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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Really, I find the whole concept of sex being related to powers, whether gaining or losing, to be, well, nonsensical. Probably not something I'd allow in a game, between the potential for offense and the general 'how in the world does that even work?' aspects of it. I can't even comprehend how someone could come up with that.
  2. Re: Do you use Teamwork? Hear hear!
  3. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Just a little ocelot! Ocelittle? (At least, I think that's an ocelot.)
  4. Re: The cranky thread I miss my wife, but I'll feel like a pest if I call her again tonight. Addendum: Good news, trash is out. Bad news ... I am now utterly winded, which frankly is embarassing. I know I actually have an excuse, what with the chronic illness and all, but f**k, I should not be panting and wheezing from taking out the freakin' garbage.
  5. Re: Question: Knockback / Stomp Question I interpret differently, then.
  6. Re: Coaching from other GMs: How do you describe the combat effects I'm a big fan of as much game-transparency as possible, so I usually wind up saying how much STUN the target took in the shot anyway (I tend to verbalize the math as I'm doing it, anyway), so there's usually not a lot of doubt. I like to use comic book sound effects when I can, too, so a few stun might be a 'smack', while a more considerable hit might result in a 'KRA-FUNCH' or a 'KA-THOOM'.
  7. Re: Question: Knockback / Stomp Question You're not doing a move-through on the ground, you're doing a move-through on the guy. You'd take the half-damage for hitting the target (or full damage if you somehow manage to not roll knockback).
  8. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings I am pleased to say, this has never been the case in any fantasy game I've played in or run (discounting, say, the first two years or so ... 14-year-olds tend to have inappropriate games, IME). And, frankly, if it were, I would simply leave.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's like a trust fall, only farther!
  10. Re: Question: Knockback / Stomp Question This mostly just sounds like a move-through using Leaping to me. More or less by definition, the 'knockback' is going to be down into the ground in such an instance.
  11. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... She's just trying to make some money to pay for college! Sexy bitch.
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Linked for animation: http://senorgif.memebase.com/2012/07/09/funny-gifs-back-flip-kick/
  13. Re: The cranky thread *sigh* 4am, had to disconnect from my machine to run to the bathroom as, to paraphrase the Monty Python wine sketch, the sluices were opened at both ends.
  14. Re: [4E] Worst Disad My personal favorite, from back in my college days, was someone who made a character with Accidental Change: into a bird (falcon, eagle, hawk?) when captured. Now, it bears noting that the character had no shapeshifting power whatsoever; no Shapeshift, no Multiform, not even Hero ID, though he did have foci*. So, being something of a jerk at the time (rather than just saying 'no'), I 'interpreted' the Disad as turning him into a completely normal bird, including mentally, when activated. So, basically, he'd just start flying around until he was not-captured, then take off for the wild blue yonder. And then turn back to human. Did I mention he couldn't fly, either? *The character was actually *all* foci. All of his stats above 10, every power, and every skill bought through a focus ... a DIFFERENT focus. Dude had bling before the word was invented.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "If you don't shut up, I'm going to get a stick and use it to perform unspeakable things to you. Unspeakable, unlubricated things."
  16. Re: The cranky thread Egon: "C'thulhu." Peter: "Gesundheit." --The Real Ghostbusters, 'Collect Call of C'thulhu'
  17. Re: Plague Doctor I think there's an Advantage for Adjustment powers that they can affect multiple stats/powers at once. Expanded Effect, I think it's called?
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Picard: "Tea, Earl Grey, hot." Riker: "Ale, Romulan, lots."
  19. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... FENNEC! *squee!*
  20. Re: Alternate Sexualities in Champions and Supers settings Which means there are a dozen Rust Age authors champing at the bit to do precisely that.
  21. Re: The cranky thread My wife is out of town for a week. I have the house to myself. I have the car to myself. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do for the next seven days. This just feels completely weird to me now.
  22. Re: Plague Doctor Typically, yes ... unless there are other limitations in force, so long as you're wearing the focus, you have the enhanced characteristics, and they add to the base characteristic. So, if, for example, your character has a 15 STR without his focus, and you buy +15 STR OIF, he'll have a 30 STR when wearing his costume.
  23. Re: Plague Doctor Well, firstly, you can't take both Focus and Only In Alternate Identity on the same powers, so that will clean things up a bit. If you're using Hero Designer, you can create a List, then give everything under that List a Common Limitation (in this case, Obvious Inaccessible Focus). Just put all your characteristics and other stuff in the costume under the list.
  24. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore D-amn. I'd eat the egg on the side, but ... yeah, I'd order one of those.
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