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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Some bad language (mostly f-bombs). The #3 on the list is my personal favorite.
  2. Re: Remote directed Weapons & Stretching Wouldn't this just be Indirect? If you can swing the energy disks around every which way, it seems like just an attack with Fully Indirect. If you miss, the disk is still there, and then you make another attack roll as you swing it around for another attempt.
  3. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Kitty: "I'm three inches away from copping a feel ..."
  4. Re: The cranky thread *hugs* If there is a kitty afterlife, hopefully she's frolicking with my dear Nefertiti, being adorable as f**k. This bit of prose always makes me cry, but it may have been the only thing that kept me from doing something desperate when I lost Nefertiti. I hope it helps you now. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Repeat previous image.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Dear Every Person I Have Ever Argued With Ever, Just because I disagree with your position does not indicate a lack of comprehension on my part. Thank you.
  7. Re: The cranky thread The universe just doesn't want me to sleep today. I had problems with my cycler alarming half the night. This morning, every time I try to sleep, about 20 minutes later something happens. Phone rings, someone drives by blasting their stereo, neighbor uses power tools ... ugh.
  8. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Got coupons in the mail today for Wendy's Baconator and Bacon Cheese fries. And one for a salad, but I mean, c'mon ...
  9. Re: Royal Pain Vixen would attempt to talk her teammates into dressing up as supervillains and interfering ("You can't rob this bank, we're robbing this bank!"), then do their best to scare the crap out of the little punk by making it clear that they WILL go to the breaking of bones (even though they really wouldn't). One of her Ravenswood classmates was an Empath, who could also project ... see if she'll tag along to really put the fear of dog into the little brat.
  10. Re: Guide Lines for Campaigns Bought PD/ED up to 8, bought Plate Armor, learned a Force Field spell. Maybe some Combat Luck on the side.
  11. Re: How would you Build Spidey's Web Shooters? As a side note, I would probably buy the actual Swinging power outside the Multipower and not using charges; partly because Spider-Man only seems to run out of web-fluid in the middle of fights, and partly because I wouldn't want to make the GM decide how many charges I blew just getting to the scene.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore And the avocado. And that truffle cream just looks nasty to me for some reason ...
  13. Re: The cranky thread I thought I had my regurgitation issues figured out. I was wrong.
  14. Re: The cranky thread I'm sorry to hear that.
  15. Re: How would you Build Spidey's Web Shooters?
  16. Re: The cranky thread I miss my appetite. 16 hours without significant food, and I go into Taco Bell and can barely finish a chicken burrito and a bag of Doritos.
  17. Re: The Mastermind's Trophies Vixen would have no idea what any of that stuff is. "Armor, hat, Muppet, fat statue, key, bow an' arrow, more armor, disco ball ... whatever." History isn't exactly her strong suit; with the exception of the alien, if she were convinced it was real, the rest of that is just kitsch to her. She'd just leave it all for the cops/government to deal with ... and probably the alien, too, considering that thawing it is beyond her capabilities. Well, thawing it SAFELY anyway.
  18. Re: How would you Build Spidey's Web Shooters? I would probably use clips of charges, since (at least in the comics, dunno about the movie) he carries extra cartridges on the webshooters' wristbands and can easy swap them out when one runs dry. This is how the 5e Gadgets and Gear does it; something like 8 clips of 64 charges on a Multipower reserve, then Multipower slots for all the various web-shape tricks.
  19. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Turns out, my wife couldn't make it ... we didn't get any rain up this way at the time, though we got a splash a couple of days ago that the ground soaked right up. In other news, I think I may have figured out what's been causing my nightly stomach upset. It seems to be a side effect of drinking too much at a time ... I have no idea WHY this is the case, but I've been intentionally holding back on the water intake before bed and it seems to be doing the trick.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Not an auspicious beginning. I hope you feel better soon.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Now I remember why I have a rule in all games ... "Make your character's name easily pronounceable."
  22. Re: What version of Luck do you use in your game and why?
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