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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: What do you think of supervillain teams? "Febreze ... my one weakness! Powers ... fading ..." "Dude, how Silver Age can you get?"
  2. Re: Converting: "Winged Him" What's a Heroic Action Point?
  3. Re: Converting: "Winged Him" No (or not yet, at least ... if the player's thought of that, he hasn't expressed it aloud).
  4. Re: The cranky thread Had to have an angioplasty ... which I was really surprised was a procedure that could be done with a local anaesthetic and as a 'well, let's see if we need it ... yep, we do' kind of thing. Not painful to undergo, really, but definitely uncomfortable.
  5. Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting I have been in a Heroic game where one PC could, and would, regularly call shots to the head. It was ugly.
  6. Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting Nothing unusual; all three shots hit that location for however much damage they would normally do.
  7. Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges Since the Life Support power applies to the whole ship, wouldn't 1800 Charges of 1 day each cover the entire crew, no matter how many, for 1800 days? I'd just use the basic Life Support power sans Charges and use supply shortages as plot hooks or complications.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. ... Fluttershy?
  9. Trying to come up with a reasonable conversion of an ability from an old d20 gunslinging/western supplement called 'Winged Him'. Essentially, X times per day, you can change an attack from 'missed' to 'dealt minimum damage'. The catch, of course, is that you can choose do to this after you've determined the attack result, something that HERO can't really do as far as I know, without incredible amounts of handwaving. All I can think of off the top of my head is a Naked Advantage of One Hex Accurate on a relatively small amount of RKA, with a limitation that it automatically hits the shoulder or upper arm location. You'd still have to declare it before the attack, but it seems a potentially decent way to ensure you do at least a little damage. Other options appreciated.
  10. Re: Weaknesses in Armor Joints A few options ... Activation roll (if the armor doesn't activate, you hit the knee). Hit Location rules used. (optional: with a Vulnerability to attacks to the joints)
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Something that is actual food. NT: Bad times for the laxative to kick in.
  12. Re: ...And now the city is mine to control! Muahahahaha!!! Is capturing the city only a prelude to conquering the entire Tri-State Area? Clonus has some neat ideas there.
  13. Re: Jokes A guy traveling through the prairies of the USA stopped at a small town and went to a bar. He stood at the end of the bar, ordered a drink, and lit up a cigar. As he sipped his drink, he stood there quietly blowing smoke rings. After he blew nine or ten smoke rings into the air, an angry American Indian stomped up to him and said, "One more remark like that and I'll smash your face in!"
  14. Re: The Nightmare of Megascale Teleport If you don't want to just say no (and I still don't see why not, but hey), here's an idea. Have someone with the same powers (or maybe even a power duplicator observing the PC) start bringing the villains back for a small fee. He's making money, your villains come back, and you have a plot hook for the PCs trying to figure out why all these people they've denied basic 8th Amendment rights to keep coming back.
  15. Re: "Holy Silver Age, Batman!" With horrible puns ... like reminding the villain that he'll soon be betrayed, because Thyme Is On My Side! And he can try to run, but I'm certain to ketchup! He can't cut the mustard, and I'll relish taking him in! Seriously, for most of my characters, this would be like a vacation.
  16. Re: What do you think of supervillain teams? Implausible is stock-in-trade for superhero books. It's the conventions of the genre; things work like that because they have to work like that.
  17. Re: Porpety-Destructo Lass Give her a Brick Tricks multipower with Side Effects: Causes lots of property damage. As far as story-wise goes, I would expect a lot of 'Oh, no, not her' and 'stop helping me!'.
  18. Re: How would you build a Wushu leap? Alternate idea: Extra Leaping, requires an acrobatics roll Clinging with the limitation 'only when moving'; so long as you moved during your last phase, you can cling, but if you stand still during your whole phase, you drop.
  19. Re: What do you think of supervillain teams? They make perfect sense. One, superheroes tend to cluster in teams, so unless you're powerful enough to take on one all by your lonesome, having some buddies to watch your back is a good idea. Two, they give the same thing to villains they give to heroes; diversity. One person can't do it all; you see 'villain teams' all the time in the real world, it's called organized crime. Three, most supervillains aren't complete monsters or utterly amoral psychopathic baby-killing puppy-eating lunatics (and those are the ones who don't form teams) ... the villains on the team may actually, Ceiling Cat forbid, like each other and be friends.
  20. Re: Entangle Limitation or joke? The answer is ultimately 'it depends'. If you're in a Heroic level game where a STR above 15 is rare and you're throwing around 4 or 5 DEF Entangles, then it's not worth much of a limitation because breaking out of it will be a very rare occurance. If you're throwing around the same Entangle in a Supers game with 60 STR characters and folks with EBs that don't require their hands, then it's probably worth more.
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