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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: What version of Luck do you use in your game and why? I prefer to use the Luck Pool variant; at the start of the session, roll your Luck dice and add them up. You can spend them 1-for-1 for most things that require a 3d6 roll, including attack rolls, skill checks, activation rolls, and so forth. (Not hit locations, though.)
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... To make a long story short (too late) ... Vixen and her team are fighting some Russian supers, all with similar 'enhanced physique' kind of powers, martial arts and blasters. During the fight, one of their members gets Entangled and, while he's stuck now, he can get out of we give him time. Vixen switches forms to Overgrowth (her Plant/Wood powers), and activates Might of the Oak (aka 'Growth') and rears back for a punch. "In Soviet Russia, wood pulps YOU!" *THUD*
  3. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Yesterday, I woke up from a nap, intending to wash some dishes. I found one of my cats asleep in the dish-drainer-rack thing.
  4. Re: Cyber Hero (4thEd) any good? It might be good to use as a basis, and build off of, but I'm not sure how useful it was as-is. It had quite a bit of errata (which I can't recall where it was printed ... maybe in an issue of Adventurer's Club?), but it was mostly in points computations, which isn't a huge deal. I also wasn't real fond of the way they did cybernetics, but again, that's easily changeable. For ten bucks, probably worth a shot.
  5. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore A lot of bacon on a pizza is better (depending on other toppings, of course). I actually had a bacon Hawaiian once ... bacon, pineapple, ham, and green peppers that was pretty spectacular.
  6. Re: The cranky thread I must also remember not to put trash cans near the edges of desks or tables. One of my cats just slid off the table into a trash can, spazzed out, tipped it over, and scattered stuff everywhere.
  7. Re: Wealth and Super Heroes In a lot of games, it's worth the 10-15 points just to have an easy justification for buying a new power or vehicle or base upgrade. "Yeah, I want to install a new plasma blaster in my battlesuit." "How do you get it?" "I buy it and pay someone to install it." Bingo-bango-bongo, you're done. I have yet to play a millionaire high-tech character who wasn't capable of building and installing his own gear, though ... they're always inventors and scientists and such. Sometime, if I ever get to play again, I should do that. Someone who just bought all his gear ... wait for someone in the group to ask me a technical question and be all 'How the f*** should I know?'
  8. Re: Mystical tests of character? The only problem with these is that the player can usually see them coming ... so it's hard to tell if the results are honest. If you put a pass/fail scenario in front of some players, the primary motivation becomes 'pass' (or 'win') rather than doing what the character would.
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... This is Pancake the Kitten. Pancake is friends with a Doberman and a German Shepherd. Nobody f**ks with Pancake.
  10. Re: The cranky thread After a month or so, my cats have finally decided that they want to be indoor cats again. So now, I have to re-adapt to never leaving anything breakable on a shelf or table or desk. Edit: And remember to scoop the litter box.
  11. Re: Dragonlance moon magic Agreed. I wouldn't make the player spend points for this. I'd probably do it the easy way ... every level of 'sanction' is worth 10 AP on all your spells, if applicable (it's harder to do with 'absolute effect' powers like Desolidification, for example). So, triple low sanction (3 new moons) is -30 AP on all spells, which pretty effectively neuters them, and triple high sanction (3 full moons) is +30 AP ... which I think qualifies as 'ludicrously powerful' in most FH games.
  12. Re: Quickly figuring out movement rates The .19 multiplier for me would qualify as a simple shortcut ... seriously, if I'm running or playing HERO, I have a calculator with me.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Many Loves Of Dobby* Gills *That was the name of the little goblin dude from Harry Potter, right?
  14. Re: Quickly figuring out movement rates Noah: "What's a cubit?" God: "Let's see ... I used to know what a cubit was ..." But, yeah, I'm in the same boat. KPH doesn't tell me squat.
  15. Re: Chainmail Bikini Effects It would also not function against many NNDs, like knockout gas, correct?
  16. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... LOL Cokehead.
  17. Re: Chainmail Bikini Effects All this time and nobody made a 'Woad Rage' joke? I'm disappointed.
  18. Re: How would you make "the Doctor"? I'd probably consider the TARDIS a plot device, myself. As often as not, he can't seem to control the bloody thing, so ... I'd probably do the Regeneration as the Healing with Resurrection adder, with a (zero-point) side effect of re-arranging his psych lims and appearance every time. The limitation of 12 regenerations would probably not be worth a limitation (since, I'm certain if the show's main actors switch out a number of times past that limit, and the how is still renewed, they'll find some way to cheat it). Obviously, a metric ass-tonne of skills. Lots of overall levels. KS: Everything and SS: Science on huge skill rolls so he can eat the penalties for narrower subjects.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares My Little Porny: Friendship With Benefits is Magic ... ... featuring Kinky Pie. (I'm going to hell.)
  20. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore So, if breakfast meat is magic ... and bacon is breakfast meat ... and friendship is magic ... then bacon is friendship. I can get behind that.
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