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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Since my wife is often my GM? CHOCOLATE.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Guess that's just for housebreaking dogs, then. I'll inform my wife, it was her idea. My wife and I are occassionally negligent on that, but we try. That never stopped her until recently, but I'll move the food dishes. Nestled away in the side of the kitchen we don't go to much. We did get some scented litter recently, that could be it. There's a separate box for the boys, they seem to respect her space and don't use hers. Didn't stop her before. Yes, but it never stopped her in the last, oh, 8 years. I suppose she could be bored ... but she's never shown much interest in any of the cat paraphernalia we've ever bought. No new animals. Hmm. Wonder if she's reflecting my mood changes since I started going to the clinic.
  3. Re: The cranky thread One of my cats absolutely refuses to use her litter box, and continually pees on the floor in the kitchen. It's not a control issue, as she always pees on something, and/or one of the same two legs of the table. She's also very strong and squirmy, which makes it very, very hard to do the rub-nose-in-it thing.
  4. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) (Warning: injoke approaching!) They should just ship her figure with Kevin's. After all, everybody else ships them together. (Injoke receding.)
  5. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) That bugged me, too. On the other hand, we don't know how much time has passed since the end of Season 2, so it's possible there was another snafu with the Omnitrix between then and now. I'm more bothered by the fact that all the maturity Ben picked up over the last 5 years and 2 seasons has been flushed down the toilet and he's acting like a ten year old jerk again.
  6. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) That's a shame. I like Chromastone.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Now we present: Great Moments In Elvis History - The Declaration of Independence.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The X-Babies vs. The Muppet Babies
  9. Re: The cranky thread I know this is a minor thing, but it bugs me. I have to go into the clinic on my wedding anniversary. That SUCKS.
  10. Re: The cranky thread Ouch. Best of luck, Dan ... that's REALLY something someone shouldn't have to go through twice.
  11. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force Looks like you might not have quite so much to do as we thought ... watching the Alien Force marathon, and judging from the Sneak Peeks and commercials, some of Ben's forms are familiar. I've seen Cannonbolt, Big Chill, Chromastone and Jetray.
  12. Re: Alchemist I don't really see Summoning as part of an alchemist's schtick, so I didn't think about it much. I'm not a big fan of the power because it gives a player more things to control, creating quite a bit of 'turn-lag', for lack of a better term.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Marvel comics stop sucking.
  14. Re: Alchemist A VPP, with OAF (the potion bottles, obviously), only change pool composition in a lab, and maybe an alchemy only limitation (so you can't make, like, radioactives or something) should cover it perfectly. You don't need useable on others, that's part of the Focus; you can hand it to other people, but other people can steal them from you.
  15. In a game taking place in a slightly more technologically advanced version of the real world, what value do you think 'No Legal Rights' would be worth?
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat British self-defense courses.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Frank Caliendo makes fun of John Madden and some other people ...
  18. Re: Thats one nimble little bull I think a lot of it depends on how you look at things. I've always felt that just about any superhuman should stand roughly 'head and shoulders' above a normal. If a thug has an 11 DEX, then the slowest superhuman in play should have an 18.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Another extremely trippy Muppet Show video, featuring Lynda Carter and a most unusual band ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkNj1zwnmsk&feature=related
  20. Re: The cranky thread Well, it is tempting, given how much my health's been neglecting me.
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