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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The cranky thread Well, hopefully that was it. The thermostat in my dialysis machine malfunctioned and was overheating my blood as it returned it to me today, resulting in me overheating. Kinda sucky, but not critically so.
  2. Re: The cranky thread For reasons I cannot explain, I am feeling an intense anxiety about tomorrow. I have no idea what, but I just have this horrible feeling that something really sucky is going to happen tomorrow.
  3. Re: The cranky thread I finally got some energy today and started making headway on a fairly major cleaning project I'd been putting off for a while. Cruising along pretty good on it until I started doing stuff with the floor, then felt this nasty back spasm and couldn't stand up unassisted. I have the oddest feeling that resting in the chair for 4 hours at the clinic tomorrow may be hard to deal with. Oh, and my wife and I had a very odd discussion about the interaction of the second law of thermodynamics as it pertains (or doesn't) to reincarnation. Somebody shoot us, we have officially lost it.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A little scientific rap. Warning: Mildly offensive language, possibly moderately offensive if you happen to be a creationist.
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Take him to the veterinarian. I have to say, though, Poverty is a really weird name for a dog. NT: Rejected Batman villains.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore It's a hell of a restaurant.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Ah, I love forums. My new favorite kind of forum thread ... Poster A puts out a theory or idea, and says he wants people's opinions of it. Poster B offers his opinion, in which he disagrees with Poster A. Poster A responds with, essentially, "Well, F**K OFF, who asked you?!" Uh, dude, YOU DID. If you're such a baby you can't deal with the fact that people don't agree with every word you say and get butthurt because people actually say it, don't ask what people think.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos My question is, if the food looks like toilets ... what do the bathrooms look like?
  9. Re: Looking for help with a Hero name Hotshot? Flareup? Sizzle?
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Stephen Colbert loses it during a 'Cheating Death' segment. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/250604/september-29-2009/cheating-death---snus---placebo-effect
  11. Re: GMs: for your Public Identity heroes If you try this, you also find a way to get him to nominate a VP candidate who's working for you. He's bound to get tired of the BS and quit, or die, or get zapped to another dimension for a few months or something, which means you just snuck your guy into the top spot.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Kim Jong Il hears about it. Really, the dude flips out over anything.
  13. Re: Photographic Reflexes I'd just call this an in-game excuse to spend XP in mid-game. VPPs don't really work because the character will lose access to some skills while using others, whereas photographic reflexes are essentially permanent; you don't lose the skill, ever. So, when the PC sees someone performing a skill, he can drop XP on it to get it at its full skill roll instead of starting with familiarity. Add some combat skill levels that only work against people he's studied, because he knows their moves, and I think you've got it.
  14. Re: What's your favorite Hero Designer Export format? Whichever one in 5e printed on four sheets. I like complete, full character sheets.
  15. Re: Two 'Gadget Archer' questions That would be the KISS solution, wouldn't it ...
  16. One mechanical, one not. I was thinking that, instead of a quiver, the character has the arrows stored in a tesseract pocket in his right glove. He could theoretically create an arrow and jab someone with it rather than shooting it from the bow. I was thinking this would be bought by making the arrows a multipower with No Range and IIF Glove, then either: 1. Buying the Ranged advantage for the MP with the OAF Bow, which I'm pretty sure isn't legal, or 2. Buying off the No Range disadvantage through the Focus (halving the points returned), but I'm almost positive that's not legal. How would you do this? Edit: I only speak 5E; if you use any 6E lingo, please translate. Second question ... are there any good archery names that aren't already taken? For the record, I consider any (Color) Arrow or (Color) Bowman names covered already.
  17. Re: The cranky thread If it weren't a halfway-across-the-country long distance call, I'd gladly let you call me and vent to your heart's content. I don't figure a whopper of a phone bill on top of everything else would help in the long run, though. You have my best wishes ... I just wish I had more to give you.
  18. Re: The cranky thread True, but it should be stuff like 'I fell off my skateboard' or 'I tripped on the steps', not 'My big brother kicked me in the head'. Maybe I'm either old-fashioned or a violence-prude of some sort, but I really just do not think kids should be beating on each other. A little roughhouse-wrestling maybe, but when one kid starts shouting 'Stop it that hurts!' the other one should EFFING STOP.
  19. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Oh, that sounds good ...
  20. Re: The cranky thread Not in public, in a private residence, with just family (even if only related by marriage) present. Possibly worse, in retrospect. The thing is, this is their regular behavior. They are, from all reports, always like this. Their father apparently doesn't believe in applying any form of discipline beyond a mild talking-to regardless of the misbehavior, and the mother defers to him on this. She actually made a very light, glancing swat at one's backside after she told him six or seven times to stop doing something, and it about shocked everybody present. Sooner or later, one of these kids is gonna hurt somebody, or themselves.
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