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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Added Deathbed Talk to Dev Art account CES
  2. John Wick 3. There might be a four. If there is, it's Wick and the King versus everybody else. CES
  3. You got a quad post. I haven't seen one of those in like ever. CES
  4. The Last Spot 2015- Ken Aioki looked at the place where he was going for his job interview. It didn’t look like much to him. He looked around before crossing the street and opening the personnel door to step inside. He looked around inside the door, getting his bearings. A giant stood at the desk. He held two parts in his hands. He looked up at Ken and put the parts down. “Can I help you?,” said the giant. “I’m here about the job,” said Ken. “I talked to a Mrs. Hillsmierer.” “Really?,” said the giant. “Are you sure you want to work here? This is a dangerous job you’re trying out for, bud.” “The advertisement didn’t say anything about danger,” said Ken. “Why would it?,” said the giant. He leaned a hip on the desk. “You don’t just tell people they might have their faces fried off on the first day. Then no one would apply.” “Do people have their faces fried off on the first day?,” asked Ken. “You’d be surprised,” said the giant. His bald head reflected a blue light from his dark skin. Ken couldn’t figure out where the source could be. “Why don’t you sit down? We can have a chat while you’re waiting for Janie and Mark to get back.” “Okay,” said Ken. He sat down in the visitor’s chair indicated by the other man. “What would you like to talk about?” “Let’s talk about your criminal record,” said the giant. “That was a long time ago,” said Ken. “Most of our systems are computerized,” said the Lamplighter. “Are you even able to use them without getting into trouble?” “Yes,” said Ken. “My probation ran out two weeks ago. I already filed my paperwork.” “So you want to talk about why a computer thief like yourself wants a job like this?,” said the giant. “I wasn’t a thief,” said Ken. “I just put some stuff online. Unfortunately, the government doesn’t like it when you expose one of their secrets.” “How many secrets did you expose for the betterment of mankind?,” the giant asked. “Just the one,” said Ken. “It was a doozy.” “It also got one hundred innocent people killed, did a million dollars in damage before the Mark could intervene, and unleashed a plague that might kill everyone on the planet given enough time,” said the giant. “If we can make it into space without becoming extinct, that last might work out all right.” “I didn’t mean for any of that to happen,” said Ken. “What did you think was going to happen?,” asked the giant. “I thought that exposing the government’s super weapon would help the world,” said Ken. “I mean they were building a biological weapon.” “Exposing it is what caused the break-in that unleashed it,” said the giant. “If you hadn’t done that, very few people would have known about the weapon. Fewer still would have known where it was.” “What would you have done?,” asked Ken. “I wouldn’t have dumped everything on the Internet for anyone to read for one thing,” the giant said. “I might have called DARPA from a payphone, or a one use cell, and told them how loose their computer security was. I might have kept things to myself and watched what was going on from a distance.” “But they were going to use it,” said Ken. “How?,” said the giant. “I saw an order for it to be deployed,” said Ken. “It was a standby order in case something bad threatened to happen without interference,” said the giant. “I didn’t know,” said Ken. “I was thirteen.” “Thirteen and unable to do the thing you love,” said the giant. He sat behind the desk. “Why should we take you in and let you loose in our systems so you can dump our files out on the Internet for everyone to read.” “I learned my lesson,” said Ken. “I made a bad decision. I understand why you wouldn’t want to give me a chance, but I need the job, and I want to do something good.” “Go ahead and look at these boards,” said the giant. He pushed a picture down on the desk with a big hand. “They’re not sending the correct signals to each other.” “Is this some kind of test?,” asked Ken. “I’m not the one hiring you,” said the giant. “If you can prove you still have your touch, Mark might hire you despite your record. If you can’t, he might just send you packing. He’s lost a lot of empathy for others when he lost his eye.” “How did that happen?,” asked Ken. He picked up the two boards and examined them as he thought about their shape, and the way things were laid on them. “He zigged when he should have zagged,” said the other man. Ken paused to consider those words. He thought about what it meant to lose an eye because you made the wrong move. The other man nodded at the hesitation. “Lamplighting is a business that deals with problems that no one else can deal with and it is dangerous,” said the giant. “I understand if you want to walk away and get another job. If I were in your shoes, I would.” “Have you been hurt on the job?,” asked Ken. He placed the pieces back on the desk and pulled out his Swiss Army knife. He extended a blade he could use to work on the electronics. “Yes,” said the other man. “I got hit hard a couple of times. I didn’t even get a chance to zig, much less zag.” “Sorry to hear that,” said Ken. “It happens,” said the giant. “If you say so,” said Ken. He poked at each of the boards. He realized he didn’t know what they were supposed to do. “Where did these come from?” “From this baby,” said the giant. He picked up a giant lantern off the floor by its handle. It had been concealed by the desk. He placed it on top of the desk. Ken frowned at the lantern. He didn’t see a flame inside of it. Why did it need electronics? Maybe he could do better with a reader, but he didn’t have one, and he wasn’t supposed to touch one until he paid his fines. Ken inspected the gap where the pieces went in the lamp. He frowned at the dust, and something else in the lamp. “Do you have any duster?,” Ken asked. “Right here,” said the other man. He grabbed a can of spray off a filing cabinet and handed it over. Ken sprayed the slot with the duster. Then he looked around and lucked into some cotton swabs. He used those to clean out the slots. Then he slid both pieces back into where they were supposed to go. He pressed the button on the side of the lamp. Blue flame exploded to life inside the chamber. He sat back. The giant nodded. “It looks like you still have your touch,” said the other man. He smiled. Ken put his knife away as he looked at the blue flame. Fixing it had seemed ridiculously easy. “What does this do?,” he asked. “It gives off light,” said the other man. Ken frowned at him. Of course a lamp gave off light. If it didn’t, it wouldn’t be a lamp. “I think Janie and Mark are back,” said the giant. “If you still want the job, just act like you don’t know anything, and don’t give off the vibe that you’re here to plunder the computer files.” “I just want a job,” said Ken. “Be humble and kind, and you’ll get it,” said the giant. He picked up the lamp. “I have to put this back where it belongs. Good luck, kid.” He turned and walked out of the office area. Ken thought he went upstairs, but realized that he wasn’t exactly sure how the giant was getting around. That bothered him for some reason. Ken stood at the sound of a small rumble. He looked around. A vehicle bay door rolled up to let a van roll into the building. Yellow lights flashed on the top of the van. People in jumpsuits piled out of the van. They chattered about whatever they had run into on their job. Ken didn’t understand the references. “How did you get in here?,” asked one of the men. He only had one eye, and didn’t bother covering his empty socket. “The door was open,” said Ken. “I’m Ken Aioki. I’m here about the job.” “The hacker,” said the one-eyed man. “I’m Hadron. Have you talked to Janie yet?” “No,” said Ken. “I think I was the only one here.” “Ever been in a fight?,” asked Hadron. He walked around to the other side of the desk and sat down. He frowned at it for a second. He righted the picture the giant had knocked over. A large hole was visible in his hand. “Not since the sixth grade,” said Ken. “As you are aware from the ad, this is dangerous work,” said Hadron. “Are you sure you want to take this on? You’ll be running most of the time, and trying not to get beaten like a rug the rest.” “I think I can handle that,” said Ken. “All right,” said Hadron. “Hey, Marcel! Take the new guy down to get him tested.” “I’m hired just like that?,” said Ken. “We always need someone we can consider expendable,” said Hadron. “When you get back, we’ll run the retina test and give you the package to fill out. After that, we’ll get you some target practice.” “How expendable am I?,” asked Ken. “If you have to ask, you don’t need to know,” said Marcel. “That doesn’t sound good,” said Ken. “How many of us are there?” “If you pass the retina scan, you’re number four,” said Marcel. “Don’t worry. If you’re getting a drug test, Hadron must think you’ll pass the eye test with no problems.” “What about the big guy?,” asked Ken. “Isn’t one,” said Marcel. “What do you mean?,” said Ken. “I just spent a few minutes talking to a big guy while I waited for you guys to come back.” “There’s no big guy,” said Marcel. “That’s probably why Hadron is going to hire you.” “No big guy?,” said Ken. “No,” said Marcel. “There’s me, the white guy, and the latina woman. Hadron is the boss, and Janie is his admin. There’s nobody else.” “Then who was I talking to?,” asked Ken. “Probably one of the dead Lamplighters,” said Marcel. He waited until Ken had buckled in before starting the engine. “What do you mean dead Lamplighters?,” said Ken. “The place is haunted,” said Marcel. “You’re not really sharp, are you?” “You’re joking,” said Ken. Marcel pulled out his phone as he drove through the city streets. He hooked it up to the van’s wifi and voice commanded it to search for the Lamplighters. He pulled to a stop at a red light. He took the chance to scroll up until he had a group picture from the Times. “Which one was yours?,” Marcel asked. “The big guy, Dyson Baker,” said Ken. “Makes sense,” said Marcel. “He made the original lamps.” “So the ghostbusting place is haunted,” said Ken. “Why?” “Maybe because they died on the job, and the lamps are holding on to them,” said Marcel. “The question is do you still want the job?” “I don’t really have anything to lose,” said Ken. “Keep telling yourself that,” said Marcel. “It’ll help you sleep at night.” “What helps you sleep at night?,” asked Ken. “I don’t,” said Marcel. He pulled to the curb in front of a small general medical services office. He looked at the traffic going by. “How expendable am I?,” Ken asked before he got out of the van. “You’re just as expendable as Hadron’s eye,” said Marcel. He turned to glance at his new co-worker. “Go do your thing. I’ll be waiting for you to take you back to the station.” “Why are you working for the company?,” Ken asked. He stood outside the van, looking in through the opened window. “Because my ghost said I couldn’t,” said Marcel. “And I’m proving him wrong every minute I am on the clock.” “That doesn’t seem like a good reason,” said Ken. “It’s all that I need,” said Marcel. “Go. I can’t sit out here all day.” “All right,” said Ken. He looked at the small office. Did he really want to die over a job? He walked in and set up to take his test. //233456
  5. John is the Revelator. He is perhaps the most feared of the Gospels even though his power is nothing more than to make people see and feel everything wrong they have ever done to anyone else. Some change their lives to be better. Some kill themselves when they see the truth. CES
  6. Jackie Chan Presents Amnesia. Bike Courier witnesses a murder, is forced off the road, suffers a blow that gives him face blindness. He is forced into figuring out what's going on without knowing who to trust, or recognizing them CES
  7. majestic had a source of information that allowed him to perceive things happening so that he could move in and stop the crisis almost before it started. Kelly Twain inherited that source and started putting it to use as Blue Book CES
  8. Harry Case was caught in an explosion caused by the Maine firing his cannon into a crowd by accident. He woke up in a weird hospital, covered in bandages. Then the doctors put Harry in a shell and asked him to do some work for them. Harry went rogue, using his new shell to earn the name Hard Case. CES
  9. Justice League and Suicide Squad also had two to three different directors and those directors had different styles CES
  10. DC animated movies and television shows are okay, but their big screen movies have sucked since Nolan's Batman Trilogy. They have only had three that have done well Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman. CES
  11. No. He still had his time travel device to return to the main timeline. The original husband in the original timeline was one of the agents from the television show and he was dead by the time Cap was thawed out. Cap replaces all the stones and Thor's hammer, then creates a timeline where he married Peggy instead of the original guy who she hadn't met yet. After her death, the snap, and the original time heist, and the death of the 2014 Thanos, he returns to the main branch to give Sam his shield. That's what we know. What we don't know is what did he do when he was Peggy's husband, and if he smoothed things out for that timeline to make things better. Did the Avengers start in the 50's? Did he destroy Arnim Zola's computer replacement? Did he nip the Hydra Infiltration in the bud? Did he recruit Hank Pym for Shield, and prevent Janet from being trapped in the quantum realm? Is Hope and Scott leading a third/fourth/fifth gen Avengers team with Cassie trying to get on the next generation? Does Cassie call Rocket Uncle Raccoon? CES
  12. I had a dream about a CSI investigation into a suspicious death brought on by a menage a trois CES
  13. I have to admit a lot more people would be dead with John Wick on the scene. CES
  14. The movies are using branching timeline rules so Cap going back in time means he created a timeline where he could retire with Peggy Carter while in this timeline he was still frozen and had to wait to be thawed out. The only question is did he retire, or did he spend the next few decades helping that timeline until he was thawed out. No one knows. All of this was explained in the movie. CES
  15. Inheriting Majestic's flying abilities, Mike Vincent has become the Comet. CES
  16. Watched some mysteries on Youtube like Redcap, Rebus, and McCallum 'CES
  17. Hey Massey, there is a slow motion version of the invasion of John WIck's house. How would that look CES
  18. Did the movie do well enough to adapt Van der Meer's other two books? CES
  19. I think Rumlow became Crossbones, so he might have been able to go at Cap by himself if he had been fighting any other place than an enclosed area where Cap could just body slam him hard. It's like taking on Mike Westen in a bathroom. CES
  20. Riley Vincent can turn any vehicle into his beloved Bean, a flying ship straight out of science fiction. While Riley doesn't actively conceal his identity, his friends call him UFO CES
  21. Zero Degree has an area effect weather power where he drops the ambient temperature down to zero fast enough to lethally shock human and mechanical systems. Snow forms from frozen moisture in the air. CES
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