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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Needs better presentation. I've had bacon cheeseburger pizzas before, and they are delicious. I've even had one that had a mustard-and-ketchup sauce instead of regular pizza sauce. But I do have to admit, that does just look unappetizing.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Ugh. I feel sickness coming on already. On the upside ... it's before I would connect to my machinery, so I don't have to mess with that.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Dear Best Friend ... I know it's been 100 degrees plus for days. I know it sucks. I, too, am looking forward to the end of the heat advisory and the temperatures 'only' being 90 degrees. However, while I am doing you a favor and driving you 90 miles to Columbia, please do not say 'Ooh, get your jackets' EVERY TIME you or someone else mentions the break in the heat. It was funny once. Twice, maybe. After the sixth time, it has lost its luster. After the tenth time, I want to push you out of the car.
  4. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Thank goodness. I always hated that rule.
  5. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Maybe tomorrow. Taking a road trip with the missus and best friend to get out of town for a while ... plus, we've noticed that whenever all 3 of us drive to Columbia, it frequently rains on us. We figure, who knows, we might be able to help with the Midwestern drought.
  6. Re: The cranky thread I'm an idiot. I woke up at 3am, not sick, just had to use the facilities. I was so tired and groggy, I didn't think twice before going into the kitchen and grabbing a cupcake and a glass of milk. Now I'm afraid to go back to sleep for fear I'll be up in an hour talking to Ralph on the big white telephone.
  7. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I made the front page on I Can Has Cheezburger! Woohoo!
  8. Re: The cranky thread With what I've been doing for the last month or so, I can sympathize. Best of luck getting over it.
  9. Re: Weather Powers??? Isn't that Beta Ray Bill's hammer?
  10. Re: Weather Powers??? I like Stormrunner better (and it avoids trademark issues and people making 'Use the Force' jokes), myself. Skybreaker might be another possibility if the PC isn't a 'one with nature' type, more of a 'nature, sit down and shut up' type.
  11. A random question that popped into my head last night ... Stretching is always considered melee combat, last I checked. If a character has Stretching and a Ranged attack (like, say, a robot with telescopic limbs wielding a laser pistol), can he extend his arm and then start counting his range penalties from the point he's stretched out to? So, say, if he has 10m of stretching and wants to blast someone 30m away, he counts the range as only being 20m?
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I might try the Salty, though I think Doritos are salty enough as-is. I'd probably try the Fried Chicken, just to say I did. Same with Steak. I've had Taco-flavored Doritos before, they're pretty good. The Pizza ones might not be bad (but might be awful). I'd be curious what 'Cool American' flavor is, as well.
  13. Re: Weather Powers??? Cloudburst Stormcloud Cumulus Hurricane (or other major violent weather phenomenon) As far as building one goes ... I typically do the bog-standard 'Weather Control' EC with Flight, a wind shield, and a small Change Environment, then a Multipower with the stuff like Lightning Bolts and Double Knockback Wind Blasts in it.
  14. Re: Divine vs Arcane spells It would vary by campaign setting (assuming your setting even has gods, of course).
  15. Re: Hulu: An evil plot to destroy the world, Enjoy. Shhh. Watching Dancing With The Stars.
  16. Re: Divine vs Arcane spells Well, yeah, but they wouldn't have a bugaboo about them. They'd be all 'hey, undead, cool'. I just don't see why everybody has to pick a side there, basically ... and thus, I don't get why *every* cleric can either turn or control undead. (another reason why the FH game I'm working on isn't going to fart around with divine magic.)
  17. Re: The cranky thread Yeah ... that scared the crap out of me (so to speak) the first time, but then I read the bottle.
  18. Re: Divine vs Arcane spells Thread drift: It made no sense to me that EVERY god had a bugaboo about undead. God of the Sun, God of Healing, God of Light, God of Life, yeah. But would the god of Storms really care about undead one way or the other?
  19. Re: The cranky thread It's 4am and I'm posting. Guess what? I took Pepto-Bismol before bed last night, and had no problems, so I thought perhaps I was onto something and tried it again tonight. All it got me was a pink mess in the toilet (which, of course, freaked me RIGHT the f**k out because I thought it was blood at first).
  20. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Probably the most positive thing I would say about such an act is that it was 'pragmatic'.
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