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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)? I realized recently that most of my characters have some degree of, for lack of a better term, attention-whoring. They don't shy away from the media spotlight (and in Vixen's case, being in the spotlight is her sole motivation for superheroing).
  2. Re: The cranky thread In the last hour, I have literally felt a cold developing. I've been sneezing my head out, and I can feel crud clogging my lungs.
  3. Re: How do you handle Danger Sense? The special effects of Danger Sense (the 'thematics') are whatever you want them to be. One PC in a game has Luck powers; when he makes a Danger Sense roll against an impending attack, he just randomly does something that makes it less likely to hit (he keeps his full DCV), like bending down to pick up a quarter just when someone fires a shot at his head. The main thing with Danger Sense is, as far as I know at least, you don't check it until the danger is actually sprung. If you waltz into a warehouse with twenty ninjas in it, you don't get a chance to Sense the Danger until one of them actually springs their surprise attack. Just them lurking about doesn't work. I've never observed it to be particularly gamebreaking (or even gamebending).
  4. Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)? Not usually. I rarely go higher than a 14 EGO unless I'm playing an actual telepath. Mental Defense usually wanders in ... but I've rarely seen an Ego roll of any stripe called for in decades. If there's an enemy telepath, they usually just rely on Ego Attack instead of stuff like Mind Control.
  5. Re: The cranky thread Just called my mom, got a little more information. The baby had been kind of sick, so her parents had been taking turns holding her while she slept. My nephew fell asleep while holding her, and the suspicion is that she rolled over, buried her face in his chest, and suffocated in her sleep. In more cranky ... well, my mother has not approved of my nephew and his girlfriend's lifestyle. They're rather gothy, with the eyeliner and painted nails and tattoos and piercings and the whole nine yards ... plus, they had a child out of wedlock. For the sake of not raising a fuss, I've kept my own opinion quiet even before all this (that being 'it's their life, they can look like they want'), but my mom said something today that made me think she's blaming the death of the baby on their 'inappropriate lifestyle'. This is probably going to get a lot uglier.
  6. Re: Based on ECV and inanimate objects No, you can't use a Based On ECV power against an object or automaton with no EGO score. I also agree with Chris Goodwin's post.
  7. Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)? VPPs are one of those things I primarily regulate on the basis of 'can the player use it without bogging down the game'. Since nobody in my group really wants to learn the system beyond the absolute basics needed for gameplay (I have to create all the characters), the answer is universally 'no'.
  8. Re: The cranky thread I just checked my voicemail ... earlier tonight, my mom left me a message to tell me that my great-niece had died. Results of autopsy not yet reported, cause of death unknown. She was two months old. I never even met her. Heck, I dunno if I ever would have, as poorly as I get along with that segment of the family and as much as I dislike kids in general, but ... two months old. That's just ... tragic doesn't even start to describe it. It's just now sinking in, and I'm starting to get really shaken up over it.
  9. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Taken.
  10. Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)? Some kind of Stun-only attack, be it a Stun Only EB, NND, Ego Attack, or the like. I prefer anthropomorphic characters when I can get away with it. I like characters who gave themselves their powers, whether via using devices, or using genetic engineering to give themselves true powers. I also like characters who were literally created, like robots, golems, genetic constructs, and the like.
  11. Re: Need a name for batlike hero Batwing Vesper Old school? Chiroptero!
  12. Re: Master Control? Viper Heavy Weapons? Master Control was in High-Tech Enemies.
  13. Re: An inherent Jinx power? *checks book* Luck is most definitely a Power.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Come again? I couldn't hear what you were saying over all this bloody rain.
  15. Re: How much damage done "the chair" do? Agreed. Assuming SPD 2 for the chair's mechanism, I might go with 1.5 to 2d6 of killing attack.
  16. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread While my brother is not my favorite person on the face of the planet, he recently had to go to a cardiologist to check on some suspected blockage in his arteries and/or heart. My mother called me and let me know he's got a clean bill of health, at least in that department.
  17. Re: An inherent Jinx power? Even if that did work, you can't Drain powers below zero, and Unluck is not 'negative Luck'. One is a power, the other is a Disadvantage.
  18. Re: An inherent Jinx power? Sounds to me like your PC has lots of abilities to represent other people having bad luck against him; DCV levels, good skill checks representing 'you're not doing well' rather than 'I'm doing well', Missile Deflection ('you missed!'), an Indirect Energy Blast that could represent things falling on them, stuff like that.
  19. Re: What do you think of supervillain teams? In a setting where people regularly violate the cube-square law, the law of gravity, the laws of inertia, the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of conservation and pretty much every other law of physics, ... like-minded people gathering together strains believability. Is that what I'm getting?
  20. Re: The cranky thread Since these questions are related, I'll answer together. It was actually related to my dialysis access ('fistula'), yes, but not actually on it. I had a couple of kinks in the big vein that runs up my arm, in the shoulder area. Kind of like a kink in a garden hose, so they did the angioplasy to un-kink them and straighten them back out. It was affecting the pressure readings on the dialysis machine; they were back to normal today, so ... so far, so good.
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