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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Do you like watching Superman punch people? Me too! Enjoy.
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore The deli at the supermarket I go to now has a variety of bacon-lovers deli meats, including bacon-covered ham, bacon ranch chicken breast, Applewood smoked turkey with bacon, and peppered bacon covered roast beef. I think I'm going to start eating a LOT more sandwiches.
  3. Re: Intelligent Animals and Mental Powers Alternately, could be bought as extra Presence, offensive only, etc etc. Edit: Whoops, ninja'd. S'what I get for not reading the whole thread before answering.
  4. Re: Intelligent Animals and Mental Powers I'm not a huge fan of the 'class of mind' rules, but if it can have an articulate conversation with anybody who walks by, I'd probably place it in the Human category of minds.
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Today, I went out for breakfast before my doctor's visit, ran into an old friend of mine who, since the last time I saw him, has gotten married and had a child. Now, I'm not a huge fan of children in general, but even I have to admit the kid was pretty cute. Probably not even two years old yet, and his father has taught him how to fistbump, which I actually think is kind of awesome.
  6. Re: The cranky thread So, my blood pressure has been steadily reading rather high for quite some time ... Usually in excess of 130/80. High BP means excess fluid in the body, means I need more dialysis, so I've been using a stronger solution. Turns out, either my cuff is defective or I just plain can't do it right, as the doctor took my BP at the clinic visit today and got 90/60. This explains my excessive weakness, dizziness, and perhaps nausea over the last month or so ... i've been over-dialyzing and drying myself out.
  7. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Robin Williams once hypothesized that the platypus proves that there is a god, and he smokes weed. *inhales from joint* "Okay, so ... it's got a duck's beak, but it's a mammal, and it lays eggs. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey Darwin?! YO!" *raises middle finger*
  8. Re: Optional Manuevers-when do you use them? I generally reserve optional maneuvers for 'main characters'. Yeah, I could have a cadre of VIPER agents start Rapid Firing or such, but there are simply too many of them to make it worth my time to hassle with.
  9. Re: The cranky thread Call me un-American if you wish, but I am sick to freakin' death of fireworks. People been shooting them off for three damn weeks, all hours of the night. Sick and tired of getting woke up at 2am by explosions. Loud, the whole neighborhood stinks of whatever's in those things, and in this heat, they're even MORE dangerous. The holiday is on the Fourth of July, not 'Early June to Middle of July'. You shoot the things off on the Fourth, and ONLY the Fourth.
  10. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage Never mind the fact that physics doesn't actually work like that ... no matter how much harder one material is than another, it's still limited by how much force you can put behind it. Aunt May with adamantium claws would still be hard-pressed to cut through wood, much less swipe through titanium ... but, comic-book physics, whatcha gonna do?
  11. Re: Killing Damage to Normal Damage I wouldn't mess around with point-statting this out; it's a 'convention of the genre'. Just convert the killing DC to normal DC when used against a living target.
  12. Re: Defeat Means Friendship? Give all the (appropriate) bad guys Psych Lims, "Becomes friends with/respects anybody who defeats them"?
  13. Re: Sweep in HtH (5th) I don't believe they need to be adjacent to one another, no.
  14. Re: Characteristics as Powers - Can I REALLY do this...!?! HD is not really a rules resource. Just because it lets you do something doesn't mean it's legal (and just because something is legal doesn't mean the GM will let you do it).
  15. Re: Revisiting TAUNT Rather than make the taunt an 'absolute' effect, how about making it an encouragement? Use a couple of Negative Skill Levels (or a DEX Drain that only affects CV) that only applies to targets other than the brick? His chatter and insults distract the target, but they aren't forced to attack him ... but it's a good idea.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. You know you've been married a long time when you can get away with a line like this ... Wife: "You know what I want right now?" Me: "A margarita and a Midol?"
  17. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Incredibly minor thing, but, what the hell. Caught my first not-a-red-Gyarados shiny Pokemon the other night.
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My wife and I went out to eat at a local place last night. She ordered the BBQ Beef sandwich, I got a salad. By the time I had finished setting up my salad (cutting up the larger chunks of lettuce, slicing the cucumbers and onions into smaller pieces, adding the dressing and mixing it all up) ... that sandwich was GONE. I never actually saw her take a bite of it.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My wife's Urban Fantasy game finally got off the ground tonight. The cast: Christopher Sainte, ex-NCIS, cybermage. Walks with a cane after wounded in the leg. Hugh, life-force vampire and musician Gregory, professional burglar sometimes possessed by a sociopath from 13th century England Seamus, basically an extraordinarily tall leprechaun Owen, werewolf MMA fighter Owen, in reference to Christopher: "I had an idea I wanted to run past Wobbly Bob, The One-And-Three-Quarter-Legged Security Guard." (How I managed to say this with a straight face, I'll never know.) Hugh is 'feeding' off someone with multiple souls in her body. The GM describes her as 'like one of those rich desserts that's so rich, if you eat too much of it, you make yourself sick'. "So what happens when a life-force vampire barfs?" Owen, in reference to some of Seamus' Irish/Cajun cooking ideas: "Dude, I have relatives who eat their own poop, and that grosses me out." A running gag through the night, any time an NPC stated 'I/he/she trust(s) you.' "Well, there's your problem right there."
  20. So ... having an idea for a game that could probably be described as inspired by the old TMNT system (and, of course, you couldn't pay me to actually run Palladium). In the game-world I'm thinking of, there are 'mutants' (or Moreaus if you have literary chops), which are animals raised to sapience and bipedalism, and 'splicers', which are humans who have gained animal features. The latter is illegal, the former is considered a military technology. So, mutants are generally government agents, frequently 'super-soldiers'. With the bioengineering being a new technology, the legal system hasn't caught up with it in many ways. Specifically, mutants are not considered 'people' under the US Constitution, meaning they are entitled to no legal protections. They are, essentially, property. How many points would this probably be worth, do you think?
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