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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Iiiiinteresting. I wonder if that's Ben's next season initial playlist ... though there's some redundancy power-wise if there is, since .
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The field is made muddy, and the cheerleaders play. No penalties for roughing the passer, illegal use of the hands, holding, or the like.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Aw, man, I forgot to pay the Internet bill!"
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Michael Jackson's still a hot property, he can ... wait, what do you mean 'dead'?" (Too soon?)
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat ... with mint jelly.
  6. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread The cement boat is sailing precisely as well as a yacht doesn't.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The addition of barbed wire and/or electricity to said fence.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Charles Nelson Reilly In Charge and he IS!
  9. Re: your favorite speed tricks. Rapid Rip-Off: XX STR Telekinesis, AE Radius Selective, Only to Disarm
  10. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Rath + Azmuth (Azrath?) was just as hilarious as Ben+Rath. "I'm going to hunt you down even though you're right here in front of me!"
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Another 'literal' music video. Not as good as the Safety Dance one, but I liked it.
  12. Re: The cranky thread My feet were getting dried and cracked, so I put lotion on them last night. Unfortunately, I failed to consider the effect this would have on my traction on hardwood floors, and twisted my knee trying to stand up.
  13. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Hmm. I'd swear it was more than that. As a side note, I think Rath's bonus Presence to Intimidation should be called 'LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!'.
  14. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Not that it applies to your builds, but it seems an appropriate place to mention it ... Did anybody else notice how many times they said 'kill' in the episode? Not 'destroy', not 'perish', just flat out 'kill'?
  15. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) Yeah, I hope Ben keeps Rath into next season.
  16. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) And now, you finally have a simple alien to stat up. Rath: Muscles, claws, attitude, and no brain.
  17. Re: My Players looted the room I'm throwing my hat in with Hugh and everybody else who's basically said that you should have blown the whistle and reminded them what genre they were playing. I've done the opposite; I played so much Champions that when I go back to D&D, I tend to pull my punches and go for knockouts instead of kills. It's a matter of habit. If, after you stop the game and verify that they remember what genre they're supposed to be playing, they say that they're still going through with it, then you can lower the boom on them.
  18. Re: Moving Violation Arsenal: First, check the car for an Autobot or Decepticon insignia. Assuming that came up blank (and it would), she'd want to take a really close look at the video footage of the chase to see if there was anybody trailing the car who might have been manipulating it telekinetically or cyberkinetically. She'd likely disregard the concept of the car being 'haunted'.
  19. Re: The cranky thread The only words I can think of to describe my day so far: "Gastrointestinal Disaster".
  20. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover! That's Defender straddling the book's spine?
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Now THIS is how you do educational cartoons.
  22. Re: Would you allow this If a Hunted isn't going to show up often enough to even qualify as 'Rare', I wouldn't call it a Hunted, just a background element.
  23. Re: Homage to Thor I'm wondering what the damage caps are in this game. That hammer smack is going to do something like 11d6 penetrating, isn't it?
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