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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: World's Greatest Tactician Helps Others??? I've used Levels, Useable By Others more than once for a tactician. So long as they're at least 5 point levels, they're eligible for advantages and limitations.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos You don't have to tell me ONCE.
  3. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "The first Hooters didn't quite live up to men's expectations."
  4. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete There are reasons to use a random brawling weapon; you can throw it to hit distant targets, or you can use a big one to hit elusive targets.
  5. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete This. The Improvised Large Weapon thing is for hitting things you can't reach, or that are very evasive, not for boosting your damage.
  6. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete Which is a sentence I, personally, cannot comprehend. For me, no balance means no fun (or, at the very least, means I gotta house-rule something).
  7. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I have no idea what a leek is, but the rest of it sounds pretty good.
  8. Re: Calling all Green Lanterns I did a ripoff of Quasar a while back, but considering that Quasar's powers and a GL's powers are pretty similar ... eh, same thing.
  9. Re: Rules You Didn't Know Until Champions Complete I filed thus under 'game balance trumps realism', myself.
  10. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... "You want a turn cuddling Mr. Dinosaur? Let me check my schedule. How about 'never'? Is 'never' good for you?"
  11. Re: The cranky thread *headdesk* It just keeps piling up. One of my cats has apparently hurt his legs somehow. He doesn't seem to be in pain (I can pick him up and put my hand under his legs and move them up and down), but he can't put a lot of weight on his back legs; he walks a couple steps, then has to sit down. My wife said he took a bad fall, but I'd think that would have him in pain if he broke or sprained something. I'm wondering if he had a stroke ...
  12. Re: The cranky thread *headdesk* It just keeps piling up. One of my cats has apparently hurt his legs somehow. He doesn't seem to be in pain (I can pick him up and put my hand under his legs and move them up and down), but he can't put a lot of weight on his back legs; he walks a couple steps, then has to sit down. My wife said he took a bad fall, but I'd think that would have him in pain if he broke or sprained something. I'm wondering if he had a stroke ...
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Cross-posted to the '2013' thread ... May I present the 2012 Jibjab Year In Review! (Rep to anybody who can tell me the original song ...)
  14. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread My wife and I finally found the source of some friction between us, and got it taken care of. Basically, she didn't realize that I don't 'hint'. For example, we pull up to a gas station, I look at her and ask "Who's pumping the gas?" I'm not trying to hint that I want her do to do, I'm asking 'who is doing it?' Telling me I'm the one who's doing it is a perfectly acceptable answer. If I wanted her to pump the gas, I'd say "Would you mind pumping the gas?"
  15. Re: The cranky thread I just literally worried myself sick.
  16. Re: The cranky thread And now, my actual RL best friend gets in on the fun. His apartment building has been without water for a couple of days, and the city caught wind of it. They may be shutting the place down. I can't blame them; the place has cheap rent, because the building should probably be condemned. The floors on the second story bow downward enough to be noticed when you're walking casually. But ... getting evicted, with all his stuff, in the middle of winter, and having to scramble to find a new place to live when everybody else in the building is doing the same ... I HATE this world sometimes.
  17. Re: The cranky thread That friend I mentioned a few posts ago? Looks like the proverbial hammer fell.
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Not sure if it qualifies as 'food for those who don't care', but last night I made a large batch of 3-Can Chili, and tonight I made a pan of cornbread. I intend to combine the two later for dinner.
  19. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Ultimate Rugby: The Lollipop Guild vs Bag End
  20. Re: The cranky thread Somewhere in California, I think. Not exactly sure (and this being the Internet, I can't be sure she's really a she ... you know how that goes. I don't care, though, either way, a friend is a friend).
  21. Re: The cranky thread A very good online friend of mine is in danger of becoming homeless. She's been living in a hotel and trying to find a job, to no avail ... and apparently her savings have almost dried up, meaning she can't pay the hotel bill much longer. There's nothing I can do. I *hate* that.
  22. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... Otterly hilarious.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I haven't. I have never gotten an ad on an embedded YouTube video without clicking on it.
  24. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread For the first year I can remember, I'm going to get to do exactly what I've wanted to do for years on December 25th. Absolutely NOTHING. No travel, no obligations, no nothing. My wife and best friend may go see The Hobbit, but my butt is staying home and doing jack squat.
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