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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Heretic!
  2. Re: Tactical Analysis: Gravitar Looks pretty spot-on ... she's one of those 'Achilles Heel' type supervillains. Her weakness is that lack of defense against exotic attacks like NNDs, Ego Attack, and similar.
  3. Re: The cranky thread I'm usually not a big fan of mayo on sandwiches, but I love potato salad and pasta salad (the kind I make uses mayo) ...
  4. Re: The cranky thread Ditto. I tend not to like mayonnaise on any hot foods, 'cause mayo gets kinda nasty when it warms up. Strangely, though, I don't have this problem with, say, sour cream in Mexican or psuedoMexican (aka Taco Bell) food.
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Freddy Cougar?
  6. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... You're just being shellfish!
  7. Re: Quickchange question For what it's worth, I can't think of a single officially printed Champions character in 4th or 5th edition with Only In Hero ID on his/her powers that also had Shapeshift as part of the package ... and there are several who have alternate forms without that limitation who don't have it, either, most relevant to this conversation being Harpy, who goes from 'normal woman' to, well, having wings and taloned feet.
  8. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Well, I could sponge-bathe myself. I had to make sure my exit site from the surgery didn't get wet for fear of infection ... but it's healed up, and while I do have to take some precautions regarding getting water in the tubing ... it just felt SOOOOO good to take an honest-to-Inari shower.
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... You must-elid stop the puns right now.
  10. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I have, after six long weeks, finally taken a shower. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
  11. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Otterly adorable.
  12. Re: Quickchange question I would say definitely no.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore While I'm not a huge Thin Mint fan, my wife is, so allow me to relay her WANT, thusly: (Thanks, SSgt. Baloo!)
  14. Re: High Range Radio Perception with visual display? I might consider this as a special effect, as it has both an upside and a downside ... yeah, you can show your friends the communications, but any enemies eavesdropping on you can see/hear the whole thing, too.
  15. Re: Quickchange question That could be based on the physical alteration, though. If the Zeta Beam equipment is looking for someone 6'6" and 350 pounds of muscle ...
  16. Re: The cranky thread Evidently, bacon and a claw hammer together are, at least ... Edit: Back on topic ... for the love of Celestia, never cough, sneeze, and hiccup at the same time.
  17. Re: Need a name for a windy character Behold, the might of Windbreaker!
  18. Re: Quickchange question I'm not aware of the scent issue has been addressed. If one counts the Young Justice cartoon, however, his mind has been read by a telepath to confirm that Billy is Captain Marvel and vice versa. The fact that the Shazam! transformation is purely physical has been long-established, however.
  19. Re: Quickchange question Definitely not the mental part; Cap and Billy have the same memories and personality (One of Captain Marvel's big weaknesses is that he has the mind of a 10 year old boy in a superpowered adult body).
  20. Re: Need a name for a windy character Cyclone Vortex Twister Cloudburst Storm Cloud Skybreaker Gale Force
  21. Re: Quickchange question This is a classic 'Only In Hero ID' power set. It has all the benchmarks; powers not accessible all the time, and the transformation can be prevented or interrupted (or, heck, with Mind Control, induced). Buying the powers Only In Hero ID is 100% correct.
  22. Re: Teleport Dodge, did I do it right? Technically, you can abort to Dodge any time you feel like it, even if you aren't being attacked or if the Dodge won't help (like if you know the incoming attack is an AoE).
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