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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I'm taking a different tack. I'm going to be cremated, then I want my ashes put into fireworks and set off at the end of the funeral ceremony (if possible ... I'm not sure how much time typically passes between cremation and ceremony). In other news ... is it bad that I consider that going over 24 hours without throwing up again to be worthy of the Nice Happy thread?
  2. Re: Do you use Teamwork? I don't require the use of Teamwork to coordinate attacks or such; HERO has enough die rolls already, and I'm generally against anything that makes cooperation more difficult. Essentially, though, what it means (at least relative to your situation) is that you have to avoid the use of Solo opponents. Give your big-bad at least a couple of henchmen, even if they're not as powerful as a standard PC, just to throw off the gang-fire tactic you've described. That, or make sure they have stratospheric CON scores and extra defenses against being Stunned.
  3. Re: The cranky thread My wife, of course, but she has a full-time job, so it's not often she feels up to going. My best friend no longer has a car, and I live 200 miles from any relatives.
  4. Re: What Happened to Force Fields? Well, Rogue's power expressly has a limitation that it requires skin-to-skin contact, so that's probably not the best example.
  5. Re: Power Frameworks? What are they? My personal favorite example for a Multipower is a Star Trek phaser or Star Wars blaster pistol. 'Set to Stun' is one slot, 'Set to Kill' is another, but you can't do both at once.
  6. ... like I'm an idiot, because apparently I am. I have the 6e basic rulebook, and for some reason I'm not quite wrapping my skull around how this limitation works. With a specific question ... let's say I have a Human Torch-alike with Flight, visible Resistant Protection (fire shield), and a Multipower with 3 slots in it (EB, Flash, RKA). The Flight, RProt, and MP all have Unified Power. I get that, if the Flight is Drained, then the RProt and MP are equally drained. Am I correct in thinking that, if one individual slot of the MP is Drained (not the Reserve itself), then not only is the Flight and RProt Drained, so are the other slots in the MP?
  7. Re: Psychic Shock I agree with this.
  8. Re: The cranky thread I have weakened to the degree where I'm not sure going to the grocery store alone is a good idea anymore.
  9. Re: I like Playing Bricks! Is that wrong? I don't know if it counts as an 'archetype', but I'm a huge fan of Multiform characters. My most recent was something of a Ben 10 homage, and I love the idea of a robot character with a 'Super Mode'.
  10. Re: The cranky thread I know that feel, bro.
  11. Re: Speedster Pondering. Basically, the Speed Force is an extradimensional energy that DCU speedsters tap. It's what lets them do things like run at several times the speed of sound without catching fire from friction, and helps provide the 'fuel' needed so they don't burn out their bodies' caloric/fat supplies in three seconds. Not all DC characters capable of super-speed tap the Speed Force, though (Superman, for example, does not).
  12. Re: How many of you use END outside of magic? and other questions... It makes more sense that the rule is 'a power that inherently costs no END cannot be pushed' rather than 'a power that normally does, but is bought to zero END, cannot be pushed either', anyway. I'd certainly let him push his Strength.
  13. Re: Ghostbusters Plus Are we counting the events of the Ghostbusters Video Game as canonical?
  14. Re: I like Playing Bricks! Is that wrong? Nothing wrong with that at all. Play what you like.
  15. Re: The cranky thread You know the worst part about throwing up, after the pain that precedes it, the horrible taste in your mouth, and getting acid up your nose? Being hungry immediately afterwards, but realizing that eating is probably not a good idea.
  16. Re: Mother Box, Legion Flight Ring...DCU Writeups Not in the version of the Legion I'm used to. They had 'trans-suits' that did that (transparent space suits, basically). A quick check at a couple of Wikis (take that for what it's worth, of course) gives me this list: Flight Distress Beacon Security Device (aka 'must be wearing a ring to access') Ah, here we go: "In certain alternate universe versions of the Legion, it has other uses as well. Environmental protection is an added benefit for the Earth-Prime Legionnaires, for example. The Earth-0 and Earth-247 Legionnaires use Legion Transuits instead."
  17. Re: Telescoping Bo Staff I disagreed with it then, too.
  18. Re: Mother Box, Legion Flight Ring...DCU Writeups AFAIK, the Legion Flight Rings are just Flight and HRRP, IIF Ring. But then, I'm at least one reboot if not two behind on the Legion.
  19. Re: Telescoping Bo Staff That's not an IAF. An Inobvious Focus is inobvious when in use; it's not the visible source of the power/attack. The staff is completely obvious when being swung about. (Yes, I know that's how Steve does it. I think Steve is wrong.) I generally consider 'storage' in such ways to simply be special effects or something just handwaved away for simplicity's sake.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Oh, for bootin' up cold ... all those Low Drain Volume alarms last night slowed down the works so bad, if I'm reading the machine right, that I basically lost a whole dialysis cycle.
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