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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He becomes a guest star on the Colbert Report.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, that went through my mind, too. Actually, I'm 37 and I am old. That's why I hate it when people call me 'kiddo' or 'young man'. For Ceiling Cat's sake, I'm over halfway to being dead of old age.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Courtesy of Mock The Week - Lines you won't hear in a superhero movie. Slightly nsfw (one use of the word penis, one use of the word arse). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E8rCZmA01Q&feature=related
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Firewolf, an anthropomorphic wolf with fire powers.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Another Muppet Show song, featuring Kenny Rogers performing The Gambler along with Jerry Nelson. Notice that the three Muppets in the performance have human hands instead of gloves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxTmOOvigJY
  6. Re: The cranky thread Minor cranky. I don't care how much older you are than me, madam, I'm 37 years old. I am not a 'kiddo'.
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Car Car Binks, the Gungan Transformer
  8. Re: Your favorite character type I tend to be pretty flexible, but for my Energy Projectors, I try to pick special effects that lend themselves to more than just blowing stuff up. Flashes, Entangles, NNDs, that sort of thing.
  9. Re: Need help with some powers. Knockback Resistance, only in contact with a surface (spiked feet) Clinging (same principle as above) Some RKAs could work (firing/flinging crystals) Entangles are always good, trapping a target in crystal
  10. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Definition 3 is news to me, but I figured the definition in use on a gaming board would be clear in context.
  11. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment I used it in my first post ... basically, it was a bunch of four or five high school freshmen whose characters were nonsensical and unjustifiable.
  12. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Me either, but it was a 'BYOC' one-shot. Most of the other characters were just as screwed up somehow, just not quite so ... dramatically. I recall one character was literally all focussed (including his skills and every point of his stats; he bought his primaries down to 0 then back up), and every single power and attribute was through a different focus. See: High School Twink Club.
  13. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment I have two, one as a DM, one as a player. The DM one is mostly just a strange case of luck. My friend, who is on these boards as greenbriar, was playing a swashbuckly sort in a Fantasy Hero game (4e). For some reason I will never understand, the universe decided that any hammer swung in his direction would invariably hit him the 'location 13'. I've told this story before, but there was a small local con where people brought their own characters. Three or four of the characters were played by the 'high school twink club'. One of them had an Area Effect (or was it Explosive?) Killing Attack Damage Shield. He *thought* that would give him an 'aura', but that's a different construction. Instead, it meant that every time someone came in contact with him, he exploded. So, one of the first things that happens in the ensuing battle is someone gets knocked back into him. *boom* It was at this point that we realized that nobody in the High School Twink Club had purchased Resistant Defenses. Explosion Man had also failed to purchase Personal Immunity, meaning that before Segment 2, the PC team was, almost literally, half dead. I was quite happy I was playing a long-distance character, as it meant I wasn't clustered up with all the bruisers who got caught in the Big Bang. But once I realized all the implications of the Damage Shield, I definitely went Oh Feces ... and sure enough, the next knockback sent Explosion Man into a crowd of normals.
  14. Re: Player vs. Player And this is why I don't believe that all metagaming is bad. I have no issues with the Fellow-PC-Sense Tingling.
  15. Re: Your favorite character type I'm trying to recall the exact quote last said to me about it, but it amounted to 'you're too damned imaginative and clever'. I basically gave the DM headaches with Mind Control and Mental Illusions (powers the DM advised me against taking because they were 'useless', ironically). I think the straw that broke the camel's back was the time we were fighting Terror Inc, and we were all fully aware of Giganto's crush on Scorpia. A teammate threw a gas bomb at Scorpia and she started coughing (in addition to taking damage), so I threw a Mind Control on Giganto: "The love of your life is choking to death! She'll die if you don't give her the Heimlich!" One 80 STR Heimlich later, Scorpia was unconscious.
  16. Re: Player vs. Player In my experience, class or power type is not what makes a disruption; a disruptive player will be a disruptive player, no matter who or what he's playing. Since this is an out-of-game issue, it should be dealt with out-of-game instead of in-character. The player needs to be informed he's being a problem, and then needs to either stop being a problem, or he needs to find another game. Of course, disruptive varies from game to game. I've been in games where I was the disruptive one because I was actually being a good guy (this is why I don't play World of Dorkness anymore ...), and since I had no interest in being even 'pseudo-evil' and trying to play the other players against each other and hog the credit and all that inter-party factional political nonsense, I told the DM the game wasn't for me and excused myself.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat I wouldn't have expected Pinky and The Brain to take over the world! ... although not for lack of trying.
  18. Re: Your favorite character type I prefer Mentalists, but most GMs cringe if they hear me say I want to play one as I'm evidently scary with them. I tend to fall back on Energy Projectors after that.
  19. Re: Mental Entangle At that point, the powers should be bought differently. Handcuffs would have limits like 'only affects the hands', nets take no damage from attacks, and so forth. This isn't so much a matter of special effects as the power not being sufficiently represented in game mechanics. That's where the cost differentiation comes in.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A music video for The Joker ... with the cute turned up to 11.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I probably already posted this one, but I can't recall for sure, so ... The Time Warp -- Whose Line style!
  22. Re: Persistent and Uncontrolled Doesn't that also require Sticky?
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