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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Looked through my (5e) book, couldn't find one ... looking for someone more like Anubis. Someone who is opposed to the creation and existence of undead, wanting the dead to rest in peace and go ... wherever they go. Is there such a god in official TA materials?
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzhA3ODwuCw&feature=related
  3. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. On the other hand, in the comics, Superman's (and any character's) 'stats' fluctuate according to the needs of the story, and Superman has been on the receiving end of a number of power-ups and power-downs over the decades. Considering that, I'd be hard pressed to say any write-up of Superman is inaccurate. When he first appeared, he couldn't fly, didn't have vision powers, and his strength, while superhuman, was in more like the 30-40 range in HERO terms.
  4. Re: Time Frame for Appearance of Superhumans I typically play the CU, and thus we have the World War 2 appearance for the 'modern age' of superhumans.
  5. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Yeah, that would never see play in any game I'd run. I much prefer the lower-powered DCAU version.
  6. Re: Two handed punch. Lots of ways. Haymaker Maneuver, pushing Strength to strike, extra Hand-to-Hand Attack damage, an Offensive Strike maneuver ... AE Hex on Strength (good luck dodging both fists!) ...
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I can see where you got that, though.
  8. Re: How do you work gaining Package Deals during game? I would let the player replace an old disadvantage/complication with the new one, myself.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Count me as officially jealous. I've wanted to play that for years.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Earlier today, my wife was asleep on the couch when one of my cats decided he wanted to park on the back of said couch. Unfortunately, the path he chose to take involved leaping over her head, and he's not as athletic as he used to be ... he came up short and scratched her on the nose on the way down. Not a bad scratch, but it bled pretty bad, and she was sound asleep until then and woke up by, well, pain, which made it seem that much worse. We treated the wound with peroxide and first aid cream and a Band-Aid ... but after a few minutes, my wife noted ... "I'm a first level wizard! I just got my ass kicked by a housecat!"
  11. Re: Death & Maneuvers The easiest way to avoid high PC lethality is to have minimums for defenses and prohibit, or at least CLOSELY monitor, killing attacks. If each PC has at least 15 PD, and attacks range around 10d6, the probability of taking BODY damage is minimal. Alternately, just change the rules for death. At negative BODY, you aren't dead, you're just really, really badly messed up and will take a long time to recover ... say, halve the victim's REC for the purpose of long-term recovery. The only way you die, for PCs, is if you decide that your character died instead of getting a head-to-toe body cast. For NPCs, of course, they die if the GM decides they do.
  12. Re: Speak with the dead So, spend 20 points for something you have zero control over and the GM can just go 'Bzzzt, sorry'? No thank you.
  13. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. I generally prefer that PCs (and comic characters) not have hoser weaknesses. I would simply make them less powerful, so that they don't need an 'off switch'. To put it in HERO terms, I'd rather have, say 62 point powers with a -1/4 limitation, or just 50 point powers, than 100 point powers with -1 limitations.
  14. Re: Is VPP overpowered/How do you properly use it? HERO System is something of an outlier as far as game balance does in that the game rules themselves do little or nothing to balance the game. The only thing stopping your 400 point superhero from spending every single one of those points on a huge Energy Blast is the GM. There is no internal balance; it's all imposed at the specific game table. If the GM opts to run an imbalanced game, the only option you really have is to either strap in and brace for the crappiness, or stand up and find a different GM. VPPs are best used with either limited special effects, limited by the inability to change powers on the fly (see: Gadget Pool) or by responsible players/GMs who understand that the game is cooperative and not competitive, and realize that just because you can screw over the GM/players doesn't mean that you should. That said, if you aren't comfortable with a VPP at your table, either as a GM or as a player, you're under no obligation to allow them.
  15. Re: Dodgeball question You could combine Grab and Block into one maneuver for this purpose; take the penalties for Grabbing (-2 OCV, -1 DCV IIRC), which makes you more likely to get hit (which makes sense, since you're trying to grab the ball instead of avoid it), but gives you the chance for the 'instant out'.
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I love the Onion Soup Mix Burgers, myself. I've also added Taco Bell sauce to hamburgers before frying (I ask for 3 packets, they give me twelve ... might as well use 'em for something).
  17. Re: Speak with the dead Why not? You just take a limitation on the Clairsentience to account for that.
  18. Re: Speak with the dead I would go the Clairsentience route, myself. If you have an established 'realm of the dead' dimension, though. Transdimensional Mind Scan + Telepathy might work as well.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Have you ever been playing a game with someone, and they get a rule wrong, and you calmly and politely quote the rules and point out how it actually works, then you get the official FAQ for the game and it agrees with you, and you find a quote from the guy who manages the rules of the game that agrees with you, and the person STILL insists that he's right even though you've shown him Celestia-only-knows how many pieces of official information that show he's wrong?
  20. Re: The cranky thread Ugh. I'm rapidly starting to hope that the giant asteroid that people keep saying is going to obliterate all humanity comes soon.
  21. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore You can have mine. Not a huge caramel fan.
  22. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I think that qualifies for 'Aw, HELL no.' Edit: The Baby Ruth-Jalapeno thing.
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