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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore And a prairie chili dog with extra cheese ...
  2. Re: How have you used "The Monster?" Well, there's this little thing called 'character concept'.
  3. Re: Getting Stronger and Tougher the More I Get Hurt Thank you.
  4. Re: The cranky thread I've been crying ever since my wife left for work. I feel like a complete waste of space. I feel like I'm dragging everybody around me down. I hate that I can't give my wife and our cats a better home. I hate having to hook myself up to this f**king dialysis equipment four times a day. I hate having half my wife's room taken up by my boxes of supplies. I want to hit something, break something, smash something, but I'm so damned weak I can't even do that. Would it have been too much to ask for a little warning on how much your life is going to suck? If had known it was going to turn out like this, I would never have bothered. "Yeah, you're gonna get an inexplicable incurable disease and be useless for the last half-plus of your life." "No thanks, I'll pass."
  5. Re: Flares from Iron Man Flash to all sight, since that includes IR perception; throwing off the heat-seeker would be more on the limited AI used in the missile rather than one of Iron Man's powers, I'd say.
  6. Re: Charging Powers Extra Time works well for this. You could say ... 8d6 EB +4d6 EB Extra Time (Full Phase) +4d6 EB Extra Time (1 Turn) etc etc So with a regular half-phase, you throw 8 dice, a full phase gets you 12 dice, and so on so forth.
  7. Re: How have you used "The Monster?" Only time I've seen him, he was a summoned demon at the beck and call of Dark Seraph. I cannot begin to tell you just how badly that fight sucked.
  8. Re: Getting Stronger and Tougher the More I Get Hurt How about ... (just to pull random numbers) ... +10 STR, +5PD/ED Armor (or Resistant Protection, whatever), only at 1/4 Stun or Below (-1/4) +10 STR, +5PD/ED Armor (or Resistant Protection), only at 1/2 Stun or below (-1/2) +10 STR, +5PD/ED Armor (or Resistant Protection), only at 3/4 Stun or below (-3/4) Take No Figured Characteristics if you're playing 5e, so the math doesn't boing if you wind up near a breakpoint ('I'm below 1/4, get more STR, now I'm above 1/4, lose the STR, now I'm below 1/4 ...'), and voila. The more hurt you get, the stronger and tougher you get.
  9. Re: The cranky thread I hurt places I didn't even know I had places. My back's so far out of whack it took me an hour to get out of bed this morning. *whimper*
  10. Re: The cranky thread I am, once again, in a position of being unable to determine if I'm hungry or nauseous.
  11. Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It? Wow, am I late to the party ... but that's never stopped me before. I use the Power skill in my games two ways ... 1. Frivolous uses of one's special effect, like Dust Raven says ... little things like changing the channel on your TV with your light powers that simply aren't worth writing up and aren't worth spending XP on. 2. The ability to spend XP in the middle of a battle or other tense situation. How I do it: You build the power you're intending to use (if it's going to be complicated, we can just kind of eyeball it so the game doesn't grind to a total halt). You then have to make a Power skill check with a penalty equal to 1/10th of the cost of the power after Limitations. So, if you're just suddenly trying to come up with a straight 60 point power, you'd have to make the check at -6. If you also have to concentrate to 0 DCV throughout using it (a -1 limitation), you'd only have to make the check at -3.
  12. Re: Camouflage? Yep; it also was part of the 5e Size Templates for being smaller than human-sized. Also in 5e, the Concealment skill specifies that it can be used to hide yourself if you're stationary (aka 'finding a good hiding place').
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'll take your word for it. I've never been a fan of salty and sweet together (I won't touch chocolate-covered pretzels, for example).
  14. Re: Great Lakes Avengers: Mr. Immortal (5e, 350pts) Does 'Terminus clapping his hands with Mr. I in between' count?
  15. Re: VPP discusion Okay, NOW I think I see how this is supposed to work. Yeah, I don't really see a problem with that.
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I'm going to assume chocolate refers to their coloration, not any actual chocolate content?
  17. Re: The cranky thread Couldn't sleep last night again ... didn't even bother trying, knew it wouldn't happen.
  18. Re: Great Lakes Avengers: Mr. Immortal (5e, 350pts) Pretty cool ... One thing with Mr. I's powers seems to be (from what I recall) that the faster he dies, the faster he resurrects. When he died from radiation poisoning, Bertha said he'd be back up in about 20 minutes. When he was shot in that bank robbery, he was down for a minute or two. When Terminus crushed him, he popped back up immediately. I'm not sure how, or even if, this should be modeled, but I felt compelled to mention it.
  19. Re: VPP discusion Isn't this just ... a basic Gadget Pool? If the intent is that you can only use one of the powers in the pool at a time, why not just buy them all with Lockout (cannot use other VPP slots)?
  20. Re: Camouflage? Since every other thing he mentioned was clothing, I assumed he was referring to a tiger-striped camouflage suit.
  21. Re: Camouflage? Bonus to Concealment through a focus would probably be the easiest way.
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