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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Coalition Earth In all cases: Find a way home. Not his world, not his business.
  2. Re: OMCV Whats it good for (besides Mental Powers) If you've never needed any kind of willpower or whatever, like normal people, then yes. I'd figure a typical super is mentally tougher just for the willpower to go get blasted for no financial recompensation. Of course, I've still got ECV based off EGO, so ...
  3. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Happy birthday, Gray Kitty!
  4. Re: OMCV Whats it good for (besides Mental Powers) I can't imagine any justification beyond 'I don't have mental powers. How could I have an OMCV greater than nothing? It's not even that I didn't practice, I don't have the capability of using that statistic' being required. To go to the other extreme (with admitted possible straw man involved), if a character were paralyzed from the neck down from birth, and only had mental powers, would you object to him buying his OCV and/or DCV all the way down? It seems to be a parallel situation to me.
  5. Re: OMCV Whats it good for (besides Mental Powers) it's not like you can't change the templates. Were I to pick up 6th, a typical man-on-the-street would have an OMCV of 1 (with points back, if I really concerned myself with the point value of normals). I would have no issue with non-mentalists selling back their OMCV.
  6. Re: OMCV Whats it good for (besides Mental Powers) Why wouldn't Joe Sixpack sell his OMCV back? He's not going to make any use out of it, either.
  7. Re: Request for comments: Replacement for Find Weakness Assuming it works similarly in 6th as 5th, why not just Armor Piercing, requires a skill roll? Same end result, half defenses.
  8. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Wouldn't be the first time. Swampfire's been decapitated (well, more like 'disintegrated from the neck up') once or twice. Just seems to tick Ben off. And I think Gwen should say something about the attack 'missing all Ben's vital organs'.
  9. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Ah, I must have missed that shot. Thank you. Now, though, I'm wondering if sufficient force can knock his levitating head off his body, and what happens in that instance.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. "I'll jump off that bridge when I get to it."
  11. Re: Those Meddling Kids I see that whoever wrote those up believed the 'Shaggy was a stoner' bull. Easily removed, at least.
  12. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Re: Way Big ... Scale is something most cartoons simply don't, or can't, do effectively. I'm certain that, if we had some objective comparison, Way Big's height would vary dramatically from episode to episode. Don't bust a capillary over it. I'm wondering if Lodestar's claws can close, or if he has to manipulate everything electromagnetically.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos One of those ideas that could *only* have come out of the Seventies ...
  14. Re: The cranky thread I know this is a minor thing to be cranky about, but ... Looks like the Cards are gonna get swept out by the Dodgers.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Natasha Romanoff and Joe Quesada ... because we all know how Black Widows end their dates. NT: Inappropriate gifts that the 3 Wise Men could have brought.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Golf. because he'd get to say 'Missed it by that much' every other putt. NT: Unlikely devices for Inspector Gadget to possess.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Larry the Wonder Lamprey. He really sucks.
  18. Re: "revised" hit location chart? Punishing the character for the actions of the player is extremely bad form. I would walk out of a game if the GM did something that asinine. The correct approach is to simply tell the players, 'It's not funny, it's getting annoying, it's negatively impacting my enjoyment of the game. Please stop.'
  19. Re: "revised" hit location chart? It's not really a joke if you look at the way the hit locations are arranged; 3's at the top, work your way down to 10-11 chest, 12 stomach, 14-15 legs ... there's not a lot of question that location 13 has to be between the stomach and legs, which doesn't leave a lot of question that, at the very least, it *can* include the groin (though not necessarily).
  20. Re: "revised" hit location chart? The hit locations for chest and stomach are 10,11, and 12, the most frequently rolled numbers on 3d6. It's already weighted for hitting the chest and trunk (assuming trunk means stomach).
  21. Re: Tornado Summoning Why not just build it as a large Area of Effect Telekinesis, Uncontrolled?
  22. Re: The cranky thread Yay, more vomiting. This time, though, I'm reasonably sure I can blame the flu.
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "We haven't ... licensed the tires yet."
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