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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? I don't believe in the concept of anything being 'inherently evil' (or 'inherently anything', really), so I can't really answer that question. I can't recall any time post-high school that I paid the idea of 'always Chaotic Evil' any heed whatsoever, and it's a thing I often turn on its head. Come across an elf fighting an orc? Guess which one's the brutal assassin on a mission to kill the benevolent king? If you said 'the orc', you're probably wrong. If my games have a theme, it's about individuality and self-determination. Any sapient being chooses its own paths in life; even a demon can change its ways, if properly motivated.
  2. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? I do it all the time, it's not a big deal. Of course, I apparently do something taboo and completely decouple species from culture and behavior, as stated above. There's no elven culture, or dwarven culture, or thri-kreen culture, etc. Race is just genetics. You have nations with cultures, and whatever races are there, are there, and that's their culture ... and, of course, not everybody born into a culture embraces that culture, anyway. So, at most, I have to deal with maybe a half-dozen major cultures, no matter how many species are running around the continent. I also believe that there is only one bad reason to play a character, and that's spoiling the game for everybody else. Anything else I consider a valid reason, whether it's 'I have cool powers' or 'I look awesome' or 'I want to turn this stereotype on its head' or anything else. So long as it's not ruining the game for anybody else, whether by being broken or by the player being disruptive, I keep my hands off it.
  3. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Yep. This is why I make as much stuff available in a game as I can. It's not all about me; the players need things available that they want to play. This prohibits me from, say, making an elf-less gameworld even though I don't like them; my players do.
  4. Re: Evil Philosophers have been trying to define Evil for millennia, and haven't come to any sort of consensus. No way I'm gonna be able to do it.
  5. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Cool story, bro.
  6. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Depends on how strong one's v-tude (i'm not typing that) is. I have little to no effort just taking things as they come, regardless of the situation. It is what it is.
  7. Re: Is Speed underpriced? Part of the issue here, something shared with most characteristics, is that what they represent is abstracted and, often, an amalgamation of multiple traits. I tend to think of Speed as 'reaction time', even though that also falls under DEX as a DCV computation. It's difficult to concretely state that a character is 'Speed X' (particularly when modelling comics, where a character's capabilities vary significantly based on story needs).
  8. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... The minute someone turns that sink on, though, that cat's look of zen-like peace is shot.
  9. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? Thank you for making sure I'll never set foot in a Valdorian Age setting.
  10. Re: Detect Correct Answer The 5e online USPD used Detect as a super-hunch kind of power, so it's not without precedence, at the very least. That said, I do think I like the KS: Everything approach better.
  11. Re: Fantasy Race Bloat? It depends on the kind of game you want/like, really. I've never had any problems with 'fantasy kitchen sink' style games, but I tend not to play up race/species as a theme. In other words, nobody actually cares what species you are, outside of a few jerks who are in a very distinct minority.
  12. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Three cheers for forever homes!
  13. Re: The cranky thread Well, on the upside ... if my appetite stays gone (I generally only eat 1 meal a day anymore), and I don't have the caloric intake from absorbing the sugars in the dialysate, I might lose enough weight to qualify for a transplant eventually. I strongly suspect that my appetite will return once the catheter comes out, though, since it went away when it was inserted.
  14. Re: The cranky thread I go back on hemodialysis Thursday morning. Probably not something I should actually be cranky about, since I think it's actually going to be better for my emotional state and mind, if not necessarily my body ... just sucks that my wife and I went to all the time and energy and expense of driving to learn how to do this, and re-arranging the house for my stuff, and everything else, and it's just not working out. The blood isn't getting clean enough, but most of all ... The home dialysis was sold to me as being 'more freedom', and it doesn't feel that way at all. Tethered to the machine, literally, for 12 hours a day, huge chunks of my house taken up by piles of boxes ... it's harder to get around in the house. I miss just being able to go to sleep when the mood strikes, instead of having to do all the dialysis assembly. I hate not being able to just hop up and get in the shower without prepwork. I miss being able to cuddle my cats without worrying about their claws scratching the catheter tubing and risking a terrible peritoneal infection. 12 hours a week (well, more like 15) at the clinic, 12+ hours a day at home ...
  15. Re: Healing Vs Undead My only issue (and a nitpicky one it is) is that the amount of damage the creature takes in that case is static, regardless of whether he's getting a Cure Light Wounds or a Full Heal; typically, the more powerful the healing, the more damage the creature takes under the pre-4D&D/Final Fantasy model. A Phys Lim of 'Holy Healing Magic inflicts damage instead of healing' takes that into account.
  16. Re: Healing Vs Undead I'd do it as a Phys Lim, myself.
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