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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: It has to be genius...I don't get it.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos They Might Be Giants and Freakazoid! ... two great tastes that hurt your brain together.
  3. Re: It has to be genius...I don't get it. "Hey, I think you forgot something important!" *waves parachute* NT: If at first you don't succeed ...
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It's a little early for a Christmas-based video, but I gotta share this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLgBCcAnBbE&feature=related
  5. Re: The cranky thread My pretty kitty, Nefertiti went to the vet today. Whined and mewled the whole time, scared out of her wits. Had to suffer a 'thermometer goes WHERE?' moment as well, but hopefully she'll be feeling better soon.
  6. Re: There's A New Sheriff In Town Thank Insert-Deity-Here for NNDs and Stun Only energy blasts. All my characters have 'em.
  7. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) I'd lay money on animation errors. There was a BIG one in the last episode, where Gwen's force bubble when the perspective changed.
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Potato chip? I thought you said 'tomato chip'." NT: Famous movie lines as delivered by Jar Jar Binks.
  9. Re: Staggering SPD- 5th Ed. I'm not certain you can hold your action over Post-12, but other than that, I believe it works.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "We call it 'Old Intestinal Distress'."
  11. Re: The cranky thread You know you have dry skin when the feeling changes from 'itching' to 'burning' when the lotion starts seeping in. o.O
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Just about anything that ever came out of New Orleans.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Here, Darkseid ... you CAN haz cheezburger!" *splat*
  14. Re: "He's bulletproof", "Fireproof", etc. I know this idea ticks off at least one forumgoer, but ... If you're running a 'high super' JLA/Avengers style game where mundane sources of damage, be it fire or bullets, simply shouldn't be able to hurt a superhuman, give all mundane sources of damage the limitation 'not vs superheroes', thusly enabling Superman's invulnerability, Cap's shield, and Batman's dodging to thwart a bunch of punk bankrobbers with ease.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Two words: Throw pillows. Wait. Three words: Fireproof throw pillows.
  16. Re: 6E: Astral Blast Does it attack the mind or the body? That should determine Mental Blast vs. RKA.
  17. Re: Power sources in the universe that the PCs can't have Thanks for the insights. I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill, but I simply have zero confidence in my abilities as a game-runner these days and question everything I even think about doing to the point where it withers and dies.
  18. I had an idea for a game recently (though I suspect it won't be any more successful than anything else I've tried of late, but I digress) that I think I would best describe as the 2k3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series crossed with a little Street Fighter and Xiaolin Showdown. However, to get the feel right, I'd have to be extremely limiting on PC options. I could see allowing one human PC (to be 'The April' or 'The Casey', as it were), and perhaps letting one PC having psionics or mystical powers. Of course, everybody has some kind of martial arts and probably some weapons and miscellaneous gadgets like smoke bombs or whatever. But there were regular superheroes around, and super-high-tech, and aliens, and all kinds of mystical stuff (especially in the lost episodes that aired on CW4Kids). Given that, I'd probably set the game in a somewhat stripped-down version of the Champs U ... take out the huge heavy guns like Dr. Destroyer, focus more on agencies like VIPER and DEMON, reduce the overall super-population both heroes and villains worldwide. Somehow, though, it seems unfair for me to have the PCs have to be restricted to animal powers, martial arts, and weapons with possibly one low-powered mystic or psychic, while there's all this other stuff flying around. Though some of it could be picked up along the way with XP ("I'm gonna spend the points to start hiking around with this laser rifle I swiped off a VIPER agent, cool?"). Am I merely being anal-retentive, am I seeing a problem that isn't there, or is this a legitimate concern? P.S. I know that if the players all accept the limitations without reservation then there's not a real problem, but, assuming this does qualify as unfair, I'm not the sort to treat my players unfairly even if they're willing to accept it.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I'd like to trade my soul for a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and two cans of Pepsi."
  20. Re: What if: Ironman vs. Bruce Lee This wouldn't even be a fight. Bruce wouldn't be able to even hurt Iron Man. Tony could stand there punching and kicking until all he had left was four bloody stumps, and Tony would punch him or blast him and it'd all be over.
  21. Re: OMCV Whats it good for (besides Mental Powers) Practicing Willpower/Mental DCV: "I'm going to continue doing this painful thing for 2 minutes, then 2 and a half, then three ..." or any other mind-over-matter willpower-practicing exercise you can think of. Practicing Mental OCV: "I'm going to think at that beer can really hard." I'm not imagining that going very far. In any event, I don't agree with decoupling CVs from statistics, so for my games at least, it's moot.
  22. Re: Animate Flame 1 pip (or more) RKA, Continuous, Mobile, AE Hex, requires a flame to be in the initial hex should do it, just grabbing off the top of my head. I'm sure someone will refine the idea in a few minutes.
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