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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? I just took some index cards and wrote down, in thick black marker, which segments each speed acts on, but them where everybody can see them, and flip them as we move through segments, and count down DEX. It's usually not even that necessary, as we only have to track speeds 5-7 (with a very rare 4) in superhero games, and 3-4 in heroic games. I consider the predictability of the Speed Chart to be a feature, not a bug. I like it that way.
  2. Re: Fusions A lot of these are just Coordinated Attacks, or just using teamwork (not Teamwork skill) in general.
  3. Re: The cranky thread The phrase 'many happy returns' does not apply when what is returning is one's lunch.
  4. Re: Adult Entertainment 'Supermodels'?
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Our group played a cooperative superhero card game called Sentinels of the Multiverse last night. After we select our characters, someone looks over the roster, but has a bit of a brain stutter ... and gave us a Blazing Saddles moment. "Hmm. Legacy, Wraith, Absolute Zero, and Wraith." "You said Wraith twice." "I like Wraith."
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Dear Ceiling Cat. If I ate that, my colon and taste buds would never speak to me again. I cannot do spicy food. (Humorous story: There's a barbecue place that I go to sometimes when I'm visiting Columbia. They have a variety of sauce called 'Scorned Woman', as in 'Hell hath no fury like'. I took a sniff of that stuff and got the s**ts.)
  7. Re: how much weight can a floor support How much Unluck does ol' Leadboy there have?
  8. Re: Immunity to Psychic Powers Hero doesn't really do 'immune'. You can do Highly Resistant, sure, but total immunity is next to impossible. Craploads of Mental Defense, hardened and resistant, Mental Damage Reduction, high EGO, skill levels with Breakout Rolls can all contribute.
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore You can actually buy frozen White Castle burgers at my local Wal-Mart ... I keep getting tempted, just 'cause it's been a long time.
  10. Re: Your evil army "They do anything I say? Okay then ... ATTENTION SOLDIERS: BECOME GOOD. YOU ARE NOW A FORCE FOR JUSTICE IN THE WORLD."
  11. Re: The cranky thread On the upside, my fluid gain for dialysis today was awesome ... but I feel weak as a kitten. Edit: I can eat now, though my appetite hasn't fully returned. My stomach is making noises that human stomachs are not supposed to make; earlier tonight, it made that noise that Donald Duck makes when he gets pissed off. Edit2: I take that back. *groan*
  12. Re: The cranky thread Been violently ill all morning. Can't even keep juice down. Even the thought of taking medicine for the nausea makes me nauseous. Edit: Add frequent trips to the bathroom to that list. Apparently, someone shouted 'everybody out of the gastrointestinal system'.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Isn't that basically Tuna Helper's Cheesy Pasta?
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yeah, those aren't cheeses I've ever eaten. When I hear 'cheese', I think of American or Swiss.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That's something I've never eaten. I also generally only eat scrambled eggs, that might be part of it ...
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore ?? Seriously? That sounds nasty ... but I've never tried it, so what do I know?
  17. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... I remain convinced that foxes are the cutest of animals.
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Dumb question ... are you actually supposed to leave the egg on the burger when you eat it, or take it off and eat it separately? I have trouble imagining egg and burger tasting good at the same time ...
  19. Re: How much change to a character do you consider it a new character. This is most likely one of those 'I'll know it when I see it' categories that will vary from person to person.
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