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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? Furthermore, Darkseid's glove doesn't have the settings that Thanos built into his own gauntlet to hold the gems; if they gems functioned, he could certainly create them on the spot, but with the gems nonfunctional, they wouldn't adhere to his glove. Plus, there's the matter of iconic imagery; the gems on the gold gauntlet are the resonant image, just like the Superman Shield or the Bat-Symbol.
  2. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? Why transfer them when they work fine where they are?
  3. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? What difference does it make whose glove the gems are on?
  4. Re: The cranky thread Glad you're okay. I nearly had two accidents last night (one a head-on) because of morons driving at 10pm without their headlights on.
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... I have absolutely no idea what kind of animal those are.
  6. Re: Would you allow this? Thinking back, I did a character kind of like that once, though not in a HERO game. I made a rather passive character with as high defenses as possible because I really wasn't that into the game and this gave me an excuse to not do anything.
  7. Re: Vlad Plasmius That being the case, Something probably in the 16-20d6 range sounds about right. You might look at Firewing's character sheet, if you can ... I think putting him in about that range of firepower is about right. You might want to reduce the damage when he uses his Duplication, though ... four Firewings at a time would be a little overkill.
  8. Re: Vlad Plasmius Hmm. What 'role' do you want Vladdy to fill in your game? Background mastermind, solo 'can take on the whole team' villain, just really powerful but still likely needs to hire help if he's taking on the whole team?
  9. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, already threw up once today, thanks. A little skittish about an encore. Edit: Had the encore without eating anything.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Having that delightful sensation of not being sure if I'm hungry or nauseous.
  11. Re: Cannot be resurrected If it's not common enough for a Phys Lim, it's probably not common enough for a power limitation. Of course, that rule is long dead and never made any sense either way, so ... Anyway, after a bit more thought, you might work around it a bit ... by figuring out what it is, exactly, that prevents Race X from being returned from the dead. You could possibly buy THAT as an ability, or take it as a disad, depending, and the 'no raising' is a side effect of that. For example, if someone can't be raised because they have no soul*, then they could buy Mental and Power Defense only vs. Soul-affecting magic, with the -0 Side Effect of prohibiting raising. *Assuming souls exist in your game world, of course.
  12. Re: Rules question: HTH Limitation The power is basically a shorthand for 'Extra STR, only to Strike'. In pre-5e, the limitation was pre-baked in, resulting in 1d6 of HA being 3 points ... but apparently some people used Active Point caps for attacks rather than Damage Class caps, so they changed it.
  13. Re: [5th Edition] Desolidification Attack Well, then if it's for a villain, you don't even need to fart around with statting it up, just say 'you go Desolid' and apply the suffocation rule. The player doesn't need to know how, or even if, it was constructed.
  14. Re: Distinctive Features effected by non-standard Dependency I'd just do it as a Concealable or Easily Concealable Distinctive Feature, or perhaps some manner of Phys Lim (if he might phase through the floor, or drop objects he's holding as they literally slip through his finger).
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What I said yesterday was somewhat overshadowed by my impeccable accidental timing ... making one person laugh when he was in the middle of swallowing, which is incredibly painful ... and then topping it off later by making someone start laughing in the middle of sneezing.
  16. Re: Limit to HTH weapon power damage? No, there isn't. There is such a rule for Hand to Hand Killing Attack, but not for Hand-to-Hand Attack. Your GM is, of course, free to implement such a rule if he so desires.
  17. Re: Are Thanos and Darkseid the Same Person? Outside of being female martial artists, there's not a lot of similarities here. Canary has no equipment, and has an actual super-power. Black Widow uses specific equipment (Widow's Line swingline, Widow's Bite electro-blaster) Mockingbird uses different specific equipment (her two collapsable battle-staves)
  18. Re: [5th Edition] Desolidification Attack I dunno. Still feels like 'I transform him into a dead guy' to me. Though I doubt I'd allow this power on a PC under *any* construction.
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