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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread So, some guys were taking donations for care packages for troops in the Middle East outside of the grocery store today. I got a few things on their list and donated them ... like, three bucks worth of stuff. Not a lot, and nothing too impressive. But I'll be damned if I don't actually feel almost human today for doing it.
  2. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics Probably is, though I think anybody in my group is going to be more familiar with his movie depiction by Alec Baldwin. Which is ... slightly cheesier than I'd like to get, but not too bad on the whole.
  3. Re: It was a dark and stormy... You accidentally repped me instead of Lord Liaden, but I passed it along.
  4. More brainstorming on my part ... I usually run Avengers/Justice League style supers games, with international (and interdimensional) travel, world domination/destruction plots, alien invaders, all that kind of jazz. I was thinking perhaps, for a change, do something smaller, a street-level Champions game where the PCs largely remain in the same city and deal with more pedestrian crime. However, most supers that fit onto that level of power aren't as well known as the big names like Superman. Outside of Spider-Man and Batman (in his own books or in his original animated series, not in JL), I doubt most of my players have heard of any of them. Guys like Daredevil or Moon Knight in Marvel, or Vigilante from DC are not likely to be well-known. So, I'm looking for ideas for characters along that power level from sources that I'm not familiar with, most notably anime since the rest of my group are at least passing fans of anime, with at least one really into it. General guidelines: 1. Not totally bulletproof. A thug with a Saturday Night Special might not be a real threat, but the character shouldn't feel confident in his ability to simply stand there and let it bounce off his chest. Even if the bullet doesn't penetrate his skin (or body armor), he should at least have a chance of feeling it. 2. By the same token, not grossly powerful on offense. Lifting a car, yes, flinging a full tanker truck, no. Probably in the 8-10 DC range. 3. No truly plot-bending powers, like reliable Precognition, open-ended transformation (a la Sersi or Firestorm) or open-ended Magic Pools. Psychic powers by themselves, however, are acceptable. Some examples I can think of: The TMNT (technically comic characters, but better known in other media) The TV version of the Incredible Hulk (possibly a little too damage resistant) Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow from GI Joe
  5. Re: It was a dark and stormy... I have regularly avoided horror games of every stripe. The closest I ever came was getting drafted into a Call of C'Thulhu game on Halloween, which was somewhat not-spooky for me because my character didn't lose a single sanity point or take a point of damage, more by luck than skill. I never even saw the monster.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Pretty sure my body's the tired one. Dialysis day and all that.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Completely exhausted for some reason, but not sleepy, so laying down won't help because I can't sleep. This sucks.
  8. Re: The cranky thread I hate it when I lie down for a late afternoon nap, which turns into a full-on sleep, meaning I'm wade awake at some unholy pre-dawn hour.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "I'm not sure what's more galling, the fact that you tried to hide behind me, or the fact that you tried to hide behind me when I'm three and a half feet tall." "I just had a thought." "Treat it kindly, it's in a strange place."
  10. Re: The Collapse Of Dark Realm Yeah, pretty much. I suppose the right group could try to weather the collapse and dig their way out, or just try to run away to somewhere else ... but generally, you're gonna take the portal.
  11. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore It's less a matter of jaw extension as 'after the first bite, 75 percent of the contents will squirt out the back onto the plate, thus requiring me to use a fork and knife anyway, so I might as well do so from the get go'.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Looks like a burger with nachos and spanish rice and stuff ... I dunno if I'd like nacho chips on a burger. And I'd definitely eat it with a fork and knife.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Flying is cool, but I'm afraid I might bungle its related concepts 'steering' and 'landing'.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat MC Can't-Dodge-Bullets-For-S**t NT: Lyrics you'll never hear in country songs.
  15. Re: The cranky thread To the extent of my knowledge, cloning has not been used as a method of un-endangering endangered species. I think it could be a good way to go about it, though I'm certain there are issues with genetic diversity ... but that's why we need to stop fartin' around and get this whole genetic engineering thing figured out!
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat It doesn't suck. NT: Surprises in the upcoming Green Lantern movie.
  17. Re: 5e: Detect Lie Question IIRC, One-Eyed Jack from the 4e Dark Champions supplement had 'Detect Lie' statted as a Detect. It's probably a spell in one of the Fantasy Hero books as well.
  18. Re: 5e: Detect Lie Question I'd probably go with 10, it's a pretty large group of things. Of course, this doesn't tell you what the truth actually is; Telepathy is for that. This would be something more like Daredevil's ability to sense heartbeat and breathing irregularities in liars, or a magical lie detector perhaps.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "The earth goes around the sun ... because of the LAWS OF GRAVITY!"
  20. Re: Unusual Combat Style - Attacks of Opportunity For a 'hard' conversion, I would probably do AoOs as the Triggered advantage on an attack, with the trigger being whatever actions provoke AoOs. Standstill would be a linked Transparent To Damage Entangle that only prevents movement. For a 'soft' conversion, I'd make anything that provokes AoO's have the Concentration limitation, which works better within HERO's extant rulesframe IMHO.
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