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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Flight based on self telekenesis A -1/4 limitation 'Must be standing on or wearing metal' seems about right to me.
  2. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Yes, yes I do. I've got two picture blogs/tumblr sites related to fox pictures bookmarked.
  3. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... It's a fennec kit. And it's OMG ADORABLE.
  4. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Catception.
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Look at this cute little muddafugga. JUST LOOK AT HIM.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore At this point, I think 'bacon' has entered the same weird category as Chuck Norris ... it's become a thing to try to come up with the weirdest statement one can make regarding the subject.
  7. Re: Restricting/Redefining DNPC I'm sure I'll be shouted down as a heretic, but I've been considering removing the 'mechanical' aspects of RP from HERO and just letting RP be RP. Build characters at 350 points with no required Disads; you can take Disads for more points, but the only available ones are the ones with mechanical consequences like Susceptibility or Vulnerability. And NPC is an NPC, whether a D or a Hunted or whatever ...
  8. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Fear my Inverted Tiger Style Kung-Fu!
  9. Re: Restricting/Redefining DNPC I don't necessarily define the DNPC as 'constantly in need of rescuing' so much as defining it as simply 'creating plot fodder'. I suppose the 'D' becomes unnecessary in that instance, as Zen Archer says.
  10. Re: What is the strangest super power you have allowed from a SFX?
  11. Re: The cranky thread You've been hanging around with Bad Advice Cat, haven't you?
  12. Re: The cranky thread The pattern: Wife is visibly annoyed/upset/frustrated over something. I ask 'what's wrong?' She responds with a hiss of air and a dismissive wave of her hands. Data received: Whatever it is, it's my fault, and I'm a douche for not knowing what it is. History has shown that no matter what I attempt now, I can only make it worse. Conclusion: Time to hide in my bedroom as damage mitigation. While doing nothing will make it worse, it will be less bad than if I actually tried something active.
  13. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... The Riddler and his sidekick, The Little Joke!
  14. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore To be fair-ish, too much of anything is bad for the human body, even water. (which strikes me as a point against 'intelligent design'. I mean, seriously ... too little of anything, problem, too much of anything, problem ...)
  15. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "We're like Cerberus, only cuter."
  16. Re: The cranky thread I will certainly state that I dislike South Park (it's just too crass and tasteless for me ... there are LINES, people), but yeah, none of your statements stand up to anything remotely resembling an examination.
  17. Re: Do You Allow Damage Reduction for Other Defenses? I wouldn't allow it because 20 points of Flash Defense is just flatly better than 50% Flash Damage Reduction.
  18. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "He's eatin' my brainz!"
  19. Re: Calling all Green Lanterns Starbrand really wasn't much of a GL pastiche. The brand's basic power gives super-strength, flight, invulnerability, and energy bursts (Radius, no range), as well as immortality and regeneration.
  20. Re: Who are the copies/pastiches/tributes/captain ersatz in your campaigns?
  21. Re: Are there ANY good plant/wood powers names? Hero, and more or less 'all of them', or at least the potential for such. At the moment, she has: Phytotoxic Immunity (immune to plant-based poisons) Choking Spores (NND vs Breathing) Might of the Oak (Growth, with extra armor and running linked) Tangling Growth (Entangle) Vine Lash (Stretching + HA) Environmental Movement through undergrowth Vine Swing (swinging)
  22. Outside of Poison Ivy, I can't even think of a good one that's already taken ... and I'm trying to come up with one. Anybody have any thoughts?
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