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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: building 6th edition power suits Last I knew, it was flatly illegal to take Alternate ID and Focus on the same power.
  2. Re: Where do your chars put their XPs? Typically, from the last time I ran FH, players tend to improve their experience in improving their character's schtick, and tend not to diversify much. This works for me on the basis that I like PCs being distinctive, having their own specialties and schticks, and minimal toe-stepping-onning. The swashbuckler worked on more swashbuckly things ... fencing martial arts, levels, Leaping w/Acrobatics check, increasing Acrobatics, Climbing and such The barbarian worked on his toughness and ability to take damage and shrug things off. The crossbowman worked on his accuracy and developed trick-shot powers. The exception was the whip-wielding duelist, who opted to pick up some ice- and warrior-magery tricks.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Tonight was the night I thought I would finally get some sleep. Then one of the strap-connectors on my CPAP broke, and I cannot wear it in any useful fashion. *sigh*
  4. Re: Tactical Analysis: Gravitar Yeah, with Gravitar and her massive ego, I'd wager your best bet is to Mind Control her into major tactical flubs. "We're so far beneath your incredible power, you don't need your barrier." "We don't stand a chance against you, so why don't you waste a phase gloating?" "Surely you don't need to unleash your full power to swat a horde of puny gnats." That sort of thing. (Or my personal favorite trick, the Fully Indirect Ego Attack. I'm over here, but the Mental Attack came from over THERE. Please go pursue some wild geese.)
  5. Re: D&D 4E Style Minions If you're designating them as one-hit wonders, you don't even need to fuss with computing their Body, Stun and Defenses; the only defensive stat that matters is DCV (and maybe ECV, depending on if the PCs have mental powers).
  6. Re: building 6th edition power suits Independent left because it was unworkable; either you never took the Focus away, and thus the point break was never earned, or you took it away and the person got it back, making it no worse than a regular focus, or you took it away and the person never got it back, which meant he was suddenly jerked out of a whole bunch of Character Points.
  7. Re: How to Build: Global (Inherent) Power that affects the campaign world? There's no need to stat up campaign world default settings. This is really just a plot point.
  8. Re: The cranky thread F**K. I just screwed up giving myself a fluid exchange ... opened the fill line instead of the drain line first by mistake. I knew this freakin' insomnia was gonna make me do something stupid eventually.
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Taco Bell's never done anything to me, either ... but it's just such an easy source of cheap humor, I can't resist.
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Remind me to stand upwind of you.
  11. Re: Tactical Analysis: Gravitar Yep. Unless you've got enough muscle that the whole 'when all you have is a hammer' strategy actually works.
  12. Re: The cranky thread I hadn't eaten anything in ... let's see ... about 18 hours, maybe more. Wife brings food home ... and I barely eat any of it. I'm just not hungry ... which I should be grateful for, being so overweight, but peritoneal dialysis leaches out a lot of protein from the body, so I may be putting myself at risk of some serious health problems if I don't figure out where my appetite went.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Inception or Indigestion?
  14. Re: The cranky thread If I thought for a moment the city would allow it, and that I could afford it, I'd have my yard freakin' Astroturfed.
  15. Re: D&D 4E Style Minions Assuming you actually need to stat it out (you don't; you can just say 'these guys are one-hit villains'), you could just give them a Phys Lim of 'Minion', which makes them one-hit villains.
  16. Re: Immunity to Drains A metric asstonne of Power Defense really seems like the only way.
  17. Re: The cranky thread I have called half the lawn-service places I can find in my town, and not a single f***ing one of them will actually answer their f***ing phone.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos In that case ... have 38 MOAR minutes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1qFhZo8-vw&feature=autoplay&list=FLgg4rwNjTukp9XxD8T6QK6g&playnext=1
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Here you go ... have half an hour (!) of Whose Line Scenes From A Hat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR2I4ZoqpMI&list=FLgg4rwNjTukp9XxD8T6QK6g&index=2&feature=plpp_video
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