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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread I either have a nasty case of food poisoning, or a terrible case of the stomach flu. I couldn't even eat a freakin' saltine cracker without vomitting it back up.
  2. Re: Costumes I like Mysterio's costume, except for the fishbowl. I'd like to see a somewhat more traditional helmet there. Could be just as faceless ...
  3. Re: How do you feel about House Rules? I use quite a few house rules, based on personal preference if nothing else. For example, I use the 4e writeup for Regeneration, use Inherent Always On Growth/Shrinking/DI for permanently big/small/heavy characters, 'Stun Only' does not inherently include No Knockback.
  4. Re: Costumes I wouldn't say 'quite a few', for myself, but yeah, not all of them were horrible. With the exception of the goofy headgear, I quite liked Shatterstar's original costume.
  5. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "What do you mean, adopted? We're identical twins!"
  6. Re: The cranky thread My wife is officially 'sick as a dog'. Coughing, sneezing, tired, achy, throat so sore she can barely speak. And she's insisting on going in to work tomorrow ...
  7. Re: Adversarial Answers Love you too. Wanna make sure you know what you're talkin' about before you shoot your mouth off next time, please and thank you?
  8. Re: Costumes If I felt the need to explain how WW's costume stays on, I'd claim that it actually goes up to her neck. The above-the-red portion is either perfectly transparent, or has been painstakingly matched to her skin tone; you can't tell it's there unless you're looking close enough that she has every right to slap you for a personal space violation.
  9. Re: Adversarial Answers Most likely the balance issues, but there are others. For instance, none of my players are proficient enough with the HERO system to build their own characters; giving any of them a Variable Power Pool would be a recipe for disaster as they would have to interrupt me at every twist and turn for me to explain how to build whatever power construct they're attempting. A lot of it is just personal preference as well. There are a number of 'official' ways to build things that I disagree with and do not use. For example, the Mr. Fantastic wraparound-snare maneuver has been 'officially' printed using Entangle; I don't like this. I just buy it as Extra STR, only to Grab. I also don't use the size/weight templates; if someone is permanently large, small, or heavy, I use Inherent Always On Growth/Shrinking/Density Increase; it makes for a less cluttered character sheet. To your last question, PCs and NPCs occupy entirely different 'story space' and operate under completely different rules.
  10. Re: Going First Going first gives you one big advantage ... you can hold your action and see what everybody else does before you commit to your action.
  11. Re: The Death of Knowledge Skills: And both my arguments stand. It's still a> nearly useless and even if it weren't, b> the DM can say 'No, we're not adding that to my game'.
  12. Re: The Death of Knowledge Skills: Yeah, you take a -5 penalty for every unit of measurement smaller than 'everything', so you're very rapidly going to find that useless for any question other than 'Is there a universe?' And, of course, most GMs would simply say 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAno'.
  13. Re: The cranky thread I had assumed that removing the PD catheter from my abdomen would restore my appetite ... it seems the opposite has occured. I haven't gotten really hungry in days ... I'm mostly eating because I know I should eat something, not because I really want to.
  14. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Foxes are so awesome.
  15. Re: The cranky thread Someone's feeling a little testy, it seems ... Run away!
  16. Re: The cranky thread Surgery this afternoon. Yay. Just a little outpatient deal to remove my PD catheter, but still ... bleah.
  17. Re: The cranky thread Aaaand it looks like my Thanksgiving Dinner will be coming from a drive-thru. *sigh*
  18. Re: Building "Combat Stims" or "Pep Pills" Go from the special effects. This seems obviously like an Aid to me; and if the player is wanting the ability to basically ignore END costs while spraying around loads of autofire, he probably should pay through the nose for it.
  19. Re: The cranky thread That feel when you're hungry, but so utterly tired and unmotivated that your entire meal consists of a bowl of instant mashed potatoes.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Because you live on Planet Earth.
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