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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread A stranger is just an enemy you haven't met yet.
  2. Re: The cranky thread My wife and I hit the store today. While we're inside, it starts raining, pretty hard ... and, we discover on the way out, very COLD. I remark, "Geez, this rain is f**king cold. Are we gonna get hailed on or something?" Guess what happened two seconds later.
  3. Re: The cranky thread I think the Catholic Church throwing their frickin' bones around is what caused the problem in the first place.
  4. Re: Should I? I wouldn't do it as a regular PC. It's been my experience that characters that exist solely to make a joke of some sort don't last long in extended play. As a recurring NPC or a bit of game-world background flavor, sure.
  5. Re: Only in Hero ID In 5e, having the 'only in Hero ID' limitation requires that there be some way to prevent the character from entering his Heroic Identity. He has to say a magic word, or manipulate a device, or something, so if he can't do that for whatever reason, he can't access those powers. For example, IMHO, Thor/Donald Blake was Hero ID; he had to tap his cane on the ground to become Thor. No cane, or nothing to tap against (say, floating in a zero G chamber away from the walls), or tied up, no turning into Thor. If Billy Batson is gagged or in a silence field, he can't say 'Shazam' to turn into Captain Marvel. Compare/Contrast Colossus, who armors up with just a thought; he doesn't have Hero ID, he just activates his Density Increase and Armor.
  6. Re: Worst Hero Names (of your campaigns) That was the name of one of the henchmen on Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego?.
  7. Re: How to build: Ghostbuster Gear (5e) That actually works, given the following data (if one considers The Real Ghostbusters cartoon canonical): 1. Sufficiently powerful ghosts can escape from a trap, or resist being sucked into it in the first place. 2. The traps can be damaged or broken, which can release the ghost. Though, admittedly, a lot of what happened in the cartoon was based on the needs of the story. Mr. Stay-Puft could fit in one trap in a few episodes, but there was at least one where they had to split a ghost into four parts, and suck it into four traps, and it didn't look as big as Stay-Puft to me.
  8. Been playing the Ghostbusters video game a bit lately, and started wondering about how to build the basic Ghostbusters equipment, the Proton Pack and Ghost Trap. The PkE Meter is easy. The proton pack is relatively easy, as I view it, at least ... TK that only works on ghosts, apparently with a linked Energy Blast that doesn't, because when they miss a ghost, stuff explodes. I briefly considered making the beam's effect on the real world a side effect, but it's often very useful to be able to blast doors and walls and stuff. The Ghost Trap has me utterly baffled, though. All I can come up with is XD Movement useable against others to pull the ghost 'inside' the Trap, but that seems kind of lame. Anybody else have a thought on this one?
  9. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares So do I, no matter how hard I try to forget.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos NOT, I repeat, NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR CHILDREN IN THE ROOM due to profanity, and possibly offensive in general. Consider thyself warned.
  11. Re: ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT: Monday the eliminator? Gives new meaning to the phrase 'I hate Mondays' ...
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I didn't see, and will never see, Avatar.
  13. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Dancing With The Smurfs
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos An impressive display of sound mixing; there are times I think four different songs are being played all at once, and they combine incredibly. (The song is the Jock Jams Megamix, for the record.)
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I didn't even have to watch it ... just seeing that picture made the song bubble up from deep in my subconscious and infiltrate my cerebrum.
  16. Re: The cranky thread I am having the s**ttiest day. Wake up, go to clinic ... oddly feeling pretty good, pretty rested, not stressing. Nurse doesn't tape my needles down for crap. Leak blood all over my arm. About 9:00, stomach cramps start. About 9:45, in the bathroom suffering severe gastro-intestinal distress. Talk to nurses, decide I should leave early. Call wife away from work. While removing my needles, the nurse slips with one, resulting in a lot of spilled blood again. At this point, my Blood Pressure is down somewhere near the Astros' win-loss record. Gastrointestinal distress continues throughout the afternoon, finally breaking around 3pm when, to quote Monty Python, 'the sluices open at both ends'. Finally get hungry, to go get food ... nearly get in a fistfight with some craphead who doesn't know how speed limit signs work. BAD DAY.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Duh. You *can't* touch that. *Naaaah na na nah, na na, na ha* Can't touch that.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos And now, for a change of pace, a rather mushy video. I lost three points off my Man Card for watching it, but I like it anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP1Xq3wjLBU&playnext_from=TL&videos=924llYoo_iY
  19. Re: Wand of wonder like power Buy a few slots with the limitation 'random slot determination' (-1/2) limitation; when he tries to use one of those slots, he gets a random result among the slots purchased with that limitation.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Wheelie. The entire fandom rejected him the moment he opened his mouth (except one guy I know, who actually drew him as Wheelimus Prime).
  21. Re: A Body for Every Occasion As I understand it, you have to build each character individually. So, assuming your campaign guidelines are 150base+150 disadvantage points, each character should be built to the same guidelines. The disadvantages of the Brick no longer apply when he switches to the Telepath.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Donkey Kong wants to play rock-paper-scissors for it.
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