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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Jokes A giraffe walks into a cocktail lounge, and says "Highballs are on me!"
  2. Re: The Nightmare of Megascale Teleport Legal, but incredibly hard to justify. The answer to an abusive build is not 'start making villains that specifically get around it to nerf it'. If you have to create ridiculous, hard-to-justify villain builds just to prevent a PC from destroying the game, don't ... there's no reason to make more work for yourself. The occassional Nemesis villain who thwarts a PCs powers specifically is okay, and in-genre, but if you have to do it every time to maintain a semblance of balance, it's going to get ridiculous. The answer is 'say no'.
  3. Re: The Nightmare of Solomon Short version (add politeness and tact as desired): "Sorry, that doesn't fly with me. It's breaking the game, so I'm disallowing it."
  4. Re: WWYCD: I've been relaunched/Rebooted! Hmm. Leaving Vixen out of this one, as she hasn't even graduated High School and doesn't really have a lot of history to rewind. War Wolf would probably assume some kind of memory malfunction ... if he's the only entity who remembers the 'old past', including other AIs, he'd probably have to write it off as a memory glitch or his own memory being messed with rather than six billion people and every database on the planet being altered. Possibly check to see if anything else weird temporally has occured in the recent past as a side bet, though. 1. Age doesn't really apply to War Wolf, being an immortal robot and all. 2. Another essentially non-applicable entry ... he's created a 'daughter' named Arsenal, but that was a construction and thus not really family. 3. Original paintjob was gunmetal grey with splashes of dark blue ... if this is 'Ultimate War Wolf', he probably black in place of the grey. And he probably has more traditional firearms in place of his blasters and stunners, much to his chagrin. 4. This would be the thing that would mess with him, because he has been around longer than 5 years himself. He'd check to see if there were any signs of perennial baddies like Destroyer and Mechanon, or if possible check on their civilian IDs if known. 5. He doesn't really notice that sort of thing now, so it wouldn't really affect him 'post reboot'. As a robot, it's not like he even understands the concept of sexual attraction or orientation ('404: Libido Not Found'), and he can't see why people make a big deal out of people having different paintjobs or chassis modifications. 6. Something to adapt to, but mostly he'd want to find out if any of his old teammates were 'still' in the hero biz.
  5. Re: If Foxbat is like an evil Batman... That, too. Alternately, they're all smarter than he is and they're using him for ... something.
  6. Re: Limitation: Only Versus Stunning Blows I'm going to assume you mean CON(stitution), not COM(eliness). Typically, yeah, Characteristics bought with limitations are exempt from the cost-doubling effect of Normal Characteristic Maxima.
  7. Re: If Foxbat is like an evil Batman... That's half the fun of it. It's more or less a PR stunt and a way for Foxbat to feed his ego. And, hey, so long as they're bringing in enough money to make putting up with Foxbat worth the effort ... though I have every intention of them kicking him out at some point, preferably deserting him at the worst possible moment ... like when facing down the PC team in a revenge grudge match.
  8. Re: If Foxbat is like an evil Batman... Slapstick? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slapstick_%28comics%29 Anyway, inspired by another thread, I'm working on creating the Foxbat Five, to mirror my PC team, the (new) Fabulous Five. So far, the plan is to have Foxbat hangout with four hot superbabes.
  9. Re: Champions games you've run My most recent game was 'The New Fabulous Five'. I gave the old Fab Five a decommissioned base in the lake off of what used to be Detroit (Lake St. Claire, is it?), with an AI that didn't get properly shut down and has gone a little weird over the years. When The Engineer tried to create a space elevator in Afghanistan, screwing up worldwide communications, he got in touch with Pensativa (a mentalist who had been injured in the Battle of Detroit) and basically blackmailed her into gathering up some heroes to go stop her. She wound up finding Sunbow (an Egyptian Demigod who can summon a bow of flame and shoot solar arrows), Hex (who wears what amounts to a darkness version of a Green Lantern ring), and War Wolf (a heavily-armed robot). The team picked up Supersonic (a speedster) after a few adventures. I ran Champions Battleground with them, and I've kind of been cajoled into bringing the game back ... this week.
  10. Re: If Foxbat is like an evil Batman... Let's see ... Mr. Freeze could have a gun that shoots ice cream and ice cream toppings. The Penguin could be a penguin. No super powers, just this penguin. Guys like Calendar Man and the Mad Matter are already kind of in that goofy vein ... Poison Ivy could have literal poison ivy powers ... she can't control plants, she just touches you and makes you itch.
  11. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO I told myself I wasn't going to post this one, but with an opening like that, I have no choice.
  12. Re: This is sort of morbid curiosity but... Lessee ... 18 DEX costs 24, 26 DEX costs 48. Difference, 24. So, 18 DEX with 5 Levels in HTH or Ranged combat, whichever the character specializes in. OCV 11 when he needs it, DCV 11 when he needs it, compared to a static 9. Can average a difference of 1 or 2, one way or the other, if he's not sure where he wants to go. OR ... Plus, the ability to deal +15 damage on his Normal attacks if he doesn't need OCV or DCV, or +2 Body on his Killing attacks with a spare +1 OCV or DCV. I think that kind of versatility is worth the expenditure.
  13. Re: The cranky thread I can't remember if I posted this or not. Next week, I get to go down to Columbia (90 mile drive) to get my fistula (dialysis access) scanned. The nurses are having issues with it, and suspect a possible stenosis (blockage/narrowing). If there is one, fixing it may be a fairly simple matter; or, it may not. Considering the keloid scarring I suffer, I'm suspecting something more invasive will be required.
  14. Re: This is sort of morbid curiosity but... Makes as much sense as DEX not affecting CVs.
  15. Re: Headlines part 2 Let's see. I'm going to assume, for the sake of this argument, that in the game world the comic books that many of us are familiar with exist. War Wolf, being somewhat genre savvy, would assume that something is up and call the newspapers to make sure these were the headlines that they had intended to print and that someone wasn't printing a fake paper to drop a clue or somesuch (particularly the Wayne one; no real journalist would say '.38 caliber lobotomy' in an actual news piece, and no editor would let it hit print). Vixen doesn't read newspapers, so wouldn't notice.
  16. Re: This is sort of morbid curiosity but... If he decides to do so, go into it with an open mind.
  17. Re: The cranky thread It got stupid hot again in the Midwest. My air conditioner is not working. Hopefully we can replace it ... next year.
  18. Re: Gravity Nullification Limited STR, only for lifting would probably be the best bet, if the character has to touch the object to affect its weight. If he can 'lift' it at range, then TK is the power.
  19. Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation? We're discussing Limited Power, not Increased Endurance Cost. 5e, pg. 194, under 'Limited Power': "To repeat: a Limitation which doesn't limit a Power gives no bonus! A character will receive no bonus for Life Support which Only Works When Using Desolidification if his Desolidification has the Always On limitation. Similarly, if a character too the Limitation Only Works In Intense Magnetic Fields on his Energy Blast, and his buddy on the team just happens to generate intense magnetic fields as a special effect -- sorry, he gets no bonus (or a very small one, if they don't work together all the time.)"
  20. Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation? What I'm trying to say is that you can't consider power limitations in a vacuum. If you have an easy way to bypass that limitation, it's not that big of a limitation, and you don't get as big of a point break. If the guy with the 'only vs blondes' energy blast is on a team with Peroxide Man, who has a cosmetic transform that turns people blonde, his limitation is not that big of a limitation. He may still qualify for some limitation since it may be infeasible on occasion for Peroxide Man to set him up, but it would not be as big of a limitation. It's the same thing as trying to claim a Phys Lim for having No Hands when you have Fine Manipulation TK, or 'Cannot Walk' when you have Flight. The negative effects are lessened, and so are the point breaks.
  21. Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation? The question remains ... do you really want to have to determine this for every character this one comes in contact with?
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