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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Wasn't there a story where bottled water had plastic floating in it? CES
  2. Opposed by the heroic Redbird of North Carolina, Savannah Hanks decided to adopt a masked identity to keep her legal and illegal enterprises separate. She became Caped Fear. CES
  3. Season three of xiaolin showdown. The four apprentices gain new powers and personal weapons as they battle the forces of evil until Omi tries to change the past and wrecks the future. CES
  4. Before Lolth empowered Spider Moon, she created another champion of justice known as the Moon Webster. CES
  5. Loaded Chasing the Red Star and The Stranger Crowd to my website.
  6. The Ice Skater was known for riding a sheet of ice into combat against the forces of evil. This allowed him to keep his enemies off balance while using his maneuvers to sling his enemies around. CES
  7. My rough draft is here http://syphrettstales.com/omesandwitsend5.htm CES
  8. All right I validated the collection but I still have to finish my story for it. Won't be able to do that until after midnight. Then I have to put a log book together and start rotating my stories again. I need to update the one million word project and wooden stranger for this board, hodgepodge, and three keys. I think I am going to try to edit stories for my website on sunday so i can get some things done. CES
  9. Stan lee did a dentist hero? I didn't know that. We're at the six minimum. CES
  10. Wussy A real man lets his voice be heard. It's the voice that says GET OUT CES
  11. I am almost done with my collection. I need something that will only needs to be 2k long based on the dancing men. How are the rest of you doing? CES
  12. When I was running Domino City, the team had stirred up some problems. One of the plots I used was another hero had hit town and was making the home team look bad in every way. he always arrived first to an emergency, cleared it, and had recordings of the team sent to the local news to show how bad they were at their jobs. It took a couple of sessions for the two smartest players to realize they were being framed by an old enemy CES
  13. Is 1d6 enough to kill someone even if NND is used? CES
  14. My friend Shaun used to roll natural 20s any time he went into combat. He had a monk for 2nd ed D&D that basically could kill anything short of a dragon with his bare hands. CES
  15. yeah if he is spending money like Johnny Depp. CES
  16. This must be the first time I have ever seen Houdini used as a villain. I have seen him used to teach Spawn how to survive, help Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, thwart a ghost eating madman, and oppose renegade industrialists with Tesla and Charles Fort. CES
  17. There has been some talk that this is a grandstand move with no real way to get voted on. It's hard to say how much traction this thing will actually get before it's struck if it ever even gets voted on. It does show that some people will always want to tell others what to do even when it's none of their business. CES
  18. It's hard to see all of it, but there's Hellboy, Gordon Freeman, John Nada, Jack Burton and Kurt Russel's character from the Thing and Ash Williams versus the aliens, Snake Plissken versus Jason, Pennywise, Slimer, Chucky, the Leprechaun, gremlims, April O'Neil. It's like a snapshot of the eighties pop culture scene CES
  19. That was his name. What he said instead of the F word was fudge which my wife and I used for a joke for a long time. "Fudge!" only what I said wasn't fudge. CES
  20. Created to be the ultimate soldier, the organic robot known as Trojan had not been programmed with a sense of loyalty. He decided to strike out on his own, to further his own plans of self realization. CES
  21. We've been using the creations of Stan Lee as heroes in the other thread for the Marvels. I think we should use the creations of Jim Lee as the villains of Wild Storm. I don't know if Jim created six characters, so let's say any character he worked on. CES
  22. Frank Cincinnati never fit in. He always stood on the outside of his circle of friends, moving in different directions. When he was attacked by Psi, Frank discovered his mutant ability. Armed with the power to use any other ability he may have encountered, Frank has become the X-Man. CES
  23. patsy perner was granted the mystical might of Lolth so she could punish evil wherever she finds it as Spider Moon. CES
  24. Art Simon controls the sound of silence, able to link minds, shut brains down, and other general psychic effects. CES
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