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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread Getting my home dialysis catheter surgery this Friday. It'll be my sixth overall surgery, for various things, and while nothing's really gone wrong, I'm still scared outta my wits about going back under the knife.
  2. Re: The cranky thread There are still days I seriously question that.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Two solid days of utter fatigue and listlessness, despite getting pretty good, and sufficient, sleep. And getting dialyzed when you're already tired absolutely yanks.
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Okay, I like bacon as much as the next guy, unless the next guy is Jon Stewart, but this ... this is ridiculous. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46895317/ns/us_news-weird_news/#.T3TbH9XLvUk
  5. Re: The cranky thread Have you ever had a restaurant in town that you really like, but you start hearing a lot of people saying how bad their experiences were, so you start wondering ... are they just having really bad luck, or is the place really bad and I'm just getting lucky?
  6. Re: Famous Martial Artists in the Champions Universe?
  7. Re: How Do I Apply an Active Points Limit on Defences? I would recommend not using Active Points for defenses, and instead simply using a numerical cap for the character's defenses.
  8. Re: Special Ninja Weapons Five-shot Autofire.
  9. Re: Famous Martial Artists in the Champions Universe? You could always work with the GM to make up an idol for your character, too. I love it when players give me ideas for NPCs.
  10. Re: How much is this worth -1/4 sounds about right. It's about half of Restrainable, which is a 1/2 limitation that would stop the power from working when grabbed or entangled.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That's nothing new ... look up 'Civet Coffee' sometime.
  12. Re: The cranky thread I did, thank you.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Woke up today, took out the trash, went and grabbed some breakfast. Didn't get to keep it ... no idea why. Supposed to go out for dinner in an hour, feeling nervous about it as a result ... I'm hungry, but I was hungry earlier, and ... bleah.
  14. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... I would simultaneously love to be a part of that cuddle puddle, and be afraid that they were just trying to lower my defenses so they could eat me.
  15. Re: Famous Martial Artists in the Champions Universe? Nightwind was my first thought, too. Also the guy with the words, Shugoshin? Was that his name?
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I can't remember if I've linked this or not, so apologies if I have:
  17. Re: Looks more dangerous than he really is. Sounds like Acting to me.
  18. Re: Ben 10: Omniverse Maybe. I couldn't watch Teen Titans because of its art style, or Transformers: Animated, or Legion of Superheroes. I would probably feel different if I weren't familiar with shows I would consider their predecessors (G1 Transformers, Justice League) that had styles I liked far better, so I wouldn't have expectations.
  19. Re: Ben 10: Omniverse What four year old did they hire to draw this? If this is the real art style, I am *not* watching this series.
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Does this have a variant for Korean recipes entitled 'Wok Your Dog'?
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... 'Meet and Greet' first session of my wife's new Urban Fantasy game. Character backgrounds, introducing people and NPCs, etc. "Can't read my, can't read my, can't read my Pooka face ..." "It'll be easy for (the vampire) to get a date. Love is just around the coroner."
  22. Re: The cranky thread Couldn't sleep last night. Sinus headache, probably getting sick. Cramped hard during treatment. Bled all over the place when they pulled my needles. If something actually goes right today, I have no idea how to react.
  23. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I do, but it's not really based on the time of year or anything. Just, all of a sudden, I'll go 'You know ... I'm really in the mood for (X).' I will, however, always buy at least one McRib each time they come around. Unfortunately, I must eat them at the restaurant alone, as my wife absolutely cannot tolerate the smell of the sauce they use.
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