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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Cross-posted (well, linked) to the Ponies thread. http://bronies.memebase.com/2012/06/10/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-tara-strong-is-best-human/
  2. Re: Mental Institute name needed The Sentry City Bin for the Perpetually Loony
  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh Simon Furman got the okay to write a Transformers comic that continues the original Marvel continuity! http://tfwiki.net/wiki/The_Transformers:_Regeneration_One
  4. Re: The cranky thread I hate moving furniture. I'm trying to figure out how the hell I got that desk in my bedroom in the first place now; I couldn't get it out without breaking it (fortunately, I was disposing of it anyway).
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I saw a commercial for a winery here in Missouri that sells, I s**t you not, Jalapeno wine. (I don't know how to make the n-with-tilde.) Not that I'd ever try it, but I thought it would be interesting to mention.
  6. Re: Ben 10: Omniverse The video's been yoinked.
  7. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Don't forget Pirate Breakfast!
  9. Re: Sun missing First things first, make a pun about 'sol searching'.
  10. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Good grief. One can of that and your Cholesterol will be higher than your SATs.
  11. Re: Should Abort be automatic? I agree with Markdoc. I see no benefit to this houserule.
  12. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle Sounds like you may need to talk to the entire group and tell them that it's not a competition. RPGs are cooperative.
  13. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? It occurs to me another reason I would probably have problems with a 'people with powers' game is that my favorite character types tend to be incongruous in such a game. I like artificial characters, like robots or golems, or characters who gave themselves powers intentionally, or are aliens or 'monsters' rather than lab accidents or mutants.
  14. Re: Superhero team Leader: PC or NPC? I definitely prefer a PC be team leader, though I have sometimes done the NPC patron/mentor/trainer/mission control kind of guy (like old Bruce in Batman Beyond). Unfortunately, none of the players I have are leader-types, or want to play characters who are, so ... yeah. Things tend to be kind of unfocussed.
  15. Re: Background Story Rewards Struck me as stupid first time I heard about it, still strikes me as stupid.
  16. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? What is a 'Scobbies'?
  17. Re: Fictional Bad Guys Become Real There is a point there ... are they actually behaving in accordance with the tropes and limitations of their source material? Are the 80s cartoon villains actually hurting people, or are they just starting grandiose plans and blowing up some scenery?
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Literally.
  19. Re: Fictional Bad Guys Become Real War Wolf would assume this is the work of The Producer ... for those unfamiliar, it was a villain from an older Champs supplement (Strike Force?) who would create robots based on various movie properties to run amuck. Anyway, tactical sort that he is, he'd check case studies and see if they're behaving in ways you would expect from their fictional counterparts; if so, do some research and see what their weaknesses are and exploit them. For example, Mumm-Ra can't stand the sight of his own face. Cobra Commander is a complete coward. Use holograms or other disguises to see if they can be 'baited' with their on-screen arch-enemies ... like mocking up a fake KITT. Vixen ... might maybe have heard of Megatron from the newer Transformers movie, but that wouldn't be a lot of help ... the rest of 'em, she wouldn't know from Adam, except for Vader. So, she wouldn't likely even know she was facing realized fictional charaters until someone actually told her this. She's not big on 'the classics'. As such, she wouldn't take their MOs into account and probably stick to a pretty direct approach ... stop the bad guys and try to trail 'em back to their headquarters.
  20. Re: Does anyone ekse like People with Powers style games? I might try one, but I suspect I'd get bored with it pretty quickly, truth to tell. I'm a big fan of the whole costumes, code names, public acts of daring-do type of supers. I'd rather my characters get to flaunt their abilities than have to sit on them.
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yo dawg, I heard you liked pizza ...
  22. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle Talk to him away from the other players. Ask him if he really wants to play in this game. Ask him what, in the game, made him come to these conclusions/make these decisions.
  23. Re: Willow I am curious that you stated she would develop 'more mental attacks' when she doesn't have any to begin with; TK goes off of DEX, it's not a mental power (in game terms). If you're not intending to branch out into telepathy/ego attack/mind control, definitely sell back some EGO. I'm not certain I would buy into the idea of being able to use Telekinesis to make oneself invisible. I'd need some justification on that one.
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