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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I don't know if they can use Fu Manchu. I don't think Marvel has the rights CES
  2. New Warriors is also supposed to be getting a television show. I am not sure how that is going to work out right now. Wanda/vision, Loki, and someone else is definitely lit. The Netflix stuff cant be used for two years. She Hulk and Hulk are supposed to get a show but no one knows when its happening. Only the villains from the FF and Xmen might be in use since the word is Marvel doesn't want to launch them for the MCU. I don't know where Captain Britain falls but if he falls in the Xmen IP I doubt he is getting used either. Confirmed Movies after Spiderman are Doc Strange 2, Gotg 3, Black Panther 2, and the Eternals. Sony is doing Spiderman television shows with the guys from the Spiderverse CES
  3. It looks like I am wrong. I could have sworn I have seen this as an illustration of time passing for the Time Traveller CES
  4. I don't know if you guys are fooling with me or what, but it is the time machine, and the vehicle is in the center of the picture. I admit it would be more obvious if the time machine was a TARDIS CES
  5. She HUlk is supposed to be getting a teevee show. Forget Doom and Excalibur. They won't get anything for ten more years CES
  6. Awesome picture of the time machine in action. HG Wells created a whole cottage industry with that one story. CES
  7. The rumor is there won't be xmen movies after Dark Phoenix and the New Mutants movies that are coming out. I am not sure about a Deadpool 3. That might be the exception CES
  8. It had to be the man in Ant Man because Scott Lang was Hank Pym's version of the Suicide Squad. Hank didn't care if Scott died doing the deed. He did care about Hope. It was part of his character growth that showed he had been building her a suit the whole time. CES
  9. Trump's staff have shown more restraint since no one seemed to have followed his orders. CES
  10. Are you allowing your players to play the same type of Icon like the Hulk and Colossus or only having one slot for each player? CES
  11. Halftrack started as a rough cyborg during the war. His tracked legs gave him speed and maneuverability while his weapon of choice, the machine gun, gave him firepower. He was caught in an explosion during the invasion of Germany and thought dead. Now he is back with a vengeance CES
  12. The hero known as the Scarrow started as the sidekick, Straw. Taking on his mentor's identity, he is the targeting tatterdemalion of justice. CES
  13. Deathstroke was given a super serum just like Captain America. His reflexes is what saved him from being killed when his wife decided she had enough of him CES
  14. Killed in action during the golden age, five villains have returned to take revenge on the heroes that opposed them. What is the secret behind these Returners? CES
  15. When I saw the name, I was like let's do this CES
  16. The Dart is super fast and super leapy. His main weapon is a poison touch that paralyzes his victims as he robs them' CES
  17. This kind of looks like the underground city in Detective Dee
  18. I said it and it was true. If it wasn't true Simon would have banned me. That's how things work. Don't try to lecture me because I don't get paid to care. CES
  19. I hadn't really thought about it like that, but ouch CES
  20. It turns out instead of investigating the White House, Richard Burr was briefing the White House on things that was coming up in front of his committee. Why are the senators from my state crooked unprofessional lap dogs? CES
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