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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "I is ur new ebil minion. Sez so on mai membership card."
  2. Re: The cranky thread Less a 'grouchy', more a 'worry'. Someone I know online, her daughter was scheduled for a C-section next Friday. However, she visited her OBGYN today, and he had her admitted to the hospital immediately. Is there any possibility that this does NOT mean something has done wrong?
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm kind of surprised so many people either can't or won't answer the Pokemon Type question. (I picked Fire 'cause my favorite is Vulpix/Ninetales.)
  4. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Well, if you bunnehs didn't have buck-teeth, it might be quicker.
  5. Re: Last Dance With Mary Jane... Vixen: Change forms, go Overgrowth (plant/wood powers). 'Talk' to the plants to find out when the tender is probably coming back. Set ambush. Nab guy, call cops. Help them in taking the plants out for evidence. Get as much media coverage as possible afterwards.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Non, No idea, Unicorn, Mr. Fantastic, Human, Werewolf, Blue, 'Derp', Fire, Mage
  7. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread That position has its elections every 4 years, opposite the Presidential elections (2006, 2010, 2014), so she'll (hopefully) have the position for another 2 years before having to decide if she'll run again.
  8. Re: Let's talk about movement It's basically an effect of the game having to have things go in atomic segments (not 'Segments' the game term) for the sake of our sanity, while in the 'game world' they would be occurring simultaneously or close to it. The game mechanics require, say, 'move on your phase, not move for a segment or two, then move again' because it needs a regimented way of resolving actions so everybody isn't trying to do everything at the same time. In the game world, however, the character is moving continuously.
  9. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I'm not sure, actually.
  10. Re: Let's talk about movement All games have wonky mechanics. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, don't think about it too hard, move on.
  11. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Here they come ... walkin' down the street. Again! http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/surviving-monkees-to-launch-first-tour-in-15-years-20120808
  12. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread So, my mother-in-law decided to run for country treasurer in the special election they're having. She's been fretting over it, pretty much positive she wasn't going to win. She was wrong. She won. It was close, but she won.
  13. Re: The cranky thread I don't understand the human body. One of the symptoms of dehydration is vomiting ... which means you're losing even MORE fluids. It makes no sense.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings What would a Mobius Strip Club be like?
  15. Re: LET'S HACK: The Turakian Age Meh. An elf is whatever the campaign setting tells you an elf is in that campaign setting. And why in the world would an elf be unable to throw a grenade? Unless he's lost his arms or something.
  16. Re: LET'S HACK: The Turakian Age If I were to cut races from TA, I'd probably cut the humans, elves, dwarves and such. Tired and cliche'd, been around for, what, forty, fifty years? Break out the new stuff.
  17. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "We were out of Coke."
  18. Re: LET'S HACK: The Turakian Age I have no problems with the PCs altering 'canon' timelines. If the PCs manage to kill Kal-Turak, more power to them. The only time I could conceive of that being any kind of issue is if I was running a FH game and a Champions game that were intended to be in the same timeline ... which I can't imagine attempting anymore. And if I did, well then, Takofanes is now someone else. I throw things out of canon I don't like all the time. If I were to run Forgotten Realms, I'd kill off half the overpowered Mary Sue NPCs in the first week. Elminster, Drizz't, the lot of 'em. I ran a Star Wars game where the PCs failed to rescue Anakin Skywalker well in advance of him becoming Darth Vader, and he died. Canon is a crutch.
  19. Re: Remote directed Weapons & Stretching Do I say 'tough tamales' now, or wait a couple of posts?
  20. Re: LET'S HACK: The Turakian Age My personal 'hack' for TA if I ever use it will be removing divine magic and confirmable gods from the setting. Just not something I care for much; I'd rather religion actually be religion, not fact. I'd probably pepper in a few more races, too, or just make it clear that PCs can be unique individuals and that they do not have to select from the pre-cooked races (which is, of course, obvious, but my players tend to forget it).
  21. Re: Remote directed Weapons & Stretching Well, yeah, brain fart, my bad. I meant 'RKA with Indirect'.
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