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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, and he's been checking in as often as not for the last month or so.
  2. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Red Cactus. At least, I'm assuming that's the brand name and not part of the ingredients list.
  3. Re: Ben 10: Omniverse According to a Ben 10 Wiki I've found, at least some of the original Omnitrix aliens will have different voice actors. David Kaye is listed as the VA for Omniverse Heatblast, replacing Steven Blum (original series) or Dee Baker (Ultimate Alien), f'rex.
  4. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I picked up a brand of salsa I hadn't seen before off a clearance shelf the other day. 'Red Cactus Sweet Medium Salsa'. It's actually quite good ... I've never had a sweet salsa before, that I can remember. It has a nice kick and afterburn despite its sweetness. It figures I got it off a clearance shelf, though, as that means I'll never see it again. I'm imagining mixing this with some melted Velveeta and hamburger ... a nice cheesy-beefy-spicy dip.
  5. Re: The cranky thread Had another 3am vomit attack. I can only find one unifying element here. It hasn't matter what I've eaten, when I've eaten, how I've eaten, where I've eaten ... the only unifying element I can find is that I started having these stomach issues when I started on peritoneal dialysis, and they got much worse when I went on the overnight cycler. I'm starting to think the excess fluid in my torso cavity is 'squeezing' my stomach, for lack of a better term, and causing my gastric distress.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Sometime in August, the Hardee's in my town will be re-opening. I am looking forward to this, as they have a sandwich that's simply burger, american cheese, swiss cheese, bacon and a bit of mayo on grilled sourdough bread. It could use some veggies, I think, but it's really quite good, but not good enough for me to drive half an hour to get to the nearest one ... They also have bacon cheese fries.
  7. Re: Fantasy Economies: How closely should we examine them?
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore (Activate Insane Troll Logic mode) Homeopathic sounds like sociopathic. Just sayin'. (Insane Troll Logic mode deactivate)
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos NSFW for occasional bits of bad language.
  10. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... I wanna pet the foxie.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Apologies for ads and such ... http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/250604/september-29-2009/cheating-death---snus---placebo-effect
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore This isn't really 'food', per se ... but the guys who make Bacon Salt and Baconnaise? They make envelopes with bacon-flavored glue. http://www.jdfoods.net/products/mmmvelopes.php
  13. Re: The cranky thread F**k. I forgot to do my mid-afternoon manual drain AGAIN. Means less blood-cleaning and puts me behind schedule for getting set up to go to sleep. I'm gonna have to start setting an alarm or something. Addendum: And now I think I have an air bubble in my torso cavity. Not dangerous, but quite painful. Fortunately, I just need to lay down with my hips elevated (pillow under butt) and it should get pumped out during my next drain cycle.
  14. Re: Gestalt: Architects of Change: Preview Interesting stuff, but I gotta say ... that vulnerability has to SUCK.
  15. Re: White Knight Defense in 6E? Why is this called the 'White Knight Defense'?
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos (BTW, can someone explain the LaDanian Tomlinson one to me?)
  17. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Is it bad that I'm really imagining a thought balloon leading from that cat reading 'B***h, I will cut you'?
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yeah, I'm still not sure what was going through Grav's player's head that night.
  19. Re: Destruction of public property, and dealing with the aftermath Unless the characters are intentionally trying to demolish something (picking up a car to throw, trying to collapse a building on someone, etc), I generally handwave it unless it's an intentional plot point ('you're fighting in a spaceship ... watch out for hull breach'). If I were feeling sadistic enough to institute a 'critical failure' rule, I might have an 18 involve hitting something important or troublesome in the background ... but I loathe critical failures.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A little hard to understand, but an amusing parody nonetheless (IMHO)
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