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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: PI or Not? At that point, though, you're making him pay for immunity to the power twice.
  2. Re: Mental Entangle I'd say they could, by the theory that a regular Entangle doesn't stop mental powers, so a mental entangle shouldn't stop regular powers. Of course, this assumes you're dumb enough to stand right in the center of his field of vision. though ... what happens if you happened to entangle him while he's blinking?
  3. Re: Persistent and Uncontrolled I don't believe so. Since Uncontrolled puts the power out of the originator's control, Uncontrolled 0END should be sufficient.
  4. Re: Breakout Can't Negative Skill levels do that?
  5. Re: PI or Not? Assuming the character's life support is innate, I'd say no to both. Personal Immunity would be a third level of redundancy, and the limitation on the power really applies more to other people in the field. If the character's life support/insulation is focussed, you might consider it just in case someone breaks the focus; I can't imagine any effect that would specifically suppress/dispel the Life Support itself.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A is for apple. B is for bear. C is for cookie, that's good enough for me. NT: Muppets that never made it past the planning stages.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Found through random YouTube clickings ... The Theme From Lord of the Muppets!
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos "Dancing with Myself" Featuring The Great Gonzo!
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I can't decide, should my idol and role model in life be Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, or Paris Hilton?" NT: Worst thing to hear your teenage son say (same rules as above).
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Joss Whedon won one.
  11. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat What's gnu? ... Not much, what's gnu with you?
  12. Re: AP-limit idea I really don't understand what you're trying to say at all.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Tried some kind of hydrocortisome cream for the bug bite, or ... what's that other stuff ... calomine lotion?
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He changes his name to Thor. Wait, my local TV weatherman IS named Thor. Uh oh. NT: Books that didn't exactly fly off the shelves (intention: a combination of title and famous person that don't mix, like 'How to Whisper by Billy Mays)
  15. Re: The cranky thread My father-in-law was let go from the only job he's had for probably 40+ years, and when he was just slightly short of being able to take early retirement. pretty much a screwjob, we figure he got released so they wouldn't have to pay his benefits and pay raises. Of course, this means he'll be replaced by someone who has no idea what they're doing, so at least there's some petty vengeance.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A compilation of Drew's 'TV/Movie cross' jokes from Whose Line. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY03bAI93FU
  17. Re: My PCs are made of GLASS! My initial thought: Get that mentalist some Combat Luck, stat. When I set up a game, I typicaly include stat/attack minima along with maxima. The lowest PD/ED I recommend is 1.5 times the damage DC cap, so in a typical 12DC game (typical for me, that is), I'd recommend nobody have a PD or ED lower than 18.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Make balloon animals.
  19. Re: Waking up with super powers I was assuming the following tropes were in effect: Required Secondary Powers and Possession Implies Mastery, though it refers to the powers and not gear; if you have the powers, you know how to use them instinctively as opposed to How Do I Shot Web.
  20. Re: Waking up with super powers Eh, I wouldn't consider this inherent to superspeed powers, myself. It just happens to hit Pietro (and seems to not hit Flash).
  21. Re: Power "Cooldown": how to write up Alternately, if the recharge rate is slow enough that you're virtually guaranteed of not being able to activate it more than once in a fight, you could give it One Recoverable Charge.
  22. Re: Waking up with super powers What power would I want? All of them. Screw it, if you're gonna dream, dream big.
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "This is the funniest looking salt and pepper shaker set I've EVER seen ... and they're HUGE." NT: Unlikely Boy (or Girl) Scout Merit Badges.
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