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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread Well, I'm not sick at 2am, but my f**king machine won't stop giving me error messages about low drain volume ... which is really not something I can fix, given that the likely cause is catheter migration. There's only so many different positions I can lay in to try to reposition the thing.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Ron Artest tried that. Didn't work out so well for him.
  3. Re: Pinball Punch It sounds like some variant of Trigger on the movement might be what you want, set to go off when the character knocks back a target.
  4. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... More like Stoned Lizard is stoned ...
  5. Re: The cranky thread No serious stomach issues last night. I went without that new medicine last night; going to do so again today and see how I do.
  6. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I'm pretty sure there is, but if there isn't, spell research.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Started getting stomach pains again last night (again, at right around 2am), but managed to head it off with some Zantac, so I didn't vomit. Starting to suspect that it might be a new medicine I'm on causing the problem.
  8. Re: Enerjutsu You hit them in the leg/foot or arm/hand and deal enough damage to render the body part temporarily numb, thus they drop their weapon/fall over as their knee buckles or can't put any weight on the foot.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Apparently, this whole 2am vomiting thing is going to be a regular part of my nightly routine ...
  10. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle
  11. Re: Has anybody experimented with removing Speed? A Spd 4 character acts 33% more frequently than a Spd 3 character. A Spd 6 character acts 20% more frequently than a Spd 5 character. Of course, the Spd 3 character will have 10 more points to use on stats, levels, or abilities, so in general I would think it'd work out.
  12. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Doggie Jenga!
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Oh sweet Celestia, YES.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Just got woken up out of a moderately sound sleep by stomach cramps. Got up, was fortunate enough to be in a dwell cycle on my dialysis machine, so I could disconnect myself and get to the bathroom in time to throw up. Stomach seems to be fine now (and I took some medicine), but I'm going to stay awake and disconnected for a bit just in case I have to do that again.
  15. Re: Teamwork Not sure if it's actually the rules or not, but I'd 'combine' the first Autofire shot and the regular Blast to see if the target is stunned, but not the rest of the Autofire shots.
  16. Re: How many of you use END outside of magic? and other questions... I definitely use END for 'mundane' applications when I run FH; the idea of beating an opponent by outlasting him is a fairly classic 'bit'. Kind of like the old Muhammad Ali 'rope-a-dope', where he'd just cover up and block and let the opponent wear himself down trying to batter through his defenses, relying on his superior stamina to be able to finish the job once the opponent had exhausted himself.
  17. Re: GM Help: That Player I Want to Strangle
  18. Re: Jokes I want to see a gym that's only open on Sunday Mornings called Jehovah's Fitness.
  19. Re: Has anybody experimented with removing Speed? Not even once. The problem may be that there's too wide a Speed variance between PCs. Generally, I feel PCs should only vary by 2 or 3 points tops, so a heroic game might be all Speeds 3-4, low supers might be 4-7, high supers 5-8, that sort of thing.
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I thought they already had those a few months ago?
  21. Re: Alternate initiative rules? Really? I've never once heard that.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Oh, sweet Celestia, the tasteless jokes I could make.
  23. Re: Idunn, Goddess of Youth...Trolling for powers. Hmm. One could extrapolate that her power to grant Youth could also take it away, for a variety of Drains and such.
  24. Re: The cranky thread The good news is, my phosphorous level is exactly where it should be. The bad news is ... it's not because I'm watching what I eat and taking my medicines. It's because I'm still not freakin' eating.
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