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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The video for Yello's song 'Oh Yeah'. Rated M for Mindf***. (Not really rated M, just a joke.)
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Rocky road ice-cream cake with a foundation of caramel walnut brownie.
  3. Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant Yes, it's fodder for RP ... I never said it wasn't. That doesn't mean it impairs the character significantly enough to warrant getting points for it. 'Always wears a New York Yankees baseball cap, no matter the situation' is fodder for RP, but I wouldn't say it's worth any points. Not every bit of personality needs to be mechanically expressed as a Disadvantage. I can't see 'nobody wants to have sex with her' as being a significant enough drawback to warrant getting any points for (or important enough to spend any points on). If the character was physically repulsive, then that would be a Distinctive Feature. If the character was mystically unlikeable, that could be a Phys Lim. But according to the OP, the curse goes no farther than 'nobody wants to get in the sack with her'. It won't affect stealth or disguise or infiltration, unless she's intending to sleep her way through the guards.
  4. Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant That rule in the books that says 'If a disadvantage doesn't impair the character, it's not a disadvantage and it's not worth any points'? The one that stops my Fantasy Hero wizard from taking 'Hunted by the Klingon Empire'?
  5. Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant Okay, but how does this negatively impact the character? How often is 'people don't want to have sex with him/her' going to be an actual impediment to the character accomplishing campaign goals or overcoming an obstacle?
  6. Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant I can't imagine this really being anything more than a zero-point character quirk. How often, in a game, does it actually matter that a character can't get someone in the sack?
  7. Re: The cranky thread Wife turned 40. 'Nuff said.
  8. Re: Extra Limbs and Centaurs I dunno. The 3 levels or so of Always On Growth* a Centaur has would counteract most people attempting a trip or throw, and IIRC a target with Knockback Resistance got to laugh off quite a few of those kinds of attacks as well ... I'd just do something more like Four Legs: 2" Knockback Resistance and call it a day. *Or however you decided to do big characters.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Cat jumps on desk. I put cat on floor. Cat jumps on desk. I put cat on floor. Repeat ten or twelve times. Is there something genetic in cats that prevents them from TAKING HINTS?!
  10. Re: Vulnerabilty vs. Specific Type of Presence Attack I would say the entire Presence attack would be doubled; the base PRE is being used for that style of Presence Attack, after all.
  11. Re: Discussion: Taxonomy and Pathology of Halloween Monsters I typically prefer to leave such things as mystical effects, be they curses or the results of spells, and not a 'disease' of any sort; I don't consider things like Resident Evil zombies to be 'zombies', per se. Zombies are undead, necromatic creations, not people infected with a disease that makes them cannibals. Such conditions are rarely, if ever, communicable. Vampires kind of throw me off there, of course, but I typically let their 'contagion' be completely under the control of the vampire in question; they have to intentionally inflict their curse on you. I've considered the same thing with werewolves, with only the pack alpha having the ability to transmit the curse/'induct a new pack member'.
  12. Re: Telekinesis with PARTIAL Fine Manipulation??? Like you could break his fingers with 30 STR TK. Or 80 STR TK ... he's got, what, 40 PD?
  13. Re: Stun Blaster But you usually know if you will or not, since Force Fields are visible. Then you just have another setting that's a Stun Drain or Stun Only EB for those occasions.
  14. Re: Stun Blaster Because NND eliminates all the defenses? For the same 60 active, you'll do 21 damage to a target, regardless of his defenses.
  15. Re: Telekinesis with PARTIAL Fine Manipulation??? AFAIK, there's no rule against limitations on Adders ... though I really have no idea how you'd do it in Hero Designer. Ultimately, though, I'm not sure this is actually a limitation. I've never seen someone using TK with Fine Manipulation where you were really using more than a couple of points anyway, because you were doing something like typing or pushing buttons or making a sandwich where using 30 STR would just be brutal overkill ("That's the third keyboard this week!").
  16. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I came home from the clinic today and the house smelled like bacon.
  17. Re: Stun Blaster NND with the defense being 'succeeding at a CON check' would be perfectly legal, though that means the odds are that even a normal will shrug it off more than half the time. If you don't want armor or super-toughness to affect it, how about making the defense having an active ED Forcefield?
  18. Re: Teleportation 'Destruction' Power... RKA works with NND and Does Body; the power is essentially Disintegration.
  19. Re: Distracting Taunts As a generic Limited Power kind of Limitation, but AFAIK there's no standard Limitation for it.
  20. Re: Distracting Taunts As a generic Limited Power kind of Limitation, but AFAIK there's no standard Limitation for it.
  21. Re: Distracting Taunts Hmm. Were I building it, I'd probably want to make it more like extra DCV levels with limitations on the character, so it wouldn't take my attack action to use, but I see nothing 'wrong' with the build per se. I would also think some characters would be flatly immune to it based on Psych Lims; perhaps a bonus to the EGO roll?
  22. Re: The cranky thread The guy sitting on my right at the clinic today literally smelled like s**t. I'm hoping he just stepped in a pile and just failed to clean it off his boots, because the other possibility is too disgusting to contemplate. I had to wear one of those nose-and-face filter mask things all day just to try to filter out the horrid stank and not gag for four hours.
  23. Re: "Summon Staff" If she can instantly summon it to her location no matter matter where it is, then it's not a focus at all.
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