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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Not really. It's less work to just handwave mundane tech not hurting supers than making every character have 60 defenses to be bulletproof or an insane DCV. Not in my supers games.
  2. Re: The Forgettable Man Has anybody looked at one and then shouted "Silence! I KEEL YOU!"
  3. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design. Why not? I've tiered 'normal' vs 'superhuman' for quite some time and observed no problems with it. For instance, normal people with normal tech just can't hurt superheroes/supervillains. I don't even roll the dice; depending on concept, the character will either dodge the shots or bounce them or otherwise just laugh them off.
  4. Re: Doomsday! I don't have any characters powerful enough to do anything about it, or capable of long-distance unassisted spaceflight, so in all cases: Suicide. Then make it a point to never game with this craptastic GM again.
  5. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm afraid to click on it for fear it may involve paper cuts in ... unusual places.
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Printable meat? It's the perfect vector for bacon!
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Some flubs (not 'outtakes', because I think they actually aired) from Drew Carey's Improv-a-Ganza. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAvkOcIVHqE&list=FLgg4rwNjTukp9XxD8T6QK6g&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Maybe Turtwig.
  10. Re: Usable By Others with a VPP to simulate a wish spell I agree. Contrary to seemingly popular belief, not everything in a HERO System game needs to be statted out.
  11. Re: The cranky thread And the damage is: Remove and replace Left Lower Ball Joint Computerized 4-wheel alignment Remove and replace rear struts Mount and Balance two new tires. Total: Just shy of $1200.
  12. Re: Multiform EC stands for Elemental Control, a 5th Edition power framework.
  13. Re: Turakian Age: A not-evil god of the dead? I was briefly bothered by the lack of a spell list for those guys, but then I realized that they'd just be divine versions of the Necromancy spells I was already taking as a wizard, so no actual loss.
  14. Re: Multiform I really wouldn't count changing clothes, combing your hair, and putting on glasses as a Multiform ...
  15. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Otters gonna ott.
  16. Re: Turakian Age: A not-evil god of the dead? Thanks, Lord Liaden. One of those will probably fit the bill.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Well, it's a 13 year old car we've owned for 10 years, and this is by far the biggest repair/maintenance bill we've EVER had on it. Really, we were due. When we pick the car up tomorrow, I may post the list of damages just because.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Wife's getting the car inspected. Multiple large problems including the rear struts and tires ... going to be very pricey, but there's simply no way we can get by without a vehicle. Edit: Have gotten further updates. Car will not be finished today, final tab looking to be in the $1200 range.
  19. Re: The cranky thread I've made it two days without throwing up. Unfortunately, that's just making me nervous wondering when it's finally going to hit me again.
  20. Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident" My father would, well, be some kind of undead, since he's presently just dead. My mother would become Control Freak, capable of meddling in the lives of everybody around them with her 'Judgmental Guilt Trip' Emotion Control power.
  21. Re: Turakian Age: A not-evil god of the dead? Almandre' is described as more of the nature/druidy sort (the TA entry specifically mentions he has a sect of priests called druids, in fact). Ah well, character will not be priest. No big.
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