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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Not much of a video, but you HAVE to hear this song.
  2. Re: Vehicle Speed Typically, I just say 'go with the lower Speed of the pilot or the vehicle'. In theory, you could muck around with the vehicle moving on its speeds with the driver delaying actions to control it on the phases he can, meaning the vehicle will move on at least one segment he can't control it and probably plow into something, but there are few instances in which I think that's a good idea.
  3. Re: transformer question Gestalts/Combiners can be complicated. I would probably do it by building the Gestalt form as the base character, with Duplication to spit out the limbs (the other 5 Constructicons in Devastator's case), with Devastator having Multiform to transform into the team leader when he Duplicates. (though exactly who the Constructicon team leader is, is debatable. I would probably go with Hook, simply because he forms the head, even though in the G1 cartoon Scrapper seems to be in charge). Thread digression, re: Constructicon Leader Unlike practically every other Combiner, the Constructicons do not have a firmly identified leader. Most of them can make some claim to leadership. Scrapper: Most commonly assumed to be the leader due to having the most lines in the cartoon and constantly speaking for the whole group, as well as giving most of the orders. His Transformers Universe profile lists him as Megatron's favorite Constructicon, and Dreamwave's More Than Meets The Eye explicitly names him as leader. He also has the highest rank of the bunch. Hook: Forms the head and much of the torso, a trait shared by the other combiner leaders. He got the second most number of lines and certainly seemed to be the one issuing all the orders in the non-flashback parts of "The Secret Of Omega Supreme". Is clearly defined as the leader in Wings Universe. Mixmaster: As noted above, he was briefly indicated to have ascended to leadership in 2008, and is seen giving the orders in "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" as well. Scavenger: Shockwave gives the Constructicons' orders to him in their comic debut as if he were the leader. Bonecrusher: Led the Constructicons on their mission to recover the fallen Decepticons from the Ark. Long Haul: Sorry, Long Haul, you lose again...
  4. Re: The cranky thread Dear Body, Please go to sleep and stay asleep tonight. I am tired of getting my sleep in 45-60 minute bursts.
  5. Re: Megascale Movement, Lightspeed, and Escape Velocity You can build a 250 point character capable of destroying the known universe. My first Champs GM hung out with guys who, in 4e, made 250 point characters who could flatten the high-end Dr. Destroyer in a phase (as in, each individual PC could). HERO is the most utterly abusable system on the face of the planet because of how open-ended it is. That's why you create this like campaign guidelines and watch character creation carefully, and play with players who simply don't want to do such things.
  6. Re: No magic? Not sure. Probably Homebrew with massive stealing from the CU, really. I'd have to re-write big chunks of the CU timeline (no Turakian/Valdorian/Atlantean Ages, no Takofanes, no Crowns of Krim, no Talisman or Witchcraft, etc etc) to the point where there would be more differences than similarities, I suspect.
  7. Re: No magic? Yeah, yeah, Clarke's Law. Sometimes I hate that guy ... But, yeah, still aliens, mutants, and altered humans, but any altered humans would be altered by technological methods. Basically, the special effect 'Magic' would not exist, is the short of it.
  8. Something I've been pondering ... I tend to prefer tech-based characters over magical ones, 9 times out of 10. And my villains tend to follow suit when I run games. Outside of stripping out certain types of villains, would there be any particular pitfalls to simply running a no-magic Champions game?
  9. Re: Greatest American Hero type character???? Alternately, don't spend all your initial points. Build the character at full points, then apply the various limitations without spending those points, sandbagging them so you can remove the limitations more quickly than just with your regular XP garnering.
  10. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog ..."
  11. Re: The cranky thread At this point, somewhere in the middle ... she'll join in on card or board games, but isn't really interested in RPGs it seems ('Just tell me what dice to roll.' She seems to have no interest in either learning the rules of any RPGs or RPing in general). She's taken more to sitting on the couch and using her laptop to do stuff while we game around her.
  12. Re: The cranky thread I may have to quit my regular gaming group. Our host re-married recently, and the missus brought with her a kid. 12 years old. Hyperactive. Short attention span. Attention monger. Will not stop talking. Asks random non-sequitur questions. Cannot be quiet. We cannot do anything, whether RPG, card game, or board game, or just watch a DVD without him CONSTANTLY interrupting with a barrage of inane questions. Has shouted in my ear two weeks in a row. If he does it next week, I honestly fear losing it. He's one huge distraction, a colossal headache, and I cannot tolerate being in his presence. My wife is migraine-prone and he is incapable of having an indoor voice for longer than about fifteen seconds after someone tells him to shush. I honestly don't know how much longer we can keep this up.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Had another angioplasty for my fistula today. The blockage/kink wasn't as bad as last time, but still ... unpleasant. My arm still hurts, which is weird because it didn't really hurt this bad after the last time, which involved more mucking around, so ... yeah, I dunno.
  14. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Not sure exactly what this little guy is, but he's adorable.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Wear your Nancy Pelosi costume for Halloween.
  16. Re: Evasion Talent Extra defenses only vs. Area of Effect attacks, or perhaps even Damage Reduction, could also be used in place of Desolidification.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Started thinking about my dear, departed Nefertiti today. Been bawling for an hour.
  18. Re: Telephone conversations in combat Talking is zero-phase action, so using the phone/commlink/radio as much as you want during a phase. Depending on the genre, I wouldn't penalize the PC much, if at all, for using the phone during the fight (supers, for instance, do crazier things on a regular basis) outside of having one hand occupied. How fast the person they're calling can get to them, and how helpful they feel compelled to be, would be the limiting factors.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd order one, but I'd probably take the chicken off and eat it separately. Can't see those two flavors mixing well.
  20. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO It lasted long enough that I would build it as a Transform (particularly since there were physical alterations as well) rather than Mind Control, myself.
  21. Re: Transfer Questions Of course. I might default to that anyway just because of what I'm trying to model.
  22. I know it's in the book somewhere, I just can't find it. 1. If a character uses an Area of Effect Transfer that hits, say, 5 people for 10 points of Transfer each, does he get 10 points, or 50? 2. If a character has two powers that Transfer to the same attribute, what is his maximum points of Transfer? The greater 'max roll', or the lesser?
  23. If any of you are familiar with the Witchcraft RPG, we're essentially trying to build their model of vampire, which operates by draining essence/lifeforce rather than blood. Details: 1. Vampires do not naturally regenerate Essence; living creatures do. You can kill a living creature by draining all its essence. 2. Vampires burn a little essence just by existing; it also powers their innate abilities, if any. The more powers they use, the more Essence they use, and then the more they have to feed. 3. Essence seems to be tied to emotion; they need their target to be feeling something. Some use pain, or sex, others try to invoke more positive emotions. A vampire in a crowd of people feeling emotions can feed a small amount off each of them and get the 'cumulative effect'. 4. Vampires are susceptible to sunlight, but rather than catching fire, their essence is depleted more rapidly. Thoughts so far: An Area of Effect Body Transfer, Invisible to Sight and Hearing (probably still visible to Mental), only vs living targets, perhaps Multipowered with a single-target Transfer with similar modifiers. The only catch here, of course, is the Transfer wears off, so its use as a 'healing' power is limited. The sunlight thing is most logically a Susceptibility, but offsetting the Susceptibility with the Transfer looks to be a bit of a trick ... Edit: EPIPHANY! Re-Edit: Never mind, won't work. ><
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