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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I don't like the taste of guacamole or jalapenos, plus jalapenos are too spicy for me.
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Lose the Jalapenos and guacamole, and I am ALL OVER THAT.
  3. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd take those over the sweet potato fries, myself.
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I was just about to ask this myself.
  5. Re: The cranky thread There are usually five or so nurses on duty during any given shift. I can request that this one not stick me, but ultimately she has administrative duties that will require her to be the one to speak to me at some point. I strongly suspect raising a stink will just increase her nagging me and treating me like an idiot, so I may just take a serious look into home dialysis. I was sorely tempted to rip her a new one, yes, but I think it would have ultimately been counterproductive. I realized long ago that my temper has no throttle; if I don't keep it tightly contained, I explode. I'm certain I'll step over the line, and I'm reasonably sure they can choose not to treat me if I cross that line, which leaves me, well, dead.
  6. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "When I'm on catnip, EVERYBODY'S on catnip."
  7. Re: The cranky thread Dear nurse at my dialysis clinic, I was informed, from day 1, that I was to be at the clinic at 7am. For many months, there was a sign on the door to the treatment room that said 'First shift starts at 7am'. I was there at 7am today. My treatment started at 7:13 because it took the nurse 13 minutes to hook me up to the F**KING MACHINE and start the process. I was not late. Do not accuse me of s**t I didn't do, you f**king b***h. It really pisses me off, you whiny wh*re. I'm already feeling crappy because I've got bronchitis or something. I can't sleep because it's hard to f**king breathe, so I would appreciate it if you do not bust my hump for goddamn s**t I didn't f**king do. You don't like me, I get it. We have never really gotten along. We rub each other the wrong way. We'd probably be very happy if we never saw each other again in our lives. But I really. Do. Not. Appreciate. being accused of s**t I didn't do. And then, when I explain that I wasn't late, don't talk to me like I'm a f**king moron. "do what you need to do to get here on time." I WAS F**KING ON TIME, YOU C**T. "It's not an issue ..." IF IT'S NOT AN ISSUE, WHY ARE YOU BUSTING MY HUMP? "You're making someone else late." NO I'M NOT, BECAUSE I WAS ON F**KING TIME, and that sign I mentioned earlier also said that the second shift doesn't start until f**king noon, so even if I'm not out of there until 11:45, he's still fifteen f**king minutes early. Maybe it's just me, but maybe an apology might be in f**king order?! So, here's the deal. I am going to start showing up at the clinic at six f**king thirty in the goddamn morning, even though I have heard the nurses complain about it. And I swear to f**king Ceiling Cat, if I hear word one about being too f**king early, I am going to go off on a vulgar, vile rampage of foul language that will peel the f**king wallpaper.
  8. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... BEWARE THE SWARM.
  9. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Well, yes, gaming companies sell games so they can make money. This is news?
  10. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! No problems. It's rapidly become my favorite game. At some point, I might try to make up the characters in Champions, just for the heck of it.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Mock the Week's 'Bad things for a teacher to say'. Probably not safe for work.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore They omitted 'Forgetting to put clothes on'.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Ever coughed so hard you felt a sharp pain between your shoulder blades, then kept coughing until you threw up? Oh, while driving.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Now there's a sentence you don't read every day.
  15. Re: The cranky thread *sniff* He went to Jared's!
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Ding Dong, the Ding Dongs are dead ... http://money.msn.com/top-stocks/post.aspx?post=511e317c-d97b-49c3-95c4-d5d2257b7594
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore A new restaurant opened in town recently. They serve homemade pies, made fresh daily. I tried their Oreo Creme Pie tonight, and OMCC*, there are not words to describe how good it was. *Oh My Ceiling Cat.
  18. Re: Was there a canon Champions NPC named Silver Shamrock? There was a Shamrock (no color) in 4e's Classic Enemies.
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