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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Teleport Dodge, did I do it right? I wouldn't give it No Conscious Control; that means it will only work if/when the GM says it does, not when you want it to.
  2. Re: building 6th edition power suits While possible, I'm not sure I'd recommend it, since Dispel vs equipment/electronics/etc is pretty common. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny ... "Remember, you're asking for it!" As to the second, ... isn't that just a Breakable Focus? A physical manifestation can be activated again in short order (after a phase or two), not necessarily requiring lengthy repairs or replacement.
  3. Re: building 6th edition power suits I tend to favor building power suits with HID simply for simplicity's sake and not having to deal with powers getting broken (unless they're specifically zapped by a Dispel).
  4. Re: Ross Watson’s Top 5 Superhero RPG Oddballs It is? I didn't see it last time I looked ... must have just overlooked it. Thanks!
  5. Re: Ross Watson’s Top 5 Superhero RPG Oddballs I wish I'd managed to pick up a copy of Lucha Libre HERO ... such is life.
  6. Re: building 6th edition power suits Multiple suits of armor is easily handled through the use of Multiform with the limitation that it takes a Turn to use (to represent getting in and out of the different suits) and can only be used in the character's base (or wherever he stores his armors).
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'd eat it, though frankly, I'd 'push' it out into a bowl or onto a plate and eat it with a fork ... but there are very few foods I actually eat with my fingers if I have a choice. I eat pizza with utensils ... and Hot Pockets ...
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife has a bag of Sloppy Joe flavored potato chips she hasn't opened yet, so we don't know how they are ...
  9. Re: The cranky thread Not yet, but the PD nurse says that this isn't an unusual happening. It's shifting around some now, I think; the pain moves around and changes intensities somewhat depending on the time of day.
  10. Re: The cranky thread WARNING. Potential TMI ahead.
  11. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "Awwwwwww, yeah ... uh-huh ... yeeaaaah ..."
  12. Re: The cranky thread It's official. My wife SUCKS at giving shots.
  13. Re: The cranky thread It wouldn't be so bad, except my wife and I are staying at a hotel while I do my PD training, thus sharing a bed, and I don't want to disrupt her sleeping.
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I am apparently progressing very well on my Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) training. I'm already doing PD exchanges at home, apparently a full day ahead of the curve. Yay me.
  15. Re: The cranky thread My insurance won't cover any RLS meds, apparently, so I'm kinda hosed on that front.
  16. Re: The cranky thread Prior to starting the home dialysis arrangements, it was not brought to my attention that I would need to get an injection of Epogen (stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells) every week. It is intended that I inject myself with this. I cannot do this, I am too scared of needles. Thus, it will fall to my wife ... who has no depth perception. You know those Facebook entries where people say 'boy, I wish the real world was in 3D?' My wife can actually say that. This is gonna suck. Addendum: I hate insomnia. I'm yawning and exhausted anywhere in this hotel room EXCEPT in the bed. Then I'm wide awake, and my body itches and aches and my restless legs kick in. Sleeping pills no help ...
  17. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My dinner this evening: Bacon-wrapped sirloin (two small ones), scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, and hash browns at IHOP. Holy crap was it delicious.
  18. Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day... Maybe, but in 20 or so years of playing HERO, I can't recall ever once thinking 'Man, if only I could buy half a hex of Flight ...'.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Health food!
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