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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore What the heck is on that thing?
  2. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO BTW, interacting with clouds looks to be something innate to flying lifeforms in general ... during the epic Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash duet, several of Fluttershy's animal friends are seen perching on clouds.
  3. Re: Bring Out The Old! Oh, yeah ... I want to have a Stronghold breakout and form another version of Deathstroke.
  4. Re: 29th Feb, 2012 in the Champions Universe It's DEMON's Master Plan (or at least one member thereof's Master Plan) that is supposed to come to a head on Feb 29, 2012. It's detailed (logically enough) in the DEMON sourcebook for 5e.
  5. Re: The cranky thread My wife went to bed 5 minutes ago. She's already snoring. I'm once AGAIN in the grip of insomnia. Plus, tomorrow, I get to drive 90 miles to get my arm looked at again. Second follow-up to my angioplasty (-ies) ... hopefully this time nothing will be wrong so they can just send me on my way without having to mess around with my arm again, but if I get that lucky, I'm buying a Powerball ticket once I get home.
  6. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Multiform was how I was going to do it, just 'cause the Multipower with external slots got kind of messy on the sheet.
  7. Re: Bring Out The Old! Black Paladin has a team? Hmm. I could always just re-do CLOWN as actual full-fledged villains, tweaking some of them and throwing out the ones I can't, then just having Popgun and Black Harlequin (who replaces Merry Andrew) as regular members. Throw in some disposable minions in clown suits and viola ... Batman-esque villain organization.
  8. Re: The cranky thread We've all said it at least once, but I'm sure we'll say it again ... Insomnia sucks.
  9. Re: Bring Out The Old! I want to give Popgun a supervillain team. No idea who all would join it, but I just want to give him one.
  10. Re: Gliding = Untrackable? Desolidification, only to leave to evidence of one's presence?
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJv_YXIXBsE
  12. Re: How would you build a werewolf What Greywind said, with the werewolf form having disads like 'Enraged' or 'Psych Lim: Psychotically Aggressive' or something like that.
  13. Re: An Unusual Kind of Growth Power Another option might be some short-range TK.
  14. Re: The cranky thread I really hate it when I get phone calls right after a dialysis treatment from people asking me to do things. I'm usually so wiped out I can barely remember my name, much less something I agreed to do over the phone in that state. So, months ago, I sold my kinda-junker old Chevy Blazer to my brother, 'cause I couldn't afford to keep it up. He was basically going to let his kids tear it up learning to drive (whatever) ... but, he never filed the paperwork to actually transfer ownership, and now he's missed the deadline. I'm supposed to file for a lost title, because otherwise he'll have to pay a penalty. Now, I've gotten some tax information I needed, and the truck is not on my property tax for this year, which means I don't even know if I *can* apply for the lost title, and if I do, that probably means it'll go on my taxes, so I'll have to pay a penalty AND property tax on it, and I'm willing to bet he's going to flake on me if I try to tell him he's gonna have to repay me for the taxes on it, too. If I had been mentally coherent, I would have just told him that paying that penalty was his problem.
  15. Re: Bring Out The Old! It is now that I realize that I have somehow managed to lose both my copies of Classic Enemies. I can't even imagine where they could have gone ...
  16. Re: Identifying Quotes, favorite sayings, and battle cries One I intend to use as a catchphrase for an upcoming werewolf character in an Urban Fantasy game ... "Son of my mother!"
  17. Re: Identifying Quotes, favorite sayings, and battle cries "Okay, just calm down. I don't want to shoot you, and you don't want to get shot."
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