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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Expiration Date by Powers. When the ghost of Thomas Edison is ingested by a kid, it sets off a chain reaction of events that leads to a showdown on the Queen Mary. CES
  2. I'm picking Brute and Glob from the seventies Sandman as my antagonists CES
  3. They call him the Bilateral Man. The reason is he can be in one place, doing something, and in another running a giant thing brought out of the ground. He has the world's biggest marionette and he pulls the strings. CES
  4. I would like to pick John COnstantine as my benign adult CES
  5. Thanks Old Man. It looks like me and the Badger's burrow are going to get rain. CES
  6. the most common thing is hero takes body damage. Every time he is wounded, bam, ego roll to see if he goes berserk and starts wailing on his enemy. "It's a cut. I can handle it." "I got hit by a car. I'm a little miffed. I can handle it." "Set me on fire? Leeeeeerrrrroooooyyyyyy Jenkins!" CES
  7. might want to go with enraged/berserk with a high ego roll so he's not turning his enemies into flattened gummy bears every time he goes into combat. CES
  8. I haven't thought about it like that, but you're right. His lawsuit is going to chew some of that up unless he wins. CES
  9. I would like to pick Wendy Darling as my fourth kid CES
  10. If Kalpernick wins his lawsuit, he might never have to play football again. He's heading to trial at the edge of discovery. All he has to prove is that the team owners got together to say they didn't want him to play for their teams. CES
  11. I got the name wrong. I should have used wikipedia instead of my memory. The character's name is Jed Walker CES
  12. Bob Woodard's book is out and some of the pages detail the fact that Trump's lawyers won't let him sit down with the Mueller probe because he has the understanding of a sixth grader and an inability to tell the truth. CES
  13. I would like to pick Brantford New Hampshire CES
  14. Disney Animatronics builds hundreds of robotic animals to populate their rides. Sometimes they mistakenly install an AI in a ride and the thing comes to life. Usually it follows the guidelines of the park to protect the visitors from threats and help where possible. It's just a little unnerving to have all the puppets running around singing it's a small world after all as they go about their work. CES
  15. Gonzo the Great is a rubber chicken that has come to life and decided to show the world his best trick. The fact that no one wants to be around when he blows himself up has only spurred on his efforts. CES
  16. Loaded these stories up: The Killer: A cannibal ex-agent takes on his old comrades that turned him in. A Gift From Earth: A supply ship has to deal with large beasts to drop their cargo for a colony at the edge of known space. Stalking the Night: Kolchak the Night Stalker meets one of the One Thirteen The Ring: When Jimmy McNulty is asked to return a ring to the dead woman's next of kin, he didn't think he would end up in a shootout in a hospital. The Destruction of Riordiana : The city of Riordiana is destroyed and its citizens are forced to set up a new home in the ocean A Parole from Hell: After the destruction of Riordiana, the administrator of the afterlife decides to send a dead man to deal with the mass murderers trying to wreck the living. Seven Brothers: The Stalking Light brothers are sent to the Underworld until someone can reverse the spell holding their bodies as statues. The Administrator is not happy about this arrangement. Third Person Murder Mystery: Geoff Cantrell visits the Underworld when he dies. Poisoned, he tries to figure things out while trying to romance his girlfriend in the Underworld. The Machinist Part One: Zachariah Eight Arms flees Riordiana and tries to start a new life with his daughter and an orphan The Machinist Part Two: Zachariah spots an old menace in his new home and chases it down. CES
  17. .Gunmetal Gray by Greany. Court Gentry, the Gray Man, has been able to go back to work for the CIA after being burned. HIs first mission is to infiltrate a Chinese manhunt and bring their target back to America. The Ranger by Atkins. Quinn Colson is called home after the death of his uncle, the sheriff. He stays to help clean out a drug ring trying to take his land. The Drifter by Petrie. Peter Ash finds a suitcase of money and a mean dog underneath a porch he is renovating. He decides to check if that was why his friend committed suicide, or if it was a motive for murder. CES
  18. John died recently too. He was working for Mike Mignola for Hellboy related stuff CES
  19. Had a dream a few weeks ago where my son and I were at a dorm in a treehouse dealing with roommates of real people I used to work with but one of them works at another company now and the other one is dead. CES
  20. The Spirit of New Orleans is a mystical threat capable of mass teleportation, sudden water summoning, some spirit gunning and having a back up band. Everyone knows when the Spirit is on a crime spree. CES
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