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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Alternately, the problem was when they started letting the Joker succeed. Let him plot and plan and set-up his mass-murder plots ... that's fine. But always have him be STOPPED.
  2. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Nothing heroic about killing unconscious, defenseless people. That's just cold-blooded murder. Hopefully, Mr. Roboto's teammates turned him in to the authorities as soon as they were able.
  3. Re: Mega Man I played for years on a Mega Man MUSH (kind of an online text-based game, like a more complicated MUD), so consider myself something of an expert on the Blue Bomber. Anyway, Zeropoint is correct on all counts. Mega Man does, indeed, sink like a stone in water, and the teleport system is part of Dr. Light's lab and would be paid for by Dr. Light. As far as the PD/ED goes, well, I'd probably just make it whatever's typical for the campaign he's in. It could be argued that his PD and ED are virtually nonexistant, since he takes damage from walking into enemies ... but not seriously. I would probably increase his CON and END some, and lose the zero-end-on-everything paradigm. While it seems typical in HERO for robots to buy zero end on everything, I wouldn't consider it a requirement.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos For everybody who ever thought Richard Dawson was completely unflappable ... watch him flap.
  5. Re: The cranky thread Thanks. As much as I hate to do it, I'm gonna have to call a doctor and see if we can figure something out.
  6. Re: The cranky thread I didn't eat anything after about, oh, six o'clock or so. But I wake up in the middle of the night and take a drink of water ... WATER ... from the water bottle I keep near my bed, and that was enough to turn my stomach upside down and send me heading for the bathroom again.
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I was about to worry. o.O
  8. Re: Killing Damage in 6e Noted here as well. I recall a lot of battles where tactics were simply not used; PCs simply fired off their big KAs banking on a lucky die roll for a one-hit KO. It reminds(reminded) me a lot of D&D's old save-or-die mechanics; roll one die, and the target either dies or ignores it. I always hated those.
  9. Re: The cranky thread It's times like these you realize just how weak words can be. My condolences to your and yours, Hermit. Edit: Bleah. AGAIN.
  10. Re: Killing Damage in 6e Before I adopted the 6e d3 Stun Multiplier, I used the Hit Location chart solely to provide a bell-curve for the Stun Multiplier; none of the other effects of hit locations were used (and you couldn't call shots). It worked pretty well.
  11. Re: How to build: Star Trek Style Pain Rays Mental Entangle. They're in so much pain they can't move or react, and an aspect of the DCV reduction of being Entangled could be falling to one's knees. You then have to summon up the will to act through the pain (aka break the Entangle).
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I never thought to get Vixen in trouble with social media.
  13. Re: Killing Damage in 6e Is it really that difficult a thing to houserule in, though? I use the d3 StunX in my 5e game with no issues, so I can't see why you just opting to use the d6-1 in your 6e games (assuming you play 6e) causing a lot of hoopla.
  14. Re: Killing Damage in 6e That predictability is why I prefer Normal attacks ... I like being able to think to myself, 'I can expect THIS' to happen, both as a player and DM. It makes it much easier to create balanced battles. As far as 'not like the real world' goes ... that's simply not a priority for me. I don't really want to model the real world in my gaming; I want more cinematic reality, for lack of a better term. I play superheroes and high fantasy or high science-fiction (Star Trek or Star Wars stuff). The more 'realistic' the game world/system is, the less interested I tend to be.
  15. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Yeah, I'm tempted to pick some up next time I hit the store. Hopefully I'll actually use them before they go bad on me.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I love it.
  17. Re: Killing Damage in 6e On the other hand, no more StunX Lotto. That's a good thing, IMO.
  18. Re: Plague Doctor That's just a Universal Focus (no point mods), as Arkham says. How much Body is 'reasonable' varies by a number of factors. This guy's pretty buff; I'd go with a 12, myself. I admit, however, that I tend to skimp on BODY as I play in pretty nonlethal campaigns, so taking BODY damage is a rarity. My last PC had an 8 BODY and it was never an issue.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Today's lunch ... a sandwich with bacon-wrapped ham and peppered-bacon roast beef, smoky cheddar cheese, brown mustard, tomato, and an oil-and-vinegar sandwich dressing. I put on too much of the oil-and-vinegar and the bread got mushy quickly, though. Oh, and a side of BLT-flavored potato chips. (I'm going to be burping bacon flavoring for hours.)
  20. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Puss In Boots ... You're doing it right.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Thanks for the sympathy, guys. It wouldn't be so bad if I had more freedom of movement at night, but having to disconnect and reconnect myself from my dialysis machine is, indelicately put, a pain in the ass.
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