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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Californium is a surfer dude who causes nuclear reactions in his targets. Take Firestorm, turn him into a white metal statue come to life, add in the beach boys surfer stereotype. CES
  2. The Iron Iapetus is the latest in a line of heroes started by the Gold Guardian. Like the three heroes who came before him, he can control the element in his name, and cause it to do a wide range of tasks from building machines, to becoming weapons, to taking on a semi-life of its own. Iapetus has recently found out that he is running out of time so has rejoined Redoubt to find his successor as the Bronze Battler found him before he retired from the good fight. CES
  3. Obama didn't put the kids in cages and lose their identities. He just sent them home. As a matter of fact he sent them home without putting them in dog cages at all. he sent them home without splitting up the families when possible. He was the highest deporting president ever, because his guys said get on the bus and go back to Mexico after your court date. Here's a stuffed animal for your kid. Come back next year. CES
  4. I said it. I don't see any reason to defend it since DHS had to admit that they lost the parents they separated the kids from and they don't know which kids go where. Steve Miller has a long history of racism and white nationalism. All reports indicate that he's driving the wall and anti immigration programs. And the word is he asked for her to be booted since he was asking for illegal crap to happen. If he wasn't there, we might not be having a conversation about whether or not someone was racist, or nazi, enough to do the job. https://www.google.com/search?q=steve+miller+racist&oq=steve+miller+racist&aqs=chrome..69i57.11039j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 CES
  5. Seriously? Steve Miller had the head of DHS fired/asked to resign because she wasn't nazi enough. CES
  6. Also Barr's Doj has asked immigration judges to refuse bail for immigrants and keep them locked up. This just came out today as far as I know. Trump's administration has been the worst as far as anything. CES
  7. You put Red Ryan down twice. He was only supposed to be an option since he is a Challenger CES
  8. The last hero is the Red Wolf. The last Villain is the Red Ghost. And I would like to option Red Star CES
  9. I'm way behind. I'll have to do my picks when i get home from work CES
  10. The guy outlasted the potential time for his sexual assault charges. His prison cell wouldn't have been that much different from the apartment at the embassy. I guess London is prettier than Sweden or whomever filed the charge on him to make him ask for asylum CES
  11. I'm optioning Red Ryan. I'm picking the lady in red for my hero for tuesday CES
  12. The name meant something different in the 40's. Thomas was a fanboy of the era, and liked to use old heroes to fill in gaps of marvel history. He probably decided as the writer of the Avengers that since the Whizzer and Quicksilver looked alike and had the same powerset that they were related. It's the same type reasoning that Brubaker used to bring back Bucky, and Johns retconned Luthor to be Superboy's father CES
  13. marvel didn't . The original Whizzer was created for Timely comics with a mongoose blood transfusion. Roy Thomas stole him to be the Scarlet Witch's and Quicksilver's father, but then someone later decided that Magneto was their father. CES
  14. For some reason I lost a day. Sorry about that CES
  15. I think I need two picks to be even. I would like to grab the Red Rube for a hero, and the Red Skull for my villain CES
  16. Yes. I might pick his boy sidekick Pinky down the line. Don't know yet CES
  17. Just a bunch of guys who are either Captain Marvel, or change from a kid to an adult superhero, or were inspired by Captain Marvel. I am slightly amused that the various television and movie Captain Marvels are ahead of the new Shazam from Geoff Johns CES
  18. Watched Sherlock Holmes:Game of Shadows. Holmes and Moriarty duel over an early start of the first World War. CES
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