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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Twilight, starring Edward Cullen and Bela Lugosi.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos "Dance, knuckleheads!"
  3. Re: Why doesn't 6e use hexes as a unit of measurement?
  4. I just got the Basic 6e Rulebook today to check it out. This really has me scratching my head. Why is movement and distance no longer rendered in hexes? It seems like it just adds another math step to the game when you use the battlemap, since you have to insert a 'divide everything by two' when measuring. Why have '14m' Running instead of 7" (or 7h, if you prefer)? Apologies if this has been answered before, my search fu failed me.
  5. Re: The cranky thread My wife and I have been adopted by a stray cat. He seems to have been abandoned or lost or ran away, as he's not feral; he understands scritches and pets. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm ready to adopt another cat after Nefertiti, so we may be keeping him as an outside cat.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "The only game we're running is Vampire, but we're going to use my houserules to make it the Twilight RPG."
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Daredevil and the Ten-Eyed Man. What?
  8. Re: The cranky thread Yesterday was the first time in decades I've had such an utterly s**t-tastic day that I actually called my mother for emotional support.
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Children of a Lesser Godzilla
  10. Re: The cranky thread So, I've been trying to get CPAP supplies for well over a month now. I've been calling my supplier off and on for a while now, and today they finally gave me the number for their supplier. So I call them. Turns out, the company I'd been calling never placed the order despite telling me, last week, that if my stuff didn't arrive by Thursday or Friday to call them back. Incompetent f**ks ... I'm seriously thinking about changing who I do my business with for this.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Here's a little Bugs Bunny cartoon you might not have ever seen before ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KSiLBr-mOg
  12. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) Now I want to write a fanfic where Ram-Man betrays He-Man, conquers Eternia, and declares his realm to be the Holy Ram-Man Empire.
  13. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) It's on par with Fisto (from He-Man).
  14. Re: Character Archetypes I'd still call Riptide et al them Energy Projectors. Their schtick remains ranged combat.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Unwinnable Video Game -- The Kobyashi Mario
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Some more weirdness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkpZch5JaUg&feature=grec
  17. Re: The cranky thread Oh, okay. I was thinking, like, y'know, a bunny fursuit or something and I really couldn't see how that was going to help.
  18. Re: The cranky thread Very minor 'pet peeve' issue this time. I hate it when I get to a restaurant just before closing time because I forgot to set my clocks ahead an hour for DST.
  19. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force -Season 3 (6E) According to Mr. McDuffie, Cooper was intentionally excluded from the test by Max because he would have easily figured out it was a test. You know, technopath, computer-laden satellite ... you do the math.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares That's what the Japanese version of PPG basically turned into.
  21. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) Which I'm sure became Captain Butthead in time.
  22. Re: New advantage idea: Permanent Those are plot devices.
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