dice to roll when, basically) during the first couple of sessions. Once they get that down, you can move down the chart to 2 or 3, though the ability to build one's own chararacter isn't a necessity. I have a player who's been at Champions since 1st Edition and couldn't build a character if his life depended on it.
  5. Re: The cranky thread I thought that was what TV dinners were.
  6. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? Pretty sure that doesn't work. Force Walls/Barriers, yeah, but I don't think Indirect lets you bypass damage shields.
  7. Re: Golem How heavy do you want him to be? Where do you want him to be from? How do you want it to play into it? Do you think he should be able to leap? How much damage do you want them to do? What are the campaign maxima?
  8. Re: Golem In that case, he probably wouldn't need the Phys Lim, no, if they're fairly thin. If you want them to, they would. If you don't, they don't.
  9. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack?
  10. Re: Golem If you give him Tentacles (with no hands), he would get a Phys Lim for not being able to manipulate objects easily. A Flash seems like a perfectly justifiable attack power for a crystalline being. Should probably have a limitation that it doesn't work in dark areas, though, assuming he does it through refracting extant light.
  11. Re: Golem Well, he's probably going to be pretty slow. Rigid materials could be vulnerable to sonic attacks, or Find Weakness attacks.
  12. Re: Golem GraniteMan, from the Tiger Squad, is made of stone and lacks genitalia, but nobody would call him GraniteGirl. His physique is very masculine, even if he lacks a ... stalactite.
  13. Re: Golem In-character, though, why would he make the golem look so inhuman? I get that you want it to look original, but why would the character do that? Multipower: +3d6 Hand-to-Hand Attack (electrical) +3d6 Hand-to-Hand Attack (sonic) with linked Hearing Flash, No Range
  14. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play I admit, I never really thought of Rick Jones as the Hulk's sidekick, even though Jones himself evidently did.
  15. Re: You Make the Call With Cosmic, absolutely not, without a DAMN fine justification and even then it would be unlikely. Now, a similar construct would be appropriate for, say, a character with cybernetics who can plug skillchips into his head, or maybe a robot who can download information from the Internet. But there would be more limitations on that (most notably, when and where you can change the powers so you can't pull a sudden spoiler with getting just the right skill). But as-is, no freakin' way in the basement.
  16. Re: Normal Damage Weapons used at Range The main difference is whether your power projects the ice chunk/ice spear, or if you have to physically chuck the thing after you create it (plus just how much detail you feel like putting in the build).
  17. Re: Common superhero types you've never seen in play "Sidekick is a state of mind." There'd be no reason not to make the Sidekick on as many points as the PC; it would just be a matter of the sidekick choosing to apprentice himself to the partner and, essentially, choosing to be his 'follower'. Taking Psych Lims like 'Rookie; prone to making amateur mistakes', 'Idolizes Other PC', 'Loyal to Other PC', and then accepting that he gets top billing during introductions. Generally, though, I believe PCs should be roughly equal to one another, both in terms of power level and authority. It would be a rare exception where I'd want to have one or more PCs explicitly beneath another, and it would definitely be something the players would have to agree to. I've been wary of running games with any kind of military hierarchy, for example, because that would have one PC outranking another.
  18. Re: Normal Damage Weapons used at Range Apparently, it's legal to put Ranged on an HKA, but not a HA ... which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, so that's a rule I generally ignore. I believe the official way to do it would be to buy an Energy Blast vs PD, with the limitation 'range based on STR'.
  19. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? Relative to Teleport UAA? Helps with the aport into mid-air aspect, as far as not being rendered prone when you land (maybe).
  20. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? Yes, it's possible to pin down one character fairly often. So what? "I hold my phase until he breaks out of my Entangle, then Entangle him again." "He wriggled out of my grab? Grab him again." "He can see again? Re-Flash." "He stood up? Martial Throw!" It's hardly unique to this power construct. So, teamwork bad. Got it. Oh, and
  21. Re: Using 6th edition villains in a 5th edition Campaign It wouldn't be too difficult. So long as you understand what a power is supposed to do, it should be easy enough to reconstruct it using 5e mechanics if need be.
  22. Re: What have your experiences been with a Teleportation as an attack? He can still attack reasonably unimpaired, however, assuming he has a ranged attack. If he doesn't, he's primarily a melee fighter (brick, speedster, martial artist), which means he can probably stand up and perform some kind of Move-Through, Move-By, Passing Strike or the like. If he can't do any of those, well, congratulations, you're that guy's big tactical deficiency. Enjoy it.
  23. Re: Golem Taking the questions in order ... No. I've made a fair number of characters who transfer their minds into construct bodies (usually robots rather than golems, but similar principles apply). Several possibilities. Phys Lim: No sense of touch, taste, and smell (Frequently, Slightly Impairing) He'd probably be a classic brick; high Strength and Defenses, but not very fast (middling-to-low DEX and SPD). Total Life Support, because he doesn't have any biological functions whatsoever. Probably pretty heavy,depending on what he's made of, and he's pretty tall, so a Phys Lim for being nine feet tall and really heavy* as well. He can't ride in most civilian vehicles, would be inconvenienced fighting in places with low ceilings, etc. As far as original goes, that's pretty original. Why does the guy doing the transfer build his golem to be so inhuman-looking? *Or some Persistent Inherent Always On Density Increase and Growth, depending on how you choose to do such things.
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